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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Joseph Lowery and Eric Meyer at lynda.com

Joseph Lowery, and Eric Meyer both have new titles avaialable at lynda.com!

Joe's newest book, Dreamweaver 8 Beyond the Basics is available for sale in the lynda.com store. Check out the three free sample movies from the CD, including one that covers Spry. Spry is the latest big buzz word in the Dreamweaver community. If you haven't checked out Spry yet, Joe's movie is a good place to start.

A few weeks ago, Eric spent some time in Ojai recording CSS Site Design, which is now available in the Online Training Library™ and coming soon on CD-rom in the lynda.com store. There are several Free sample movies available, including the following:

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Friday, June 16, 2006

My book with autograph on eBay

I recently autographed about 6 copies of Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Killer Tips. The first copy went up on eBay about 10 minutes ago and sold right away.

They're being listed by Five Star Billiards. Hurry, while supplies last...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (1) | Add Comment | Permalink

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Amazon Exposure Day - A dream shared by many authors, myself included...

"I think we should write Amazon and encourage them to have an 'exposure day' once a year. That day they lift the veil and everyone gets to see who bashed you. Heck I think they'd get a ton of traffic and probably even sell a few books, the papers would report on it. Of course there'd be a brief peak in the homicide [and] suicide rates shortly afterwards, but whatever. Its all in good fun."
~Christine Conners
Author of:
From High Heels To Bunny Slippers: Surviving The Transition From Career To Home (Coming Soon!)
Lost! Is Your Child Prepared?
Lipsmackin' Vegetarian Backpackin'
Lipsmackin' Backpackin': Lightweight Trail-tested Recipes for Backcountry Trips

As an author myself, having had at least one totally bogus review that was probably made by a competitor, I think the idea of 'exposure day' is great.

I've never met Christine, having only communicated with her via email. I'd bet that her books are just as humorous and fun to read as her emails are.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Dreamweaver 8 Killer Tips?

I'll get right to the point. There will not be a Dreamweaver 8 Killer Tips so buy MX 2004 if you haven't already. For the full story, visit DWKillerTips.com and have a laugh or three.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Saturday, October 22, 2005

I'm on TV!

First print ads, now I'm on TV! Ok, so it isn't regular TV, it's SYS-CON.TV but its still TV...

On Tuesday (October 18, 2005) at about 5:45pm I was interviewed by SYS-CON.TV's Jeremy Geelan, live and unscripted. The interview was recorded at MAX 2005 right there in SYS-CON's booth. The interview appears to be completely unedited*, lasting a bit over 5 minutes.

*The interview is a bit of a blur, I was so tired at the time. To the best of my memory, everything recorded is being played.

I think the camera added a good 10lbs., I say "um" and "uh" a whole lot, and my grammar could have been better if I'd thought a bit more before answering, but otherwise it was pretty good for me. (I'm probably my worst critic...) Once you watch the interview, feel free to leave a comment here on my blog to let me know what you thought.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (4) | Add Comment | Permalink

Thursday, September 22, 2005

My Fame and Misfortune

There's been a siting; Eric spotted this ad of me on slashdot.org, which is new to the collection. Have you spotted me in an ad online somewhere else?

With all this "fame", you'd think there'd be fortune. Ha! Seems these days its more like misfortune...

First my car died. (I've no idea what's wrong with it yet other than it won't start and inside it smells like gasoline.) Then the bathroom sink leaked badly enough to ruin the vanity so that it will need to be replaced. (Luckily the cheap particle board inside it soaked up all the water that there wasn't any floor damage.) This morning we discovered that the washer is leaking and will cost $189 to fix. A bunch of medical bills arrived (you don't want to know how much) along with a $1320 estimate for dental work that's badly needed.

That's not to mention all the other things that are not directly related to money that have been going on lately. September has been a really stressful month for me to say the least.

I just had a crazy idea. Perhaps since I have a page devoted to my "fame", I should have one devoted to my (lack of) fortune. I suppose it can't hurt... It may not even help; not like it'll make me rich!

I'll keep working hard as usual...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (1) | Add Comment | Permalink

Thursday, September 8, 2005

Look Ma, I'm Famous!

My apologies if this post seems at all vain. I'm posting mostly for family and friends who are interested. Few others will care at all, except for perhaps my supposed fan club in Italy...

Back in July when the ads first debuted via email, I had no idea just how much more the ads would circulate. I got a good laugh when David Robinison said:

"This afternoon I got a couple of emails in my inbox with Macromedia's new MAX ad campaign. They both begin "MAX is..." and have the names of MAX 2005 speakers. I got Angela Buraglia and Justin Everett-Church. (They seem like little trading cards in some ways...collect 'em all!)"

Since then, variations of the ad have appeared on sys-con.com's site and full page ads inside the MX Developers Journal (Volume 3 Issue 7), just inside the back cover of ColdFusion Developer's Journal (July 2005 Volume:7 Issue:7 & August 2005 Volume:7 Issue:8), and just two pages away from being the centerfold of the Special Issue: Studio 8 edition of the MX Developer's Journal (Volume 3 Issue 8).

I've been told the ad will also appear on webdeveloper.com and a devx.com and possibly others but I haven't seen them yet. If you happen to spot me somewhere please let me know.

I've uploaded a copy of the original email blast, the sys-con site's ads, and a PDF copy of the full page magazine ad if you're curious.

Long before I was ever a web developer, I was an aspiring actress turned makeup artist for film. I never expected to make it in print work! ;-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (5) | Add Comment | Permalink