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www-tag@w3.org from February 2003 by subject

"How to Compare URIs" update 3

"How to Compare URIs": %xx for non-reserved characters

[Agenda] 17 Feb 2003 TAG teleconf (deepLinking-25, namespaceDocument-8, xmlFunctions-34, metadata hook)

[Agenda] 24 Feb 2003 TAG teleconf (deepLinking-25, namespaceDocument-8, xmlFunctions-34, binaryXML-30, contentPresentation-26)

[binaryXML-30] Binary XML problem statement.

[HTTPSubstrate-16] Propoposed criticsm of RFC3205

[Minutes] 24 Feb 2003 TAG teleconf (site metadata, namespaceDocument-8)

[Minutes] 27 Jan 2003 TAG teleconf (httpRange-14, arch doc, IRIEverywhere-27, binaryXML-30, xmlProfiles-29)

[Minutes] 3 Feb 2003 TAG teleconference

[Minutes] 6-7 Feb 2003 TAG ftf meeting

[Minutes] 6-7 Feb 2003 TAG ftf meeting (why XML)

[mixedNamespaceMeaning-13]: TAG resolution to replace with three more focussed issues.

[Publication] 21 Feb 2003 Editor's Draft of Architecture of the WWW

[RDFinXHTML-35] Pointers for this issue

[URIEquivalence-15] Choosing and comparing URIs

[uriMediaType-9] Layout of MIME Media Types pages

[webarch] example diagrams of HTTP and Apache

[xml-dev] The subsetting has begun

[xmlProfiles-29] TAG recommendation for work on subset of XML 1.1

A simpler solution to %7e vs %7E vs ~ in namespace comparison

Action item in re CP11

Comments on 6 December webarch Editor's Draft

DeepLinking-25: Finding updated

Dictionaries are Books, but Cards in a Card Catalogue are not...

Draft 2 of "How to Compare URIs"

fragmentInXML-28: WSDL component designators

Fwd: link metadata cannot override server media type

Fwd: proposed text on IRIEverywhere-27

Interacting with a URI, when is the result not a representation and what is it called.

Is metadata of a Resource a separate Resource? (Was: [RDFinXHTML-35] Pointers for this issue)

Minimal RDDL [NamespaceDocument-8]

OpenURL, still active?

Options for dealing with IDs (introducing 4a)

Posted uri-comp-4

Precise Definition for Interoperability Needed (Was RE: [Minu tes] 6-7 Feb 2003 TAG ftf meeting (why XML))

Precise Definition for Interoperability Needed (Was RE: [Minutes] 6-7 Feb 2003 TAG ftf meeting (why XML))

Precise Definition for Interoperability Needed (Was RE:[Minut es] 6-7 Feb 2003 TAG ftf meeting (why XML))

Precise Definition for Interoperability Needed (Was RE:[Minutes] 6-7 Feb 2003 TAG ftf meeting (why XML))

Proposed issue: site metadata hook

Proposed issue: site metadata hook (slight variation)

proposed text on IRIEverywhere-27

RDDL and XML Schema instances are not valid representations of namespaces

REST as formalism of RFC 2396 was ... what the SW needs from the Web...

site metadata discussion is overly voluminous

Site metadata; am I a hot TAG issue, or not?

Site metadata; my preference

siteData-36: strawman

siteData-36: strawman + httpRange-14 [ "Resource-Type:" ]

Summary of TAG activity from 10 Jan 2003 to 11 Feb 2003

TAG Finding: "Deep Linking" in the World Wide Web

The subsetting has begun

Traffic volume on www-tag (was Re: site metadata discussion is overly voluminous)

URIEquivalence-15: characters in RFC 2396 (was: Re: [Minutes] 27 Jan 2003 TAG teleconf (..., IRIEverywhere-27, ...))

URIEquivalence-15: equivalence of %7e/%7E/~ (was:Re: [Minutes] 27 Jan 2003 TAG teleconf (... IRIEverywhere-27,...))

URIEquivalence-15: influence on IRIs (was: Re: [Minutes] 27 Jan 2003 TAG teleconf (..., IRIEverywhere-27, ...))

URIs vs methods for metadata

Valid representations, canonical representations, and what the SW needs from the Web...


Last message date: Friday, 28 February 2003 18:56:33 UTC