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El juego de rol

Bienvenide a Isphanya

Explora la península de Isphanya, una tierra fantástica inspirada en la Iberia prerromana llena de ruinas de antiguos imperios, civilizaciones emergentes y criaturas de leyenda.

Un sistema novedoso pero familiar

Basado en la 5ª Edición de Dungeons&Dragons, Isphanya tiene un sistema sencillo, pero lleno de profundidad que lo hace fácil de aprender, mientras que sorprenderá a los veteranos del sistema.
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Una ambientación de fantasía única

Ambientada en una edad de hierro tardía, Isphanya combina la historia de la Iberia prerromana, el folklore peninsular y una multitud de elementos fantásticos originales para ofrecer una experiencia nunca antes vista en la mesa de juego.
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Artistas, Escritores, Diseñadores… Roleros

Isphanya es producto del trabajo de un grupo de artistas aficionados al rol de toda la península que han volcado todo su conocimiento, talento y pasión en este proyecto.
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Education Plan

Music Theory

Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time. The common elements of music are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics (loudness and softness), and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture (which are sometimes termed the "color" of a musical sound).

Music Practice

Different styles or types of music may emphasize, de-emphasize or omit some of these elements. Music is performed with a vast range of instruments and vocal techniques ranging from singing to rapping; there are solely instrumental pieces, solely vocal pieces (such as songs without instrumental accompaniment) and pieces that combine singing and instruments.


The word derives from Greek μουσική (mousike; "art of the Muses").[1] In Greek mythology, the nine Muses were the goddesses who inspired literature, science, and the arts and who were the source of the knowledge embodied in the poetry, song-lyrics, and myths in the Greek culture.


In the 2000s, music notation typically means the written expression of music notes and rhythms on paper using symbols. When music is written down, the pitches and rhythm of the music, such as the notes of a melody, are notated. Music notation also often provides instructions on how to perform the music.


Musical improvisation is the creation of spontaneous music, often within (or based on) a pre-existing harmonic framework or chord progression. Improvisation is the act of instantaneous composition by performers, where compositional techniques are employed with or without preparation. Improvisation is a major part of some types of music, such as blues, jazz, and jazz fusion, in which instrumental performers improvise solos, melody lines and accompaniment parts. In the Western art music tradition, improvisation was an important skill during the Baroque era and during the Classical era. In the Baroque era, performers improvised ornaments and basso continuo keyboard players improvised chord voicings based on figured bass notation.
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  • Musical texture is the overall sound of a piece of music or song. The texture of a piece or sing is determined by how the melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic materials are combined in a composition, thus determining the overall nature.

    Dale Cross

    3 weeks (12 lessons)
    Texture is often described in regard to the density, or thickness, and range, or width, between lowest and highest pitches, in relative terms as well as more specifically distinguished according to the number of voices, or parts, and the relationship.

    Johanna Holloway

    16 weeks (36 lessons)
    Music was an important part of social and cultural life in ancient Greece. Musicians and singers played a prominent role in Greek theater.[44] Mixed-gender choruses performed for entertainment, celebration, and spiritual ceremonies.

    Ronnie Gregory

    2 weeks (8 lessons)
  • Musical texture is the overall sound of a piece of music or song. The texture of a piece or sing is determined by how the melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic materials are combined in a composition, thus determining the overall nature.

    Dale Cross

    3 weeks (12 lessons)
    Texture is often described in regard to the density, or thickness, and range, or width, between lowest and highest pitches, in relative terms as well as more specifically distinguished according to the number of voices, or parts, and the relationship.

    Johanna Holloway

    16 weeks (36 lessons)
    Music was an important part of social and cultural life in ancient Greece. Musicians and singers played a prominent role in Greek theater.[44] Mixed-gender choruses performed for entertainment, celebration, and spiritual ceremonies.

    Ronnie Gregory

    2 weeks (8 lessons)
  • Musical texture is the overall sound of a piece of music or song. The texture of a piece or sing is determined by how the melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic materials are combined in a composition, thus determining the overall nature.

    Dale Cross

    3 weeks (12 lessons)
    Texture is often described in regard to the density, or thickness, and range, or width, between lowest and highest pitches, in relative terms as well as more specifically distinguished according to the number of voices, or parts, and the relationship.

    Johanna Holloway

    16 weeks (36 lessons)
    Music was an important part of social and cultural life in ancient Greece. Musicians and singers played a prominent role in Greek theater.[44] Mixed-gender choruses performed for entertainment, celebration, and spiritual ceremonies.

    Ronnie Gregory

    2 weeks (8 lessons)

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He aquí las últimas noticias
Entrevista en RolTV

Anoche Míchel González nos invitó a su canal para hablar de Isphanya y nos dio pie a unas conversaciones de lo más interesantes. ¡Os dejamos aquí la entrevista!

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Una nueva forma de crear personajes

Hoy nuestro compañero Alberto Seijo ha subido un vídeo en su canal donde se detiene a explicar la nueva forma que tiene Isphanya de dar vida a los personajes de la partida y lo adereza con algunas anécdotas de las partidas con los jugadores beta-testers.

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Isphanya a la vista

Nos complace poder por fin anunciar de forma oficial el proyecto en el que llevamos 5 años trabajando: Isphanya, el juego de rol, un escenario de fantasía inspirado en la época prerromana de la península ibérica y que utiliza como base las reglas de DnD5e. ¿Queréis echarle una ojeada a lo que vendrá? Suscribíos a […]

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