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Fedora 的使命與基礎


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所有內容都是開放原始碼的免費軟體 - 您不僅可以免費使用,還可以分享、重製和修改。


Fedora 專案是一個由一群人組成的社群,他們共同建立一個自由且開放原始碼的軟體平台,並在這個平台上合作與分享以使用者為中心的解決方案。 或者,用簡單的英文來說,我們製造一個作業系統,並且讓您可以輕鬆地使用它來做有用的事情。

Fedora 到底是什麼?

Fedora 社群包括數以千計的個體,他們有不同的觀點和方法,但我們有一些共同的價值觀。 我們稱之為 「四大基礎」: 自由、朋友、特色和第一。


Four Foundations: Freedom

We are dedicated to free software and content.

Advancing software and content freedom is a central community goal, which we accomplish through the software and content we promote. We choose free alternatives to proprietary code and content and limit the effects of proprietary or patent encumbered code on the Project.

Sometimes this goal prevents us from taking the easy way out by including proprietary or patent encumbered software in Fedora. But by concentrating on the free software and content we provide and promote, the end result is that we are able to provide:

  • releases that are predictable and 100% legally redistributable for everyone;

  • innovation in free and open source software that can equal or exceed closed source or proprietary solutions;

  • and, a completely free project that anyone can emulate or copy in whole or in part for their own purposes.


Four Foundations: Friends

We are a strong, caring community.

photo friends

The Fedora community is made up of people from all walks of life, working together to advance free software. There is a place in Fedora for anyone who wants to help, regardless of technical skill level, as long as they believe in our core values.

Like any friends, we occasionally disagree on details, but we believe in finding an acceptable consensus to serve the interests of advancing free software. We believe in a strong partnership between Red Hat and our enormous volunteer community, since they both provide essential contributions that help the Fedora Project succeed.

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Four Foundations: Features

We care about excellent software.

The Fedora community creates many of the technical features that have made Linux powerful, flexible, and usable for a wide spectrum of millions of users, administrators, and developers worldwide. We recognize the status quo is worth changing to empower additional end-users, or to create a more flexible and powerful environment for building new solutions on the free software we provide.

We also believe that these changes are best developed in direct concert with the upstream software communities whose work is part of the Fedora distribution. We work with the upstream in cases where we find opportunities for improvement, so all free software users benefit — even if they don’t use Fedora directly. Our feature development is always done openly and transparently, and anyone may participate.


Four Foundations: First

We are committed to innovation.

We are not content to let others do all the heavy lifting on our behalf; we provide the latest in stable and robust, useful, and powerful free software in our Fedora distribution.

At any point in time, the latest Fedora platform shows the future direction of the operating system as it is experienced by everyone from the home desktop user to the enterprise business customer. Our rapid release cycle is a major enabling factor in our ability to innovate.

We recognize that there is also a place for long-term stability in the Linux ecosystem, and that there are a variety of community-oriented and business-oriented Linux distributions available to serve that need. However, the Fedora Project’s goal of advancing free software dictates that the Fedora Project itself pursue a strategy that preserves the forward momentum of our technical, collateral, and community-building progress. Fedora always aims to provide the future, first.

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Fedora 專案的願景是建立一個世界,讓每個人都能受益於由包容、熱忱、開放的社群所建立的自由開放原始碼軟體。

作為一個專案,我們希望每個人都能生活在自由與開放原始碼軟體的世界中;使用者應該能掌控他們的運算。 但光是軟體在那裡等待使用是不夠的。 它必須是可存取且可用的。 這個願景也反映了我們的社群方式 - 朋友的基礎。 Fedora 不是比特和位元組。 Fedora 是我們的員工,我們希望這份聲明包含我們對健康社群的願景。


Fedora 為硬體、雲端和容器創造了一個創新平台,讓軟體開發人員和社群成員能夠為他們的使用者建立量身打造的解決方案。

在作業系統層級,我們不只是整合。 我們做新的事情 - 我們建立一個_平台_,而不只是一個發行版。 FeaturesFirst 的基礎驅使我們不斷創新。 我們是以透明、合作的 朋友 社群,以及完全開放原始碼和自由軟體 - Freedom 的方式來做這一切。


Fedora 專案是自由與開放原始碼軟體的創新中心。 在我們的社群中,各式各樣的貢獻者齊心協力,為了每個人的利益而推動生態系統的發展。 Fedora 社群將它所建立的一切貢獻回給自由與開放源碼的世界,並持續為更廣泛的社群帶來重要的進步,這從它的功能定期且快速地被整合到其他 Linux 發行版本中可以證明。 無論您使用的是哪一個 Linux 發行版本,您都仰賴 Fedora 專案內部開發的程式碼。

我們認為軟體專利是有害的,會妨礙軟體開發的創新,也不符合自由與開放原始碼軟體的價值。 雖然緊密整合專有與專利的元件表面上可能會改善易用性,但長遠來說,這種做法對社群並無好處。 與那些強調短期易用性的做法相比,Fedora 社群更傾向於對未來自由軟體發展有利的做法。


Fedora 不只是軟體。 它是一個由來自 世界各地的貢獻者所組成的社群,包括志工和 Red Hat 員工,他們彼此合作以促進自由文化運動的利益。 我們邀請每個人加入。 無論您的技能為何,我們的社群都有您的一席之地! 我們是 軟體工程師、https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design[設計師和美工師]、系統管理員網頁設計師作家、https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors[演講者]、翻譯,以及更多 - 我們很樂意幫助您開始工作。

我們相信所有的貢獻者都應該 彼此優秀。 透過創造一個建設性貢獻的環境,我們可以更有效、更成功地比較和挑戰不同的想法,以找出最佳的解決方案來促進進步,同時建立我們社群的規模、多樣性和力量。


Fedora委員會負責管理整個Fedora專案,並支援Fedora社群的健康成長。 就像任何大型項目一樣,有許多不同層級的責任、問責和決策。 一般來說,我們希望在 Fedora 子專案 工作的人,能就他們感興趣的領域和專業知識,做出有意義的決定。 更多詳情請參閱我們的 Fedora領導層頁面。