The Royle Family (1998)
The Royale Family
Now and then comes along a perfect series (Fawlty Towers and The Office spring to mind) everybody loves them and everybody is right!! Any great show is built on the writing and the writing here is near perfect. Any show which can run over 18 episodes and 2 specials and only use 1 set AND be funny every time is genius!! Caroline Aherene has been quoted as saying this is her best work and she is right. Tha acting is the icing on the cake of course, with special mention to Sue Johnson who should get loads of work. The whole point is the exquisite, REAL language and very few visual gags. This looks and feels real all the time and runs through all human emotion; ultimately 'though it is a show about love. 11 out of 10!!!
Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Pride and Prejudice (1995 mini)
Can't believe that they are making a new film version! This is the creme De la creme and anyone who knows and loves the novel would see that it as near perfect as one could get!! All the characters are fully realised and perfectly cast, down to the smallest part, for example Maria Lucas who (as far as I know) has been left out of every other adaptation! There are one or two slight script errors (which only people who have watched it one thousand times like me would spot!!) but the acting is almost flawless- special nod should go to David Bamber as Mr Collins who has jumped from Miss Austen's 'little square of ivory' direct to the screen!- and all praise to the excellent Alison Steadman and Benjamin Whitrow and there will never be a prettier Lizzy Bennet (sorry Keira!!). A two hour film could never capture what a six hour mini series can and I can only think that loads will have been missed out!In my parallel universe this would have been a film on general release and would have won the 'big five' at the Oscars for Best Picture, Director, Actress (Ehle) Actor (Firth) and adapted screenplay (Davies) as well as nods for Supporting Actor for Bamber (Whitrow would also have been nominated!) and Supporting Actress for Alison Steadman (Susannah Harker would also have been nominated!) as well as costume design make -up etc!!!