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The Horse Soldiers(1959)A pacifist doctor joins a Union colonel's cavalry raid in Confederate territory. For more about The Horse Soldiers and the The Horse Soldiers Blu-ray release, see the The Horse Soldiers Blu-ray Review published by Dr. Svet Atanasov on July 21, 2022 where this Blu-ray release scored 4.0 out of 5. Director: John Ford Writers: John Lee Mahin, Martin Rackin, Harold Sinclair Starring: John Wayne, William Holden, Constance Towers, Judson Pratt, Hoot Gibson, Ken Curtis Producer: John Lee Mahin » See full cast & crew Presented in an aspect ratio of 1.85:1, encoded with MPEG-4 AVC and granted a 1080p transfer, The Horse Soldiers arrives on Blu-ray courtesy of Kino Lorber. The release is sourced from a new 4K master. It is a good master, but I must say that The Horse Soldiers will have to undergo a 4K meticulous restoration before it looks as good as it should. The current presentation is healthy and certainly quite pleasing, but there are different areas of the film that reveal minor yet obvious traces of aging and other inconsistencies that a proper 4K restoration will undoubtedly address. For example, there is footage where backgrounds reveal minor color pulsations that affect delineation and dynamic range stability (screencapture #18 is from one such sequence). In darker footage, there are darker nuances that could have been handled better as well. Minor surface wear is noticeable, too. The color balance is convincing. However, this is another area where particular enhancements and meaningful improvements can be made. On the current master, a lot of the darker primaries and nuances can be better balanced to retain existing details. Image stability is good, but I did notice a few shaky transitions. All in all, I think that the new 4K master that was prepared is quite good, but ideally The Horse Soldiers should look better in high-definition. (Note: This is a Region-A "locked" Blu-ray release. Therefore, you must have a native Region-A or Region-Free player in order to access its content). There is only one standard audio track on this Blu-ray release: English DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0. Optional English SDH subtitles are provided for the main feature. I did not encounter any anomalies to report in our review. On the contrary, I thought that the audio is very solid and healthy. The clash at the train station also has pretty good dynamic potency for a film from the 1950s. Can the audio sound better? I must speculate that at best there could be minor cosmetic improvements that enhance stability and expand some mid-ranges. In terms of dynamic intensity, however, I think that the current audio performs really well. The Horse Soldiers: Other Editions
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The Horse Soldiers Blu-ray, News and Updates• Kino: New 4K Restoration of John Ford's The Horse Soldiers Detail... - April 5, 2022 Kino Lorber have detailed their upcoming Blu-ray release of John Ford's The Horse Soldiers (1959), starring John Wayne, William Holden, Constance Towers, Judson Pratt, and Hoot Gibson. The release will be available for purchase on June 14.
• Kino: New 4K Restoration of John Ford's The Horse Soldiers Coming... - September 19, 2021 Kino Lorber have revealed that they are preparing a new 4K restoration of John Ford's The Horse Soldiers (1959), which will be made available on Blu-ray early next year.
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