11. WPMU DEV Minimum Requirements
This document includes information about minimum requirements for current versions of our products and services. It also provides instructions on checking and updating your site’s PHP and WordPress versions.
11.1 PHP Version
Copy chapter anchor to clipboardTo ensure that all the features of WPMU DEV plugins run smoothly on your site, we recommend running PHP version 7.4 or a later version. This also matches the WordPress minimum requirements.
Note that the minimum PHP version available on sites hosted by WPMU DEV is 8.1
Using a recent PHP version on your site is crucial as each release is supported for two years only. If your site is running an unsupported version of PHP, you’re probably missing out on important security and performance updates.
11.1.1 Our Plugins
Link to chapter 1Defender v4.2.0 and above
Defender 4.2.0 or above requires at least PHP version 7.4
Please review the options below to update the PHP version on your server.
Hustle v4.8.0 and above
Hustle 4.8.0 or above requires at least PHP version 7.4.33
Please review the options below to update the PHP version on your server.
Beehive – all versions
Beehive requires at least PHP version 7.4.33
Please review the options below to update the PHP version on your server.
Snapshot v4.19.1 and above
Snapshot 4.19.1 or above requires at least PHP version 7.4.33
Please review the options below to update the PHP version on your server.
The Hub Client v2.1 and above
The Hub Client 2.1 or above requires at least PHP version 7.4
Please review the options below to update the PHP version on your server.
Smush v3.15.3 and above
Smush 3.15.3 or above requires at least PHP version 7.4
Please review the options below to update the PHP version on your server.
Hummingbird v3.7.1 and above
Hummingbird 3.7.1 or above requires at least PHP version 7.4
Please review the options below to update the PHP version on your server.
Shipper v1.2.15 and above
Shipper 1.2.15 or above requires at least PHP version 7.4
Please review the options below to update the PHP version on your server.
11.1.2 Checking and Updating the PHP Version for WPMU DEV Hosted Sites
Link to chapter 1If you’re hosting your site with WPMU DEV, navigate to the Hosting Overview Dashboard in the Hub. There, you can see the PHP version and other information about your site.
To update the PHP version, click the pencil icon, choose the PHP version you want to run on your site then, hit the Apply button. We always recommend backing up your site before performing any updates.
You can also check and update the PHP version in the PHP Version section under the Hosting > Tools tab.
11.1.3 Checking the PHP Version for Any Site
Link to chapter 1You can check the PHP version for 3rd-party and WPMU DEV hosted sites by navigating to Tools > Site Health on your WordPress dashboard. Then, select the Info tab and expand the Server section to see the PHP version currently running on your site and other information.
11.1.4 Updating PHP for 3rd-party Hosted Sites
Link to chapter 1Most hosting companies allow you to update the PHP version via cPanel or a custom dashboard. Check your hosting provider documentation for instructions on updating the PHP version. In case you can’t find such information, we recommend getting in touch with your hosting support.
11.2 WordPress Version
Copy chapter anchor to clipboardRunning the latest version of WordPress on your site allows you to avoid the vulnerabilities in previous versions. On top of that, new releases include bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.
11.2.1 Checking the WordPress Version
Link to chapter 2The easiest way to check your site’s WordPress version is to go to the WordPress dashboard. You will find your site’s WordPress version in the bottom right corner.
11.2.2 Updating WordPress
Link to chapter 2You can update WordPress by going to the Dashboard > Updates screen in your admin area. You will see a notice if a new WordPress version is available. Click the Update to version button to initiate the update. Don’t forget to fully backup your site before running the update.
You can also update WordPress on the sites you have connected to the Hub under the Updates section.
11.3 Get Support
Copy chapter anchor to clipboardIf you still have questions or need assistance after reading this document, please don’t hesitate to contact our support superheroes using the available options under the Support tab in your Hub or via the Support tab in your WPMU DEV Dashboard.