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More Web Proxy on the site http://driver.im/

www-tag@w3.org from March 2009 by subject

"Content-Type Processing Model" draft 9 Jan (ISSUE-24 contentTypeOverride-24)

"RHTTP and overview of other approaches" at IETF apparea meeting (HTTPSubstrate ISSUE-16)

'Web addresses in HTML 5' for review [IRIEverywhere-27 ISSUE-27]

@rel syntax in RDFa (relevant to ISSUE-60 discussion), was: Using XMLNS in link/@rel

[Fwd: Using XMLNS in link/@rel]

ACTION-227 - metadata summary



Agenda for TAG teleconference of 12 March 2009

Agenda for TAG teleconference of 26 March 2009

Agenda for W3C TAG teleconference of 2 April 2009

Agenda for W3C TAG teleconference of 2 April 2009 (CORRECTED)

Another new Apple URI scheme: rdar

Call for Papers "Identity and Reference in web-based Knowledge Representation" workshop

cost/benefit analysis of new URI scheme vs overloading "host name"

Draft minutes for the 12th March 2009

Formulate erratum text on versioning for the web architecture document


HTML extensibility framework

http+srv worth its own URI scheme? (ISSUE-49 schemeProtocols-49)

I-D Action:draft-hammer-discovery-02.txt

ISSUE-62: OPTIONS HTTP method for metadata

Metadata survey

our summary of the @rel Link-Type Header issue

Pointers to TAG work on versioning formalism


Request for feedback: HTTP-based Resource Descriptor Discovery

Setting TAG Priorities - Next steps

Setting TAG Priorities - Review of discussion and planning to date

Standards compliance of top 100 sites

Summary of status of TAG issue xmlVersioning-41

TAG Pending Review Action Items

TAG review of EXI Best Practices

TAG weekly conference on 19 March 2009 is cancelled

The right kind of hammer for the particular kind of nail (uniform access to metadata descriptions)

Uniform access to metadata: XRD use case.

Using Content Negotiation to relate "data resources" to AJAX user interfaces

What resource does this URL identify? - http://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/11f804dfae358bd9

WS-Resource-Access FPWG

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 March 2009 22:19:03 UTC