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The Social Network(2010)A story about the founders of the social-networking website, Facebook. For more about The Social Network and the The Social Network Blu-ray release, see the The Social Network Blu-ray Review published by Martin Liebman on January 6, 2011 where this Blu-ray release scored 4.5 out of 5. Director: David Fincher Writers: Ben Mezrich, Aaron Sorkin Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake, Armie Hammer, Max Minghella, Josh Pence Producer: Scott Rudin » See full cast & crew The Social Network meets up with Blu-ray, and the resultant 1080p transfer is outstanding. David Fincher's digitally-shot movie serves up an atmospheric visual delight that's oozing with style and an underlying darkness that's captured quite well on Blu-ray. Black levels are superb in every instance, particularly evident in the early nighttime exterior shots around campus and helping to further enhance Fincher's mood throughout. Detail is top-notch as well, the transfer capturing the finest nuances on wet pavement, building façades, faces, and clothes. Colors are steady but rarely, if it all, vibrant; even brighter scenes favor a dull, drab appearance that doesn't do away with colors but doesn't necessarily emphasize them, either. Still, the transfer handles whatever is asked of it professionally and effortlessly, whether the all-too-familiar blue Facebook color or some of the brighter hues that are seen in the Facebook offices late in the movie. Depth is quite good and the transfer doesn't exhibit that flat, overly glossy video-like sheen, helped no doubt by Fincher's generally dark texturing. Noise is practically nonexistent and only a few bouts of banding keep this transfer from perfection. Despite its singular flaw -- a flaw that seems inherent to the source rather than a problem with the Blu-ray itself -- Sony's latest 1080p transfer is a visual marvel through and through. The Social Network's soundtrack is just as good as its stellar video counterpart. Although background ambience -- for instance bar patron chatter around the primaries at the beginning of the movie -- occasionally gets in the way of and competes with dialogue, the track otherwise proves stalwart in every regard, capturing the most subtle nuances of the excellent score and delivering some of the tightest and most potent bass ever found in what amounts to a talk-heavy Drama. Outdoor scenes spring to life with the perfect amount of environmental ambience that's neither too aggressive nor too reserved. The track gets most of its body from music, whether the almost surreal, sometimes bass-heavy score -- parts of which would be just as at home in a well-made Horror picture as they are here -- or the flamboyant party music that engulfs the soundstage to wonderful effect; the dance club sequence in chapter twelve sucks the listener straight into the locale, and it's rounded out by some of the tightest but most potent LFE this side of the best of the best Action movie Blu-ray soundtracks. Aside from those few instances heretofore noted, dialogue is clean and naturally positioned in the center channel. Much like the movie itself, Sony's soundtrack is full of surprises, and it's far more engaging than the subject material might suggest, not to mention incredibly refined and sonically seamless from beginning to end. The Social Network: Other Editions
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