i fought fairly hard to get the key features of the v8 shell adopted into posix. these included exportable functions and output from commands like whatis that could be read as input. but i didn't fight hard enough because i didn't fight at every single committee meeting. as soon as i stopped going, the changes were reverted ("thank god he's gone"). the experience soured me for life on contributing to standards committees. for example, the 'builtin' trick in modern shells comes out of the v8 shell but the other half is missing. korn shell or bash: $ type cd cd is a shell builtin $ v8 shell: $ whatis cd builtin cd $ see the difference? the latter is executable code. why was it important to `fix' this in the committee? bitterness rules. maybe that's why rc happened. probably was a factor. i know i asked td to design rc, but i also did the work in creating the v8 shell. i don't really remember. -rob