Freaky follows in the footsteps of Happy Death Day by taking a classic movie trope and adapting it into a horror movie. Where Happy Death Day took Groundhog Day and applied to a girl's fatal birthday again, and again, and again, Freaky takes Freaky Friday and swaps the mother character for a Vorhees/Myers-esque serial killer, leaving a teenage girl in a grown man's body, and a killer offered the perfect cover of a high school outcast. Hilarity ensues, or at least so you'd presume, but in truth Freaky never really does anything particularly interesting with the body swap concept, and certainly doesn't achieve the freshness and charm of its predecessor.
To start with, Freaky's foundations are seeped in ridiculous high school clichés and stereotypes. Millie is a fairly average, shy teenage girl, bullied by the popular girls for not wearing expensive clothing (lol teenagers), has a crush on the nice jock, and has a chronic trouble with her sense of time. She also follows the Hollywood cliché of being played by an attractive young actress that they just expect us to accept actually looks below average. Whatever. Her friends are "black chick" and "gay best friend" and that's about as far as their personalities go. Her sister is "stoic cop" and her mother is "hopeless alcoholic", with the only dash of family drama being the recently deceased father figure.
The biggest crime here though is that of the serial killer, who's entire personality boils down to being menacingly silent. That fits the Vorhees/Myers approach they're aiming for, but it doesn't make for a particularly interesting body swap. Kathryn Newton is reduced to death glares for the majority of the movie, which is a shame because her pre-swap performance was pretty entertaining. It would've been nice for the killer to be of the more sociopathic kind, to allow both Vaughn and Newton to have a little more fun, rather than just Vaughn gallivanting around as a teenage girl. There was also some interesting missed potential here by having the killer returning to high school where his murderous tastes presumably began. Some kind of flashback or realisation for the killer would've been a tantalising touch. Instead it's just Millie who learns what it's like having a penis and the strength of a grown man. Then there's also the missed potential of the killer attempting to use this body swapping ability to stay forever hidden by swapping bodies constantly, but I guess that would've complicated matters for the simple minded. This body swap is a horrifically lopsided one.
The kills are bloody and some are really quite inventive, including force-feeding someone a bottle of wine until it shatters in their throat, or laying a guy out on a saw bench (ignoring the fact that, especially in a school, those saws have safety mechanisms to prevent loss of fingers). There's stabbings and impalings, and even a moment where a tennis racket is used as a brutal murder weapon. But it thankfully never gets to Saw levels of eurgh, although I admit that would've added a little more teeth to the proceedings.
Unfortunately the light-hearted/comedy aspect of the movie fell flat for me. It was pleasantly entertaining enough, but nothing laugh-out-loud. Millie exploring the flapability of her new cock and balls was endearing, and an awkward teenage kiss in the back of a car is about as much as you get. The rest of the comedic efforts were more like annoyances. The gay kid trying to explain why there was a girl tied up in the dining room felt like it was trying too hard, and any reference to other movies were just cheap shots at eliciting a reaction from the audience.
Freaky was certainly not worth the two-year wait, and certainly didn't live up to Happy Death Day by any stretch of the imagination. It was full of bad clichés, unintentional overacting, and didn't explore it's concept nearly well enough. Bar the body swap it otherwise felt like a super mediocre version of Scream, which is something that has already been done multiple times by now. I give Freaky an underwhelming 5/10.
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