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0+0 > 0: C++ thread-local storage performance

February 17th, 2025

We'll discuss how to make sure that your access to TLS (thread-local storage) is fast. If you’re interested strictly in TLS performance guidelines and don't care about the details, skip right to the end — but be aware that you’ll be missing out on assembly listings of profound emotional depth, which can shake even a cynical, battle-hardened programmer. If you don’t want to miss out on that — and who would?! — read on, and you shall learn the computer-scientific insight behind the intriguing inequality 0+0 > 0.

I’ve recently published a new C++ profiler, funtrace, which traces function calls & returns as well as thread state changes, showing an execution timeline like this (the screenshot is from Krita, a “real-world,” complicated drawing program):


One thing a software-based tracing profiler needs is a per-thread buffer for traced data. Actually it would waste less memory for all threads to share the same buffer, and this is how things “should” work in a system with some fairly minimal hardware support for tracing, which I suggested in the funtrace writeup, and which would look roughly like this:


But absent such trace data writing hardware, the data must be written using store instructions through the caches1. So many CPUs sharing a trace buffer results in them constantly yanking lines from each other’s caches in order to append to the buffer, with a spectacular slowdown. And then you'd need to synchronize updates to the current write position — still more slowdown. A shared buffer can be fine for user-initiated printing, but it’s too slow for tracing every call and return.

So per-thread buffers it is — bringing us to C++’s thread_local keyword, which gives each thread its own copy of a variable in the global scope — perfect for our trace buffers, it would seem. But it turns out that we need to be careful with exactly how we use thread_local to keep our variable access time from exploding, as explained in the rest of this document.

The C toolchain — not the C++ compiler front-end, but assemblers, linkers and such — is generally quite ossified, with decades-old linker bugs enshrined as a standard2. TLS is an interesting case when this toolchain was actually given quite the facelift to support a new feature — with the result of simple, convenient syntax potentially hiding fairly high overhead (contrary to the more typical case of inconvenient syntax, no new work in the toolchain, and resource use being fairly explicit.)

At first glance, TLS looks wonderfully efficient, with a whole machine register dedicated to making access to these exotic variables fast, and a whole scheme set up in the linker to use this register. Let’s take this code accessing a thread_local object named tls_obj:

int get_first() {
  return tls_obj.first_member;

This compiles to the following assembly code:

  movl  %fs:tls_obj@tpoff, %eax

This loads data from the address of tls_obj into the %eax register where the return value should go. The address of tls_obj is computed by adding the value of the register %fs and the constant offset tls_obj@tpoff. Here, %fs is the TLS base address register on x86; other machines similarly reserve a register for this. tls_obj@tpoff is an offset from the base address of the TLS area allocated per thread, and it’s assigned by the linker such that room is reserved within the TLS area for every thread_local object in the linked binary. Is this awesome or what?!


If instead we access a thread_local object with a constructor — let's call it tls_with_ctor — we get assembly code like this (and this is with -O3 – you really don’t want to see the unoptimized version of this):

  cmpb  $0, %fs:__tls_guard@tpoff
  je    .slow_path
  movl  %fs:tls_with_ctor@tpoff, %eax
  // inlined call to __tls_init, which constructs
  // all the TLS variables in this translation unit…
  pushq %rbx
  movq  %fs:0, %rbx
  movb  $1, %fs:__tls_guard@tpoff
  leaq  tls_with_ctor@tpoff(%rbx), %rdi
  call  Class::Class()
  leaq  tls_with_ctor2@tpoff(%rbx), %rdi
  call  Class2::Class2()
  // …followed by our function’s code
  movl    %fs:tls_with_ctor@tpoff, %eax
  popq  %rbx

Our simple access to a register plus offset has evolved to first check a thread-local “guard variable”, and if it’s not yet set to 1, it now calls the constructors for all of the thread-local objects in the translation unit. (__tls_guard is an implicitly generated static, per-translation-unit boolean.)

While funtrace’s call/return hooks, which get their trace buffer pointer from TLS, are called all the time, access to thread_locals should be more rare in “normal” code — so not sure it’s fair to brand this __tls_guard approach as having “unacceptable overhead.” Of course, the inlining only happens if your thread_local is defined in the same translation unit where you access it; accessing an extern thread_local with a constructor involves a function call, with the function testing the guard variable of the translation unit where the thread_local is defined. But with inlining, the fast path is quite fast on a good processor (I come from an embedded background where you usually have cheap CPUs rather than good, so an extra load and a branch depending on the loaded value shock me more than they should; a superscalar out-of-order branch-predicting speculatively-executing CPU will handle this just fine.)

What I don’t understand is why. Like, why. Generating this code must have taken a bunch of compiler work; it didn’t “just happen for free.” Furthermore, the varname@tpoff thing must have involved some linker work; it’s not like keeping the linker unchanged was a constraint. Why not arrange for the __tls_init function of every translation unit (the one that got inlined into the slow path above) to be called before a thread’s entry point is called? Because it would require a little bit of libc or libpthread work?..

I mean, this was done for global constructors. You don’t check whether you called the global constructors of a translation unit before accessing a global with a constructor (and sure, that would have been even slower than the TLS init code checking __tls_guard, because it would need to have been a thread-safe guard variable access; though even this was implemented for calling the constructors of static variables declared inside functions, see also -fno-threadsafe-statics.) It’s not really harder to do this for TLS constructors than for global constructors, except that we need pthread_create to call this code, which, why not?..

Is this a deliberate performance tradeoff, benefitting code with lots of thread_locals and starting threads constantly, with each thread using few of the thread_locals, and some thread_locals having slow constructors3? But such code isn't great to begin with?.. Anyway, I don’t really get why the ugly thing above is generated from thread_locals’ constructors. The way I handled it in my case is, funtrace sidesteps the TLS constructor problem by interposing pthread_create, and initializing its thread_locals in its pthread_create wrapper.

Shared libraries

And now let’s see what happens when we put our thread-local variable, the one without a constructor, into a shared library (compiling with -fPIC and linking with -shared):

push %rbp
mov  %rsp,%rbp
data16 lea tls_obj(%rip),%rdi
data16 data16 callq __tls_get_addr@plt
mov  (%rax),%eax
pop  %rbp

All this colorful code is generated instead of what used to be a single movl %fs:tls_obj@tpoff, %eax. More code was generated than before, forcing us to spill and restore registers. But the worst part is that our TLS access now requires a function call — we need __tls_get_addr to find the TLS area of the currently running shared library.

Why don’t we just use the same code as before — the movl instruction — with the dynamic linker substituting the right value for tls_obj@tpoff? This is an honest question; I don’t understand why this isn’t a job for the dynamic linker like any other kind of dynamic relocation. Is this to save work in libc again?.. Like, for tls_obj@tpoff to be an offset from the same base address no matter which shared library tls_obj was linked into, you would need the TLS areas of all the shared libraries to be allocated contiguously:

But for this, libc would need to do this contiguous allocation, and of course you can’t move the TLS data once you’ve allocated it, since someone might be keeping pointers into it4. So you need to carve out a chunk of the memory space — no biggie with a 64-bit or even “just” a 48-bit address space, right?.. — and you need to put the executable’s TLS at some magic address with mmap and then you keep mmaping the TLS areas of newly loaded .so’s one next to another.

But this now becomes a part of the ABI (“these addresses are reserved for TLS”), and I guess nobody wanted to soil the ABI this way “just” to make TLS fast for shared libraries?.. In any case, looks like TLS areas are allocated non-contiguously and so you need a different base address every time and you can’t use an offset… but still, couldn’t the dynamic linker bake this address into the code, instead of calling a function to get it?.. Feels to me that this was doable but deemed not worth the trouble, more than it being impossible, though maybe I’m missing something.

A curious bit is those data165 in the code:

data16 lea tls_obj(%rip),%rdi
data16 data16 callq __tls_get_addr@plt

What is this for?.. Actually, the data16 prefix does nothing in this context except padding the instructions to take more space, making things slightly slower still, though it’s peanuts compared to the function call. Why does the compiler put this padding in? Because if you compile with -fPIC but then link the code into an executable, without the -shared, the function call gets replaced with faster code:

push %rbp
mov  %rsp,%rbp
mov  %fs:0x0,%rax
lea  -0x4(%rax),%rax
mov  (%rax),%eax
pop  %rbp

The generated code is still scarred with the register spilling and what-not, and we don’t get our simple movl %fs:tls_obj@tpoff, %eax back, but still, we have to be very thankful for the compiler & linker work here, done for the benefit of the many people whose build system compiles everything with -fPIC, including code that is then linked without -shared (because who knows if the .o will be linked into a shared library or an executable? It’s not like the build system knows the entire graph of build dependencies — wait, it actually does — but still, it obviously shouldn’t be bothered to find out if -fPIC is needed — this type of mundane concern would just distract it from its noble goal of Scheduling a Graph of Completely Generic Tasks. Seriously, no C++ build system out there stoops to this - not one, and goodness knows there are A LOT of them.)

In any case, the data16s are generated by the compiler to make the red instructions take enough space for the green instructions to fit into, in case we link without -shared after all.

Constructors in shared libraries

And now let’s see what happens if we put (1) a thread_local object with (2) a constructor into a shared library, for a fine example of how 2 of C++’s famously “zero-overhead” features compose. We’ve all heard how “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” occasionally expressed by the peppier HRy people as “1 + 1 = 3.” I suggest a similarly inspiring expression “0 + 0 > 0”, which quite often applies to “zero overhead”:

sub  $0x8,%rsp
callq TLS init function for tls_with_ctor@plt
data16 lea tls_with_ctor(%rip),%rdi
data16 data16 callq __tls_get_addr@plt
mov  (%rax),%eax
add  $0x8,%rsp

So, now we have 2 function calls — one for calling the constructor in case it wasn’t called yet, and another to get the address of the thread_local variable from its ID. Makes sense, except that I recall that under -O3, this “TLS init function” business was inlined, and now it no longer is? Say, I wonder what code got generated for this “TLS init function”?..

  subq  $8, %rsp
  leaq  __tls_guard@tlsld(%rip), %rdi
  call  __tls_get_addr@PLT
  cmpb  $0, __tls_guard@dtpoff(%rax)
  je    .slow_path
  addq  $8, %rsp
  movb  $1, __tls_guard@dtpoff(%rax)
  data16  leaq  tls_with_ctor@tlsgd(%rip), %rdi
  data16 data16 call  __tls_get_addr@PLT
  movq  %rax, %rdi
  call  Class::Class()@PLT
  data16  leaq  tls_with_ctor2@tlsgd(%rip), %rdi
  data16 data16 call  __tls_get_addr@PLT
  addq  $8, %rsp
  movq  %rax, %rdi
  jmp   Class2::Class2()@PLT

Oh boy. So not only doesn’t this thing get inlined, but it calls __tls_get_addr again, even on the fast path. And then you have the slow path, which calls __tls_get_addr again and again…not that we care, it runs just once, but it kinda shows that this __tls_get_addr business doesn’t optimize very well. I mean, it’s not just the slow path of the init code — here’s how a function accessing 2 thread_local objects with constructors looks like:

pushq   %rbx
call    TLS init function for tls_with_ctor@PLT
data16 leaq tls_with_ctor@tlsgd(%rip), %rdi
data16 data16 call __tls_get_addr@PLT
movl    (%rax), %ebx
call    TLS init function for tls_with_ctor2@PLT
data16 leaq tls_with_ctor2@tlsgd(%rip), %rdi
data16 data16 call __tls_get_addr@PLT
addl    (%rax), %ebx
movl    %ebx, %eax
popq    %rbx

Like… man. This calls __tls_get_addr 4 times, twice per accessed thread_local (once directly, and once from the “TLS init functions”).

Why do we call 2 “TLS init function for whatever” when both do the same thing — check the guard variable and run the constructors of all objects in the translation unit (and in this case the two objects are defined in the same translation unit, the same one where the function is defined)? Is it because in the general case, the two objects come from 2 different translation units?

And what about the __tls_get_addr calls to get the addresses of the objects themselves? Why call that twice? Why not call something just once that gives you the base address of the module’s TLS, and then add offsets to it? Is it because in the general case, the two objects could come from 2 different shared libraries?

And BTW, with clang 20 (the latest version ATM), it’s seemingly enough for one thread-local object in a translation unit to have a constructor for the compiler to generate a “TLS init function” for every thread-local object, and call it when the object is accessed… so, seriously, don’t use thread_local with constructors, even if you don’t care about the overhead, as long as there’s even one thread_local object where you do care about access time.

On the other hand, clang has an optimization, where access to several thread_locals with hidden visibility6 is indeed optimized such that __tls_get_addr is only called once (instead of twice the number of accessed thread_locals), and then we add a per-variable offset to access each thread_local. It turns out that a big part of the answer to the question "why call __tls_get_addr per variable?" is that with the default visibility, variables could be interposed at runtime, and so the compiler can't assume that they're defined by the same shared library, even if it's compiling a .cpp file that defines all of the accessed variables.

Of course, the other part of the answer is that it takes work to implement this optimization; according to the comment that I learned this from, this optimization is not available on all platforms in clang, and I'm not seeing it in g++ on x86. A smaller problem is that as you can see in the code below, with the current code generation, there's lots of register spilling and restoring going on which I can't really explain (even if I look at the slow path which I elided in the assembly listing below, since it's hairy enough as it is):

pushq   %rbp
pushq   %r15
pushq   %r14
pushq   %rbx
pushq   %rax
leaq    __tls_guard@TLSLD(%rip), %rdi
callq   __tls_get_addr@PLT
movq    %rax, %rbx
cmpb    $0, __tls_guard@DTPOFF(%rax)
je      .slow_path
movl    tls_with_ctor@DTPOFF(%rbx), %ebp
addl    tls_with_ctor2@DTPOFF(%rbx), %ebp
movl    %ebp, %eax
addq    $8, %rsp
popq    %rbx
popq    %r14
popq    %r15
popq    %rbp

Note that if you compile with -fPIC but then link without -shared, even the single call to __tls_get_addr gets replaced with the much faster, if quite colorful instruction data16 data16 data16 mov %fs:0x0,%rax. All in all, an impressive effort by clang to optimize TLS access from shared objects; yet on net balance, I think it's fair to recommend putting data into a smaller number of thread_locals and avoiding constructors, rather than counting on visibility to improve the code generation.

So what does that famous __tls_get_addr function do? Here’s the fast path:

mov  %fs:DTV_OFFSET, %RDX_LP
mov  GL_TLS_GENERATION_OFFSET+_rtld_local(%rip), %RAX_LP
cmp  %RAX_LP, (%rdx)
jne  .slow_path
salq $4, %rax
movq (%rdx,%rax), %rax
cmp  $-1, %RAX_LP
je   .slow_path

These 11 instructions on the fast path enable lazy allocation of a shared library’s TLS — every thread only allocates a TLS for a given shared library upon its first attempt to access one of its thread-local variables. (Each “variable ID” passed to __tls_get_addr is a pointer to a struct with module ID and an offset within that module’s TLS; __tls_get_addr checks whether TLS was allocated for the module, and if it wasn’t, calls __tls_get_addr_slow in order to allocate it.)

Is this lazy allocation the answer to why the whole thing is so slow? Do we really want to only call constructors for thread-local variables upon first use, and ideally to even allocate memory for them upon first use? Note that we allocate memory for all the thread_locals in a shared library upon the first use of even one; but we call constructors for all the thread_locals in a translation unit upon the first use of even one; which is a bit random for the C++ standard to prescribe, not to mention that it doesn’t really concern itself with dynamic loading? So it’s more, the standard gave implementations room to do this, rather than prescribed them to do this?.. I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer a contiguous allocation for all the TLS areas of all the modules in all the threads, and fast access to the variables over this lazy allocation and initialization; I wonder if this was a deliberate tradeoff or “just how things ended up being.”

Summary of performance guidelines

Future work

It annoys me to no end that the funtrace runtime has to be linked into the executable to avoid the price of __tls_get_addr. (This also means that funtrace must export its runtime functions from the executable, which precludes shared libraries using the funtrace runtime API (for taking trace snapshots) from linking with -Wl,--no-undefined.)

I just want a tiny thread-local struct. It can’t be that I can’t do that efficiently without modifying the executable, so that for instance a Python extension module can be traced without recompiling the Python executable. Seriously, there’s a limit to how idiotic things should be able to get.

I’m sure there’s some dirty trick or other, based on knowing the guts of libc and other such, which, while dirty, is going to work for a long time, and where you can reasonably safely detect if it stopped working and upgrade it for whatever changes the guts of libc will have undergone. If you have an idea, please share it! If not, I guess I’ll get to it one day; I released funtrace before getting around to this bit, but generally, working around a large number of stupid things like this is a big chunk of what I do.

Knowing what you shouldn’t know

If I manage to stay out of trouble, it’s rarely because of knowing that much, but more because I’m relatively good at 2 other things: knowing what I don’t know, and knowing what I shouldn’t know. To look at our example, you could argue that the above explanations are shallower than they could be — I ask why something was done instead of looking up the history, and I only briefly touch on what TI_MODULE_OFFSET and TI_OFFSET_OFFSET (yes, TI_OFFSET_OFFSET) are, and I don’t say a word about GL_TLS_GENERATION_OFFSET, for example, and I could.

I claim that the kind of things we saw around __tls_get_addr is an immediate red flag along the lines of, yes I am looking into low-level stuff, but no, nothing good will come out of knowing this particular bit very well in the context that I’m in right now; maybe I’ll be forced to learn it sometime, but right now this looks exactly like stuff I should avoid rather than stuff I should learn.

I don’t know how to generalize the principle to make it explicit and easy to follow. All I can say right now is that the next section has examples substantiating this feeling; you mainly want to avoid __tls_get_addr, because even people who know it very well, because they maintain it and everything related to it, run into problems with it.

I’ve recently been seeing the expression “anti-intellectualism” used by people criticizing arguments along the lines of “this is too complex for me to understand, so this can’t be good.” While I agree that we want some more concrete argument about why something isn’t worth understanding than “I don’t get it, and I would get it if it was any good,” I implore not to call this “anti-intellectualism,” lest we implicitly crown ourselves as “intellectuals” over the fact that we understand what TI_OFFSET_OFFSET is. It’s ridiculous enough that we’re called “knowledge workers,” when the “knowledge” referred to in this expression is the knowledge of what TI_OFFSET_OFFSET is.

Workarounds for shared libraries

Like I said, it annoys me to no end that TLS access is slow for variables defined in shared libraries. Readers suggested quite a few workarounds, "dirty" to varying degrees:

"Inlining" pthread_getspecific

There's a pthreads API for allocating "thread-specific keys" which is a form of TLS. Calling pthread_getspecific upon every TLS access isn't any better than calling __tls_get_addr. But we can "inline" the code of glibc's implementation, and if we can make sure that our key is the first one allocated, it will take just a couple of assembly instructions (loading a pointer from %fs with a constant offset, and then loading our data from that pointer):

#define tlsReg_ (__extension__( \
  { char*r; __asm ("mov %%fs:0x10,%0":"=r"(r)); r; }))

inline void *pxTlsGetLt32_m(pthread_key_t Pk){
  return *(void**)(tlsReg_+0x310+sizeof(void*[2])*Pk+8);
void* getKey0(void) {
  return pxTlsGetLt32_m(0);

getKey0 compiles to:

  mov  %fs:0x10,%rax
  mov  0x318(%rax),%rax

Compiling with -ftls-model=initial-exec

It turns out that there's something called the "initial exec TLS model", where a TLS access costs you 2 instructions and no function calls:

movq tls_obj@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %rax
movl %fs:(%rax), %eax

You can also make just some variables use this model with __attribute((tls_model("initial-exec"))), instead of compiling everything with -ftls-model=initial-exec, which might be very useful since the space for such variables is a scarce resource as we'll see shortly.

This method is great if you can LD_PRELOAD your library, or link the executable against it so that it becomes DT_NEEDED. Otherwise, this may or may not work at runtime:

the shared object generally needs to be an immediately loaded shared object. The linker sets the DF_STATIC_TLS flag to annotate a shared object with initial-exec TLS relocations.

glibc ld.so reserves some space in static TLS blocks and allows dlopen on such a shared object if its TLS size is small. There could be an obscure reason for using such an attribute: general dynamic and local dynamic TLS models are not async-signal-safe in glibc. However, other libc implementations may not reserve additional TLS space for dlopen'ed initial-exec shared objects, e.g. musl will error.

Faster __tls_get_addr with -mtls-dialect=gnu2

It turns out there's a faster __tls_get_addr which you can opt into using. This is still too much code for my taste; but if you're intereseted in the horrible details, you can read the comment where I found out about this.

See also

Various compiler and runtime issues make this slow stuff even slower, and it takes a while to get it fixed. If you stay within the guidelines above, you should avoid such problems; if you don’t, you might have more problems than described above — including both performance and correctness:

If you’re not quite following some of the above, this sort of makes my point about __tls_get_addr being undesirable, though I am not sure how to defend this way of making a point in the general case.

Thanks to Dan Luu for reviewing a draft of this post.

  1. You could instead write the data straight to DRAM, by putting your trace buffer into memory mapped with the “uncached” attribute in the processor’s page table. But operating systems don’t make it very easy to allocate such memory, and for good reason — this can save you cache-related overheads, but writing 64-bit words to DRAM wastes 7/8ths of the bandwidth, since DRAM writes work in “bursts” of 64 bytes. That’s why CPUs use DRAM bandwidth efficiently when writing back full cache lines, but not when writing individual words to uncached memory. And of course none of this would help with maintaining a next write position variable shared between threads.↩︎

  2. The nature of C++ combines with human nature in such a way that people often want to have some Registry of Plugins, with some libmyplugin.a implementing a MyPlugin derived from Plugin and calling Registry::add(this) in the constructor of MyPlugin g_plugin. Of course this runs into the following wonderful provision in the standard: “It is implementation-defined whether initialization happens before main is entered or is delayed until the first non-initialization odr-use of a non-inline definition in the same translation unit as the one containing the variable definition.” Which of course is a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem, as nothing from libmyplugin.a ever gets executed unless the plugin is added to the registry — but it’s not going to be added to the registry “until something from the plugin gets executed” (though in practice it will happen earlier, before main — what actually happens is that the linker notices that a symbol from the translation unit gets used and then doesn’t drop all the code from the translation unit defining the global constructor; the language in the standard just gives implementations the maximal possible leeway to make your life miserable.) I refer to the standard accepting this nonsense (where your code works if it’s kept in a .cpp that’s compiled into a .o and then linked, but not if the .o is put into a lib.a and then the lib.a is linked) and filing it under legitimate “implementation-defined” behavior as “enshrining decades-old bugs as a standard,” though you could say that it’s not a bug as much as the linker not bothering to implement an obviously correct behavior that was not a part of its original specification. I had other examples from my time of transitioning from gold to lld and mold, but thankfully they have largely faded from my memory.↩︎

  3. Apparently we can say that it's trade-off made by the implementation since the standard permits implementations to choose any time for calling the constructor of a thread_local before the first use, same as it does for "normal" global variables, where implementations normally choose to call the constructor before main unconditionally, without having a guard variable for lazy initialization: "3.7.2/2 [basic.stc.thread]: A variable with thread storage duration shall be initialized before its first odr-use (3.2) and, if constructed, shall be destroyed on thread exit."↩︎

  4. You also can’t really deallocate a TLS area when a shared library is unloaded if you allocate them all contiguously — you could theoretically reuse that area for the TLS of another shared library, but only if it fits into that address range; you could unmap the physical pages and have the OS use them for other allocation requests, but you might be stuck with the virtual address space range of the TLS area, with no uses for it in sight. Is this very unlikely case — lots of dlopen/dlclose and no dlopening of the same previously dlclosed library where it would fit perfectly into the “TLS address range gap” — one reason this kind of design would be rejected?.. Like, I’d still totally do it, and I did a bunch of work of this sort, but maybe it offends the sensibilities of most people doing these things?..↩︎

  5. Actually two data16 prefixes are so pointless that while gdb disassembles this instruction sequence just fine, the GNU assembler presumably refuses to assemble it, so the compiler generates the delightfully self-explanatory code .value 0x6666 (0x66 being the encoding of data16) followed by rex64 and then the call. I don’t know why gdb’s disassembler doesn’t show us the rex64; I’m not by any measure an x86 guy. I’m just someone who thinks that this stuff has to work somehow and there must be a way to make it do the thing you want, and I try to learn enough to seem to be able to do it when I need it.↩︎

  6. You set the visibility to "hidden" with -fvisibility-hidden, __attribute__((visibility ("hidden"))), or [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]↩︎