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www-tag@w3.org from June 2002 by subject

[Agenda] 1 July TAG teleconf (arch doc, qnames, formatting properties, URI equiv, RFC3023, SOAP/WSDL)

[Agenda] 10 June 2002 TAG teleconf (whenToUseGet-7, qnameAsId, charmodReview-17, URIEuivalence-15)

[Agenda] 17 June TAG teleconf (SOAP/GET update, charmodReview-17 update, URIEquivalence-15)

[charmodReview-17] "security problems" with Unicode homographs

[Fwd: announcing public-ietf-w3c@w3.org]

[Minutes] 17 June TAG teleconf (Infoset/PSVI, XLink, Style properties, Qnames, Mime registration)

[Minutes] 24 June 2002 TAG teleconference (Arch doc, qnameAsId-18, SOAP/WSDL/GET)

[Minutes] 3 June TAG teleconference (errorHandling-20, w3cMediaType-1, RFC3023-charset-21, charmodReview-17, whenToUseGet-7)

[namespaceDocument-8] RDF in HTML: Approaches

[URIEquivalence-15] Namespaces in XML -- URI, IRIs and equivalence

[uriMediaType-9] Dear IETF ...

A radical finding on Using Qualified Names (QNames) as Identifiers in Content

Alternative XML serialization for TAI

Bad practice: Overriding HTTP content-type with a URI reference

charset diagram: relevance? bugs?

Comments on arch doc draft

Comments on arch doc draft (relative URI)

Dissent: Internet Media Type registration, consistency of use

Draft agenda: 24 June TAG teleconference (Arch document, WSA update)

Draft TAG Finding: Consistency of Formatting Properties

Minutes of 10 June 2002 TAG teleconf

My review of 0607 document

New issue: error recovery practices (Re: Proposed TAG Finding : Internet Media Type registration, consistency of use)

New issue: error recovery practices (Re: Proposed TAG Finding: Internet Media Type registration, consistency of use)

off topic (was Re: URIEquivalence-15 and IRIs)

Potential new issue: PSVI considered harmful

Proposed TAG Finding: Internet Media Type registration, consistency of use

Proposed TAG Finding: Using Qualified Names (QNames) as Ident ifiers in Content

Proposed TAG Finding: Using Qualified Names (QNames) as Identifiers in Content

PSVI architectural discussion

Suggestion: Internet Media Type registration, consistency of use

Summary of resolution to TAG Get finding

Summary of TAG activity 10 May - 9 June 2002

TAG comments on Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0

TAG Finding: URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET

Two messages from James Clark that ought to be read

Typo (Re: Proposed TAG Finding: Using Qualified Names (QNames) as Identifiers in Content)

Updated: issue qnameAsId-18

URIEquivalence-15 and IRIs

WSDL, parameter typing, and forms

XLINK, HLINK or neither? Possible new TAG issue

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Last message date: Friday, 28 June 2002 21:53:12 UTC