- Experts
- Securing Ukraine
FeaturedInternational efforts, such as the Paris Agreement, aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But experts say countries aren’t doing enough to limit dangerous global warming.
FeaturedIntroduction Throughout its decades of independence, Myanmar has struggled with military rule, civil war, poor governance, and widespread poverty. A military coup in February 2021 dashed hopes for…
Backgrounder by Lindsay Maizland January 31, 2022
FeaturedDuring the 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden promised that his administration would make a “historic effort” to reduce long-running racial inequities in health. Tobacco use—the leading cause of p…
Interactive by Olivia Angelino, Thomas J. Bollyky, Elle Ruggiero and Isabella Turilli February 1, 2023 Global Health Program
Research & Analysis
FeaturedThree questions framed Dr. Doshi’s remarks to the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security. First, what are Beijing’s ambitions? Second, how does it threaten homeland security in the cyber d…
Testimony by Rush Doshi March 5, 2025 China Strategy Initiative
Webinar with Carolyn Kissane and Irina A. Faskianos April 12, 2023
FeaturedIn recent years, China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea have deepened their cooperation, raising concerns about an emerging “Axis of Autocracies” challenging U.S. global leadership. From military support and weapons transfers to economic backing, these alliances are reshaping the geopolitical landscape. This symposium will examine the extent of their collaboration, its global implications, and how the United States should respond to the threats it poses to U.S. national security. Click here to view the full agenda. This Hauser Symposium is made possible by the generous support of the Hauser Foundation. If you wish to attend virtually, log-in information and instructions on how to participate during the question and answer portion will be provided the evening before the event to those who register. Please note the audio, video, and transcript of this hybrid event will be posted on the CFR website.
Virtual Event with Christopher S. Chivvis, Heather Conley, Ivo H. Daalder, Jennifer E. Kavanagh, Tanvi Madan, Ebenezer Obadare, James M. Lindsay, Suzanne Nossel and Laura Trevelyan March 27, 2025
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