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Comitê Diretor de Engenharia do Fedora

FESCo é o Comitê Diretor de Engenharia do Fedora (Fedora Engineering Steering Committee). É um corpo eleito pela comunidade e representa a liderança técnica do Fedora.

Missão geral

O FESCo lida com o processo de aceitação de novos recursos, a aceitação de novos patrocinadores de empacotadores, Grupos de Interesse Especial (SIGs) e Supervisão SIG, o processo de empacotamento, tratamento e aplicação de questões do mantenedor e outras questões técnicas relacionadas à distribuição e sua construção.

Tarefas e responsabilidades comuns

O FESCo é responsável pelas questões técnicas e coordenação dos recursos técnicos do projeto.

As questões que o FESCo trata incluem:

  • Aprovação e coordenação de mudanças para lançamentos do Fedora.

  • Disputas entre mantenedores de pacote

  • Mudanças maiores na coleção de pacotes Fedora

  • Orientação e direção técnica para outras partes do projeto

  • Configurando a programação dos ciclos de desenvolvimento do Fedora.

  • Revisão e aprovação do conteúdo técnico dos grupos de trabalho do Fedora (documentos de requisitos do produto, entregas, processos).

  • Responsável por qual software é oferecido aos usuários finais em quais condições.

  • Supervisão e aprovação de novos spins e outras mídias que não cabem em um grupo de trabalho.

FESCo has empowered the FPC (Fedora Packaging Committee) to handle management of packaging guidelines, so those items are usually deferred to them with occasional FESCo oversight.

Candidates for FESCo should be people who have a wide breadth of knowledge about the Fedora Project as a whole and who understand how the many different pieces fit together. Ideal candidates should also have a history of fostering inter-team coordination.

FESCo has a designate for each Working Group that coordinates with that Group and communicates back to FESCo any issues or concerns. Currently there are: Workstation, Server and Atomic Working groups.


A cadeira está em rotação.

Suas entrevistas para as eleições anteriores estão publicadas no Community Blog.

A página de Membros anteriores do comitê contém uma lista dos membros anteriores. A página Atualizando membros do FESCo descreve os passos necessários para atualizar os membros do FESCo após uma eleição.

Ticket Votes (Preferred)

FESCo tracks all ongoing decisions using the FESCo Ticketing System. Generally, tickets are of four types: tickets asking for FESCo’s advice, tickets asking for a specific policy or technical change to occur, tickets for non-responsive maintainers, and tickets for proven packagers. Tickets for non-resposive maintainers have their own voting policy#steps, and also tickets for proven packagers have their own voting policy#_becoming_provenpackager, and the rest of this section does not apply to them.

When FESCo’s opinion is sought and a ticket has been opened, FESCo will either reply to that ticket with a proposal or add it to the agenda of the next weekly meeting for discussion.

Once a formal proposal is made in a ticket, voting will proceed. A Change ticket is assumed to be a a formal proposal upon creation.

Eligible voters on FESCo tickets are all currently-serving members of FESCo.

An official vote in a ticket must be one of +1, 0, -1:

  • +1 — I am in favor of the proposal as currently written.

  • 0 — I am removing myself from the list of voters required for majority for this proposal. This has no effect unless the ticket votes are used for a meeting vote.

  • -1 — I am opposed to the proposal as currently written. This topic must be discussed live in a meeting.

At the end of one week, if a proposal has at least 3 votes of +1 and no votes of -1 in the ticket, it is approved and may proceed with implementation. If there is at least one -1 vote, the ticket must be added to the upcoming meeting agenda and is subject to the Meeting Votes rules.

The person submitting the proposal or a FESCo member may request a proposal for "Fast Track", causing it to get approved immediately if it receives +7 without any -1 votes. Any -1 vote or an explicit request from a FESCo member removes the proposal from Fast Track, causing it to follow the normal procedure.

If there are insufficient +1 votes at the end of one week, one additional week will be granted. At the end of this period, if there is at least one +1 vote and no votes of -1, the proposal is approved. If there is at least one -1 vote, the ticket must be added to the upcoming meeting agenda and is subject to the Meeting Votes rules. If there are no votes at all, the proposal is considered rejected and the status quo will be maintained. The submitter may at this time make a new proposal which will be processed following the usual rules.

Tickets which are labeled as "Fast Track" must be retitled to include "[FastTrack]" and if they have not received enough votes in 48 hours, a FESCo member should send a reminder.

Meeting Votes

FESCo meets usually on a weekly basis, check the FESCo meeting process. You should verify the meeting date and time from the devel mail "Plan for tomorrow’s FESCo meeting" being sent in advance.

All requests for consideration by the steering committee (including group sponsorship requests and maintainer-ship issues) should be submitted as a ticket:

As reuniões exigem a presença da maioria da FESCo; se menos de cinco dos nove membros puderem comparecer a uma reunião, a reunião será cancelada.

At the meeting, a reasonable amount of time must be given for discussion. Once a proposal is made in the meeting, the vote will be tallied as follows:

Votes must be one of +1, 0, or -1, as described in Ticket Votes (Preferred).

In a meeting vote, a vote of 0 reduces the denominator of the fraction required to achieve the 51% majority. In effect, it says "I am agreeing to vote with the remaining majority, whatever they decide."

Any FESCo member is assumed to retain the last vote that they made in the ticket prior to the meeting. Note that this does not carry over to new proposals, with the exception of clarification edits.

If a vote in the meeting achieves a 51% majority of eligible voters, regardless of their attendance at the meeting and accounting for any explicit 0 votes, in favor of a proposal, that proposal is accepted.

If a vote in the meeting achieves a 51% majority of eligible voters, regardless of their attendance at the meeting and accounting for any explicit 0 votes, against a proposal, that proposal is rejected.

If a proposal in a meeting fails to achieve a majority either for or against, the FESCo members present must either:

  • Present a new proposal, restarting the meeting voting process.

  • Return the proposal to the ticket, restarting the ticket voting process above. All votes made in the meeting will be transferred to the ticket. (Note: negative votes recorded in this way do trigger discussion at the next meeting as normal). Once FESCo agrees to return the proposal to the ticket, all discussion in the current meeting on the topic is ended until that ticket vote has concluded with either a decision or is transferred to another meeting.


Você pode encontrar a agenda semanal do FESCO no sistema de tíquetes do FESCo com este relatório.

Atas das reuniões

You can find FESCO’s meeting minutes at the fedora meetbot site as well as posted to the link:devel@lists.fedoraproject.org list after each meeting. Note that meetings prior to the 2010-10-20 meeting were on Tuesdays.

Lista de discussão

FESCo has a private mailing list for sensitive matters. This list will have as subscribers only the current FESCo members and the Fedora Project Leader. This list should only be used in very rare situations with private information. The FESCo chair will make sure any discussion on this list that doesn’t need to be private will be resent to a public forum (FESCo issue tracker, devel list, etc).