Engineering Teams
Core Teams
Fedora Engineering Steering Committee — FESCo is the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee. It is a fully community elected body and represents the technical leadership in Fedora.
Fedora Package Maintainers — Documentation for community members involved in Fedora package maintenance.
Fedora Infrastructure — Everything you need to know about Fedora’s infrastructure and the people running it.
Fedora QA — This docs outlines all the activities you can get involved in to help with Fedora QA (Quality Assurance) and is meant to guide you through the QA ecosystem.
CLE - The Community Linux Engineering Team is a Red Hat team dedicated to the Fedora and CentOS projects where they contribute to the infrastructure and release engineering.
Fedora Editions
Workstation Working Group — Information about the group behind Fedora Workstation
Server Working Group - Information about the work on Fedora Server Edition
IoT — Fedora’s Internet of Things platform.
Initiatives & Special Interest Teams
Fedora Modularity — Modularity introduces an optional Modular repository that provides additional versions of software on independent lifecycles.
Fedora Containers — Here you will find Documentation and Guidelines regarding creation, usage and maintainance of Containers in Fedora.
NeuroFedora — NeuroFedora is an initiative to provide a ready to use Fedora based Free/Open source software platform for neuroscience.
Fedora Teleirc SIG — The Teleirc SIG is a volunteer-driven group to manage Teleirc bridge bots.
Fedora CI — Fedora Continuous Integration Portal
Fedora ELN — Buildroot and compose process using Rawhide to emulate Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Fedora Minimization Objective — Home of the Fedora Minimization Objective.
i3 SIG - Documentation for the Fedora Special Interest Group centered about the i3wm window manager.
Fedora Gaming — Learn all about gaming and game development on Fedora.
Fedora Minimal Spin — A Fedora spin focusing on having a minimal footprint while maintaining a great degree of customizability.
Other Engineering Resources
Flatpak in Fedora — Learn how to build Flatpaks out of Fedora RPM packages.
Fedora Accounts — Learn Fedora Accounts, the authentication system used throughout the Fedora Project.
Releases — Information about release planning and processes.
Defensive Coding Guide — Guidelines for improving software security in Fedora through secure coding.
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