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Shoah: Four Sisters(2018)Four interviews done in the 1970s with women who survived the Holocaust. For more about Shoah: Four Sisters and the Shoah: Four Sisters Blu-ray release, see Shoah: Four Sisters Blu-ray Review published by Jeffrey Kauffman on May 23, 2019 where this Blu-ray release scored 4.0 out of 5. Director: Claude Lanzmann Writer: Claude Lanzmann Starring: Claude Lanzmann, Paula Biren, Ruth Elias Producer: David Frenkel » See full cast & crew Shoah: Four Sisters is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Cohen Media Group with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.33:1. I haven't been able to track down much authoritative data on the technical side of things, but Shoah was originally shot on 16mm, and at least some of this presentation looks to have been sourced from the same smaller format. As such, detail and especially fine detail levels can vary pretty dramatically, and there are some pretty noticeable generalized differences between some of the separately filmed interview sequences. For instance, the beachside interview with Paula Biren has marginal clarity and detail levels at times (see screenshot 12 for one example), along with a slighly splotchy looking grain field that isn't really in evidence in the other three "episodes". With an emphasis on close-ups, even with some variable clarity, certain fine details like fabrics on chairs or dresses can look quite good. The palette is a bit faded looking at times, skewed slightly toward browns at various moments. There is occasional minor but noticeable age related wear and tear, arguably most evident in the Elias interview, where a number of white flecks appear with fair regularity, often around Elias' face or mouth. The back cover of Shoah: Four Sisters lists DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and Dolby Digital 5.1 tracks, but I think that is probably just a template that was incorrectly ported over to this release, as the only audio I was able to find was an LPCM 2.0 mono track that is either in English or Hebrew, depending on the preferred language of the interview subject (optional English subtitles are unfortunately only utilized for the Hebrew sections, and I personally would have preferred them to have been available for some of the pretty heavily accented English language sections as well). There's not much to the sound mix here, other than Lanzmann's questions, and the often harrowing answers, though there are a fair number of ambient environmental sounds including things like background clatter and even the more appealing sounds of water at the beach. Fidelity is fine, with no damage to report.
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Shoah: Four Sisters Blu-ray, News and Updates• Shoah: Four Sisters Blu-ray - April 9, 2019 The Cohen Media Group will release on Blu-ray Claude Lanzmann's Shoah: Four Sisters. The release will be available for purchase on May 7.
• Upcoming Eureka Enertainment Blu-ray Releases - November 29, 2018 British label Eureka Entertainment has announced that it will add three new titles to its Blu-ray catalog: Fritz Lang's Human Desire (1954), Joshua Logan's Picnic (1955), and TV's Shoah: The Four Sisters (2018).
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