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Re: Digital Textbooks and Locally-stored Student and Educational Data


Thank you; let’s get to productive technological and scientific topics.  I’m composing an email to clarify some of the exciting topics and opportunities: Web Browser / Digital Textbook Browser as Desktop Application: Interprocess Communication, The Facilitation of Education Technology Features and Education Workflow Scenarios across Platforms describing possible needs for features, ideation of features, and explanation of why possible features, for LMS, e-learning software, courseware and digital textbooks might require enhanced interprocess communication, viewing browsers as desktop applications.

There are topics of implementing education workflow scenarios for students with interoperating desktop applications as an alternative to a cloud storage and web services model.  Both can be phrased as architectural.  Goals include delivering features and data privacy simultaneously, the architectural topics also providing opportunities insofar as describing multivendor applications which interoperate with browsers to provide enhanced education workflows.  The goals of the conversation, then, pertain to facilitating new features from the interoperation of multivendor desktop applications, to provide teams with those options, to provide vendors with opportunities; interoperating desktop applications can be phrased as an alternative to some cloud-based and web-services-based approaches.

The topics pertain to each browser; the matter of complexity is the implementation of entirely new features for users, for students, while providing students with data privacy, the technical and architectural matter is enhancing browsers’ interprocess communication across platforms, with educational workflows, which we can each readily envision, involving multiple tabs and applications on students mobile computers.

In the thread Web Browser / Digital Textbook Browser as Desktop Application: Interprocess Communication, The Facilitation of Education Technology Features and Education Workflow Scenarios across Platforms, I will describe some of the new features, and survey interprocess communication options, towards ideation; numerous platforms have new, albeit platform-specific desktop application interoperability features, you may also be able to envision cool new features and ergonomics for educational software on mobile computers.

Kind regards,

Adam Sobieski

From: Domenic Denicola
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎August‎ ‎8‎, ‎2014 ‎7‎:‎06‎ ‎PM
To: Adam Sobieski, Daniel Appelquist
Cc: www-tag@w3.org

Hi Adam,

I will try one more time.

If you do not communicate with us in a straightforward manner ("like human beings," as Marcos says), we will simply not be able to understand what you are saying. Multiple paragraphs to answer a simple question; a list of links that honestly looks like you are trying to pull some SEO spam trick; telling us our own names---these are not things that we can helpfully respond to.

Let us repeat Marcos's questions. If you would like anyone to respond to you, please respond to each of them in turn, in one sentence each:

> Like, it seems you are doing all this fancy stuff with XML, RDF, etc. It all sounds like it's going well for you. Where are you getting stuck? Are you getting stuck?

> What do you need exactly?

> Where is stuff breaking for you?

> What browser are you using?

Once we have a dialog established, with your short one-sentence answers, we can then dig into the relevant topics in more detail (although hopefully still with more brevity than your previous responses and link-collections).

I hope you can understand that if you cannot have a conversation with us in a normal fashion, you will get no responses, just as happened to your [webcomponents] and [Editing] emails. Claiming that you do not like how we talk is not productive, no matter how many social sciences you cite as your reasons. Remember that this is our forum and you seem to be approaching us for ... something, although it is not clear what. If you want that something from us, you need to give us something to go on. This mailing list is not the place for "letters," mind you: it is the place for conversations. The one-sentence requirement above is in place because this conversation has gotten off to such a rocky start, and we need to get it going again by making sure it stays a conversation instead of a screed.

I hope you can take this feedback in the spirit it is given.

From: Adam Sobieski <adamsobieski@hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 18:17
To: Daniel Appelquist
Cc: Domenic Denicola; www-tag@w3.org
Subject: Re: Digital Textbooks and Locally-stored Student and Educational Data 

Daniel Appelquist,

Thank you.  My response indicating browser interprocess communication across platforms as necessary for multivendor education technology workflows (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2014Aug/0011.html) did, in my opinion, address the gist of Marcus’ concerns, “what is missing from the Web platform” in its last four paragraphs; I opted not to respond to his specific letter, however, due to topics of tone and the imperative metadiscourse.

Recapitulating, I did, at least in part, answer Marcos’ request for information in the subsequent letter (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2014Aug/0011.html) but did not respond to his specific letter for reasons pertaining to rhetoric, speech act theory, discourse theory, communication science and other social sciences.  I hope that I have clarified, in that regard.  Furthermore, the accusations of the topics being irrelevant to the Web, to Web architecture, that my letters on the topics of Digital Textbooks and Locally-stored Student and Educational Data have been flooding or spamming this mailing list are offensive to me.

I will review the structure of the Technical Architecture Group; the website (http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/) indicates: Tim Berners-Lee, Daniel Appelquist, Domenic Denicola, David Herman, Yehuda Katz, Sergey Konstantinov, Yves Lafon, Peter Linss, Jeni Tennison and one open seat.

A specific architectural topic, which I hope is interesting to the group, is multiplatform interprocess communication, facilitating multivendor education technology solutions; there are features for education technology, applications interoperating with digital textbooks in education workflow scenarios, such that the browser as desktop application and interprocess communication across platforms is an architectural and logistic concern.  I would like to get towards the technical topics and to discover more technical topics which enhance education technology and digital textbooks.

I agree that discussing the venue to discuss the topics is productive to addressing numerous concerns and enhancing technology stacks in numerous ways.  There could be multiple appropriate mailing list venues to get traction on these important topics, including at the W3C; it could be that one or more specific W3C groups are appropriate to discuss the topics and discussion towards specific architectural concerns.

Kind regards,

Adam Sobieski

From: Daniel Appelquist
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎August‎ ‎8‎, ‎2014 ‎6‎:‎04‎ ‎PM
To: Adam Sobieski
Cc: Domenic Denicola, www-tag@w3.org

Dear Adam,

After reviewing your posts and Marcos's reply I am forced to agree with Domenic: you really need to address Marcos's questions if you wish to engage in any kind of discussion here. If you're interested in addressing specific issues of web architecture that relate to your problem statements then please elucidate us as to what those might be. I do not think anyone here is being disrespectful.

More constructively: the TAG may not be the right community to air these issues. Are you aware of the web publishing interest group? http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Main_Page This is an activity that may be more appropriate to the discussion you are trying to start. And if there are specific architectural concerns that emerge from those discussions we will be happy to take them up at that time.

Daniel Appelquist

TAG Co-Chair

On 8 Aug 2014, at 22:21, Adam Sobieski <adamsobieski@hotmail.com> wrote:


I was dissatisfied with the perceived level of respect from Marcos, his interpersonal tone, his informality, his interpersonal rhetorical stances, his attempts to utilize directive metadiscourse with me, that he attempted to do so in front of others, and thus it seemed that the best etiquette was not to address him.

I am also disappointed with both a lack of respect and of professionalism from you.  It seems to be that both he and you would rather disrupt the productive topics broached, that both he and you are unwilling or unable to discuss the scientific, technological and highly relevant topics substantively.

It is my preference to resolve the dispute that both he and you apologize to me in front of the W3C Technical Architecture Group at this time.

Kind regards,


From: Domenic Denicola
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎August‎ ‎8‎, ‎2014 ‎5‎:‎14‎ ‎PM
To: Adam Sobieski, www-tag@w3.org

Hi Adam,

We're going to need you to address Marcos's earlier points before we can respond to any of your messages.

If you're not interested in a dialog, please stop spamming the list.

From: Adam Sobieski <adamsobieski@hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 16:47
To: www-tag@w3.org
Subject: Re: Digital Textbooks and Locally-stored Student and Educational Data 

W3C Technical Architecture Group,

A related topic is educational data and cloud storage, educational data such as notes.  A browser topic, from a larger number of topics integrating browser software into platform-independent educational workflow scenarios, is interoperability with notes software.  Interoperability between digital textbooks and notes software pertains to numerous topics including scholarly and scientific communication, referencing and citing content from documents in browsers, including to specific chapters, pages, paragraphs, sentences or selected hypertext.

A concern about notes software is cloud storage:

http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2014/01/08/15cloud_ep.h33.html http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/marketplacek12/2013/11/lawsuit_filed_in_new_york_to_halt_inbloom_program.html http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/DigitalEducation/2014/07/federal_data-privacy_guideline.html 

It is important to discuss these topics at the W3C, that we can discuss these topics comfortably at the W3C, with digital textbook standards discussions ongoing at the W3C.  Web scientists and technologists are cognizant of unfolding discussions elsewhere, points of view, various sides of discussion topics and cases and laws with regard to student data privacy.  Scientists at the W3C include proponents of student data privacy; protecting student data privacy is a part of the discussions pertinent to unfolding digital textbook standards.

Though Web-based applications are popular at the W3C, browser interoperability with multivendor desktop applications facilitates educational workflow scenarios with local storage and computation.  Complexities to browser interoperability, interprocess communication, with desktop applications include that each browser software is designed for and compiled for numerous platforms and that each platform has different component object and interprocess architectures.  Interprocess communication is platform-specific, e.g. iOS, Android and Windows.

The desired features for digital textbooks, advancing digital textbook features, pertain to interprocess communication with multivendor desktop applications which combine into educational workflow scenarios.  The features are visible to digital textbook teams as specified markup, scripting, API.  The features are implemented by browser teams and the topical interprocess communication features vary per platform.  There are logistical complexities and coordinative challenges to getting the digital textbooks technologies towards having the large set of features to where digital textbooks are fluidly interoperable with multivendor applications, in educational workflows.  With the web browsers as the digital textbook rendering software, numerous such features can enhanced web browsing user experiences as well.

Summarily, interprocess communication between browsers and multivendor desktop applications on each major platform, applications providing local storage and computation, is topical to providing students with data privacy while facilitating and enhancing the features of educational workflow scenarios.

Discussion topics include how to include digital textbooks, standard formats rendered in browsers, and their existing and emerging new features in multivendor, multi-application, educational workflows across platforms.

Kind regards,

Adam Sobieski

P.S.: For colleagues interested in the topics, here are some hyperlinks (from http://www.eduwonk.com), education news and analysis, policy and political blogs, education blogs, educational resources and organizations:

Education News and Analysis
American Educator 
ASCD SmartBrief 
Chronicle of Higher Education 
Education Next 
Education Week 
Hechinger Report 
Huffington Post Education 
Inside Higher Ed 
Jay Mathews’ Class Struggle 
New York Times Education 
Phi Delta Kappan 
School Wise Pres 
Teacher Magazine 
Washington Post Education 

Policy and Political Blogs
Andrew Sullivan.com 
Bloggingheads TV 
Daniel Drezner 
Huffington Post 
Political Animal (Washington Monthly) 
Politics Daily 
Real Clear Politics 
Red, Brown, and Blue 
Spencer Ackerman 
Taking Note 
The American Scene 
The Corner 
The Democratic Strategist 
The Plank (TNR) 
Think Tank Town 
Volokh Conspiracy 
Vox Pop 
Washington Whispers 
WSJ’s Blog Federation 

Education Blogs
4.0 Schools 
Assorted Stuff 
At the Chalk Face 
Barnett Berry 
Bridging Differences 
Chalkbeat Colorado 
Charter Blog (NAPCS) 
Chartering Quality (NACSA) 
CITE Blog 
Core Knowledge Blog 
Dangerously Irrelevant 
Dave Shearon 
Deborah Kenny 
Dems for Education Reform 
Diane Ravitch 
Dropout Nation 
Early Ed Watch 
Ed is Watching 
Ed Source 
Education Law Review 
Education Next Blog 
Edwize (UFT) 
Essential Blog 
Eye On Early Education 
Flypaper (Fordham) 
Get   Schooled (AJC) 
Getting Smart 
GreatSchools Blog 
Hechinger Institute Blogs 
Higher Ed Watch 
I Thought A Think 
Inside Schools Blog 
Jay Greene 
John Merrow 
Just Us Seeking Justice 
Kitchen Table Math 
Larry Cuban 
LFA – Public School Insights 
Marc Tucker's Top Performers 
Meeting the Turnaround Challenge Blog 
Michael And Susan Dell Foundation Blog 
Mike Rose’s Blog 
Moving At The Speed Of Creativity 
Mr. B-G’s English Blog 
National Journal's Education Insiders 
NCTQ's PDQ Blog 
New Schools Venture Fund 
NSBA’s BoardBuzz 
NY Chalkbeat 
NYC Educator 
Paul Baker 
Philadelphia Public School Notebook 
Politics K-12 (EdWeek) 
Principal's Policy Blog (NASSP) 
Quick and the Ed 
Rick Hess Straight Up 
Sara Mead's Policy Notebook 
School Zone   (MJS) 
Science After School 
Shanker Blog 
Sherman Dorn 
Small   Talk 
Special Education Law Blog 
Teacher Beat Blog 
Teacher Voices 
Teachers At Risk 
The College Puzzle 
The Concord Review 
The Doyle Report 
The Gradebook (Tampa Bay Times) 
The Hall Monitor 
The Life That Chose Me 
The PrincipalsPage 
The SF K Files 
This Week In Education 
Whitney Tilson 
Why Homeschool 

Educational Resources and Organizations
AALE Charter School   Accreditation 
Alliance for Excellent Education 
American Association of School Administrators 
American Educational Research Association 
American Federation of Teachers 
American Institutes For Research 
Annie E. Casey Foundation 
Asia Society 
Aspen Institute 
Building Excellent Schools 
Center for American Progress 
Center for Education Reform 
Center for School Change 
Center on Education Policy 
Center on Reinventing Public Education 
Charter Board Partners 
Citizen Schools 
Coalition of Essential Schools 
Community College Research Center 
Community Training and Assistance Center 
Core Knowledge Foundation 
Council of Chief State School Officers 
Council of Great City Schools 
Data Quality Campaign 
Democratic Leadership Council 
Education Commission of the States 
Education Evolving 
Education Sector 
eSchool News 
George Lucas Educational Foundation 
Haberman Foundation 
Harvard’s Program on Education Policy and Governance 
Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media 
Joyce Foundation 
Knowledge Alliance 
Local School Directory 
Michael and Susan Dell Foundation 
Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning 
National Academies Center for Education 
National Alliance for Public Charter Schools 
National Association of Charter School Authorizers 
National Association of Secondary School Principals 
National Center for Educational Achievement 
National Center for Postsecondary Research 
National Center on Education and the Economy 
National Council on Teacher Quality 
National Education Association 
National Education Writers Association 
National Governors Association 
National Institute for Excellence in Teaching 
National School Boards Association 
New Leaders for New Schools 
New Schools Venture Fund 
Pre-K Now 
Progressive Policy Institute 
Public Agenda 
Public Impact 
Public Private Action 
Reading Reform Foundation 
Scholastic Administrator 
Standards Work 
Strategic Management of Human Capital 
Teach for America 
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 
The Broad Foundation 
The Brookings Institution 
The Education Trust 
The Mind Trust 
The New Teacher Project 
The Savvy Source for Parents 
The Urban Institute 
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation 
Uncommon Schools 
United States Department of Education 
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

Received on Saturday, 9 August 2014 00:19:04 UTC