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Richard III(1995)Shakespeare's immortal tale of ambition, lust and murderous treachery is brilliantly updated and brought to life in this riveting, 20th-Century masterpiece. In 1930's Britain, a savage civil war between two royal families has just concluded. But even as the newly installed King Edward (John Wood) takes the reins of power, his ruthless, younger brother Richard (Ian McKellen) sets in motion a monstrous scheme to claim the crown for himself. Enlisting the aid of equally duplicitous allies in the court, Richard embarks on a merciless, single-minded campaign of betrayal, seduction and cold-blooded murder to achieve the goal that has obsessed him all of his tortured life: to be king... at any price. For more about Richard III and the Richard III Blu-ray release, see Richard III Blu-ray Review published by Kenneth Brown on January 5, 2025 where this Blu-ray release scored 3.5 out of 5. Director: Richard Loncraine Writers: William Shakespeare, Ian McKellen, Richard Loncraine Starring: Ian McKellen, Annette Bening, Jim Broadbent, Robert Downey Jr., Maggie Smith, John Wood Producers: Maria Apodiacos, Stephen Bayly, Lisa Katselas, Ellen Dinerman Little, Ian McKellen, Michele Tandy » See full cast & crew "Know then, it is your fault that you refuse the supreme seat, the throne majestical. We heartily solicit you take on the kingly government of this your land. Not as Lord protector, but from blood to blood, your right of birth, your empery, your own." Richard III features an at-times striking 1080p/AVC-encoded video transfer that evokes both 1930s cinema and modern photography in yet another (mostly) successful mashup for the film. Colors are warm and carefully saturated, despite some slight flushing here and there. Black levels are deep and satisfying, without much in the way of crush or hindered delineation, though the darkest scenes are home to grain spiking. Likewsie, detail is quite good, with some softer shots, yes, but only insofar as cinematographer Peter Biziou utilized optical stylization to create ties to golden-age films, particularly pre-WWII propaganda reels. The image is sometimes smoky, sometimes hazy, but it's all in keeping with the filmmakers' intentions. By and large, edges are clean and sharp (with only the occasional halo creeping into view), fine textures are relatively refined, grain is heavy but natural, and shadow detail allows for glimpses into the production design's subtleties. I did catch sight of the tiniest compression artifacts when the image would get a bit unruly, but nothing too concerning. Banding and other anomalies are nowhere to be found at least, with the video presentation earning its stripes and score. "Oh, hear me a little, for I shall never speak to you again! To war take with you my most grievous curse! My prayers shall on Richmond's party fight. Bloody you are, bloody will be your end! Shame serves your life and will your death attend!" Like the 2015 Twilight Time Limited Edition release, the Sandpiper Blu-ray includes a solid DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround track. In his review, Kauffman describes it as "a fairly immersive, and at times perhaps surprisingly bombastic, experience, at least given the general impression that a Shakespeare adaptation is going to be nothing but a yak-fest. The surrounds are regularly used for a variety of impressive effects, something which the semi-modern milieu offers opportunities to exploit. Dialogue is still very cleanly presented and is always very well prioritized. Trevor Jones' enjoyable score is also nicely dispersed throughout the surrounds and offers excellent support in several key sequences. Fidelity is excellent and dynamic range extremely wide for "this" kind of film." Richard III: Other Editions
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