- From: Francois Yergeau <FYergeau@alis.com>
- Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 14:10:53 -0400
- To: "'MURATA Makoto'" <murata@hokkaido.email.ne.jp>, ietf-xml-mime@imc.org
- Cc: WWW-Tag <www-tag@w3.org>
MURATA Makoto wrote: > and to deprecate text/xml not > because the charset parameter is harmful but because most XML is not > text for casual users. It's not the charset parameter that's harmful, it's its absence. Or rather the mandated policy when it is absent: MUST assume ASCII. But stating that "most XML is not text for casual users" says that there is no loss in deprecating text/*xml (save perhaps transition issues), the text/ top-level buys nothing of value. Regards, -- Fran�ois Yergeau
Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2003 14:11:08 UTC