San Francisco Call, Volume 94, Number 163, 6 January 1914 — Johnson Out for Re-election FIGURES SHOW S.F. GAIN [ARTICLE]
Johnson Out for Re-election FIGURES SHOW S.F. GAIN
HU! GOING IN SENATE FIGHT Graft Prosecutor Shies Castor in Ring Following Statement by Governor
After months of indecision. Governor Hiram Johnson clarified the political atmosphere this morning by •throwing his hat into the gubernatorial ring. In a statement issued from Sacramento the state executive throws down the lines of battle, confines himself to the ambition of the party of Roosevelt and Johnson to keep the whip hand in California. HEXEI OIT KOR SE\ ITE Francis J. Heney immediately declared himself in the race for the toga. A remarkable feature of Johnson's statement was his declaration that he would have preferred to run for the United States senate. This is 'laken to mean that he yielded to a desire for party harmony. The race for the senate is now between Heney, Chester Rowell and Attorney general Webb, whose hat was thrown into the ring by friends today. John M. Eehleman, president of the railroad commission, said today: “I have not been and am not now a candidate for any office." Progressive lieutenants are frank to admit that the decision of Johnson to quit his ambition for the toga was reached after endless discussions of the interests of the party. ESHLEMAX NOT IIIXXIXG John M. Eshleman, president of the railroad commission, on his return from Los Angeles stated that lie had not been and was not now a candidate for any office, nor would Governor Johnsons decision, which Eshleman said he considered a matter of congratulation for the party, affect his position in this respect. Hut for the action of Francis J. Heney two weeks ago, gossip is that Eshleman would have been a candidate for the governorship, and Johnson followed his inclination of entering the senatorial lists. STATEMENT BV GOVERNOR Governor Johnson's announcement of his position reads: “I hoped at the expiration of my term of office to take up my life where I left it in 1910, and with my boys resume the practice of my profession. But the men and women who in the last three years have placed California in the very lead of the progressive states of the union insist upon another candidacy by me, and they have very earnestly asserted that the new movement so auspiciously commenced and maintained; the fruition and perpetuation of the policies they have inaugurated demands I that I continue the fight. "No one man in the union or in the j state is essential to the cause or the i policies, but there has come such a ' unanimous voice from the men and ■ women who have made the good ! fight in California, who 1 know speak from the heart, that I relinquish iny own views and accept theirs. ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY "I have never held but one office, : and I had hoped never again to become a candidate before the people; but if it is true that with the commencement of a new era in this state and under the present administration there has come to me the obligation to continue in political activity, I have no wish to shirk the responsibility; and solely because of the obligation that is claimed to rest upon me 1 shall forego my cherished views and yield to those who I feel certain hold the best interests of California even higher than their friendship and loyalty to me. "Very many, both progressives and others, have asked me to become a candidate for United States senator, and if the candidacy on my part be necessary and I were to consult my personal desires alone I should prefer (his. ftut if I must yield my hope of
retirement this year I will be governed in my course solely to carry forward the cause that is so dear to me and to maintain and preserve what lias been done in my native state. WILL SOLICIT NO VOTES “Accordingly I shall become a candidate for governor again. But in this candidacy, as in my previous candidacy and during the three years of my administration, I shall not yield one particle of the independence that 1 prize more highly than my office, nor shall I personally solicit the vote of any elector. "1 snail with all the vigor and ability that I possess piesent to the people the record, the work and the accomplishments of this administration and leave with them the determination of whether they desire to retire to the old conditions repudiated in 1910 or wish a continuance of the policies that have made California the most progressive state in the nation.” HENEY MAKES STATEMENT The statement of Francis J. Heney declaring his candidacy for the senate is In part as follows: “Ninety-five per cent of the progressives throughout this state will hail with delight the decision of Governor Johnson to become a candidate for re-election to the office which he now holds. It was under his leadership and call to arms that the progressive party of this state was organized just one month ago. The highest interests of the progressive movement, of which lie is the official and titular head in this state, demands and requires this action on his part. "During the progressive conference here last month 1 announced that I would withdraw from my candidacy for the United States senate if Governor Johnson desired to become a candidate for that office, and that I would give him my loyal and active support. "One week later through tlie press I reiterated to the public that 1 would not tie a candidate for the United States senate if Governor Johnson concluded to run for that office hut that in such event I would be a candidate for ihe office of governor. "In view of Governor Johnson's statement I will, of course, continue my candidacy for the United States senate."