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  Sunday, December 29, 2002

Dense Wave Division Multiplexing...

... or DWDM.  What I get at this point is that some of our most visionary internet thinkers agree that enough bandwidth can be made available that Quality of Service provisioning isn't necessary and all information exchange on the network can be handled well by IP. 

Bob Frankston writes:

I think Frank is correct in being concerned about applying old knowledge to today's world because the world of 1994 is antediluvian. ATM is simply a nonissue and there is a move to drop SONET.

Part of the reason that the telcos are in such big trouble is that they have a nineteenth century capital investment perspective.  Switches they installed in 1930 were still working fine in 1960.  Why shouldn't switches they installed in 1990 be good until 2020?  The "move to drop SONET" won't occur until the savings of replacing Optical/Electrical/Optical switching with Optical Cross Connect switches can be realized.  This will require a huge build out of both OXC switches and DWDMuxes across North America.  Dumping the investment of the nineties before the bonds are amortized is going to be a "widows and orphans" issue, not a technical one. 

I'm starting to see this Quality of Service issue as a red herring.  Bob says,

Services like XBox live with voice simply do not depend on QoS because any such requirement could make the product impossible to offer since you must get 100% buy-in from all of the intermediate services and then pay a premium for preferences when the goal is to see if you can find the cheapest providers

I realize that some people think that VoIP and other services depend on QoS but it's a bit like saying that if you didn't sacrifice a virgin to the volcano each night the Sun wouldn't rise. Try not sacrificing for a night.

In a separate note he points out that "...delivery order of packets is a complete nonissue since the receiving system simply reassembles the in order. Same for errors. Only issue for VoIP is better never than late hence working hard to deliver actually makes things worse."

This follows on nicely to a comment Kevin made on a previous post:  

"Frank, I don't understand what reservations buy you. I also don't understand how you decide what to reserve for whom if you're routing IP data. The problem for the backbone is multiplexing multiple data streams. My (possibly naïve) assumption would be that you'd have a queue on your link that is filled by all incoming sources, and uses Rapid Early Drop [Random Early Drop, I think... -fp-] when it gets close to full to make the TCP streams back off. If you want to give different service to different clients, have a queue per client.

With ATM, as packet dropping is not allowed, you have to remove connections. How does this map out in practice? Does each IP packet ~1500 bytes become an ATM connection (at 56 bytes per packet?  
[53 bytes per cell, not packet... -fp-]  )"

What I seem to have stumbled into, in my naive familiarity with Cisco's ATM offerings and my childlike sense that ATM infrastructure (availability of QoS capable networks end-to-end) was desirable; that software would emerge to meet the needs for QoS support by protocols and systems - that applications would be able dynamically to request QoS; that a forward looking technology like cell switching with QoS would attract users; that the accounting and security features of the technology would actually be a benefit... what I've soiled my footwear with here appears to be a religious war between IP and ATM factions, and naturally IP must win, because IP is the net, whereas ATM is just another transport.  And I don't have a good answer for you Kevin!

When Bob asked me to define "Koala tea" I shoulda got the drift:

  • Bob asks: "QoS -- define it. What's the metric for Koala Tea?"  I've been looking at this from a convergence perspective and from an ATM ubiquity perspective.  If it could have been sold, if networks had been provisioned in 1999 to provide QoS, then we might have seen cable services migrating to the internet and billing services running of the QoS statistics.  QoS as I understood the pitch, assured decent voice and video xmission on the same network carrying data from multiple sources, IP and proprietary protocols all chopped up into fixed length 53 byte ATM cells and running swiftly down the fiber freeway.  Today I think that the bandwidth is too constrained to make this practical, and the lack of end to end ATM connectivity (from the first to the last mile) makes it impossible. -fp-
  •   ...and he continues: "If we have lots of bandwidth then why bother with QoS? It's like worrying about a 25watt light bulb but not about the cost of slipping on the ice. What's the problem?"  And I must agree with this.  I'm not convinced we actually have the bndwidth today, but I think with a significant investment in swapping out OEO interfaces for OXC switches and laying in the appropirate light muxing tech, we can have the bandwidth without a lot more fiber being laid. -fp-
  • "If we have QoS, then we don't get abundance because we no longer have fungibility and those at the end point lose their ability to shop by price."  This may be true, but I'm not convinced.  If ATM is transparent to IP services, what changes? -fp-
"The triumph of IP has been the complete and utter destruction of the PSTN and prices falling by a factor of a trillion? Why bring back the old regimen of using QoS as a reason to charge $100 for each melon but just because it has more personal attention and therapy than the $0.29 variety?"
This is so sweetly phrased that I have to let Bob have the last word.  I too have no desire for $100 melons.  I'm convinced.  There's no place for QoS in public network planning.  I still think it can have a place in large enterprise networks, but for the world we have to look ahead to OXC meshiness and DWDM.


4:54:20 PM    

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That's the buzzword for the melting away of boundaries between the old Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), the internet, your local cable TV company, the kids next door with their twin Dixie-cups-and-a-string transception apparatus, and all other media that move bits or waves between one point and another or many others.  As convergence approaches, naturally many vested interests (especially the remnants of the PSTNs) are edgy... how can they regain the glory that was theirs in the good old monopoly days of the copper network?  How can they hang on to what they have left?  If they get in bed with Ted Turner or Michael Eisner will anyone respect them in the morning?  Enter Quality of Service, or QoS.

QoS promises the control freaks a handhold up to managing network bandwith.  Basically, if you think of Quality of Service as a prioritization scheme that gives sequential bit streams (like voice and video) priority over other bit streams that won't suffer from delay or scrambled delivery sequence (like a lot of data) you won't be far wrong.

Bob Frankston read yesterday's post and commented in an email.  He's provided some clarification for me, some more food for thought, and some corrections.  He also checked with Jeff Pulver and says that according to Jeff,  QoS is not generally being used for VoIP.   I have to thank Bob (and David Weinberger) for helping me untangle my thoughts about all this.  Bob has given me permission to reproduce the email here and comment on it.  I'll try to carve out some time this afternoon or evening to give it the attention it deserves!


On another front... welcome Rageboy back after a week's absence.  Something about Outlook crashes, viruses, some etceteras and all complicated by a DSL upgrade???  He says, "I am now semi-functional again, and am off to download all the Nigerian offers that have been piling up on my panix popserver. I tried to install the new DSL modem tonght along with everything else, and I did everything right, but no dice. I think it's because of the address I picked: chrislocke666@msn.com -- after all, they say the devil is in the details. "

10:01:37 AM    

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