Rachael MacFarlane
- Besetzung
- Zusätzliche Crew
- Drehbuch
Rachael MacFarlane wurde am 21 März 1976 in Kent, Connecticut, USA geboren. Sie ist Schauspielerin und Autorin, bekannt für American Dad (2005), Die gruseligen Abenteuer von Billy und Mandy (2003) und Family Guy (1999). Sie ist seit dem 4 Mai 2008 mit Spencer Laudiero verheiratet. Sie haben zwei Kinder.
- Hayley Smith
- Barb Hanson
- Hayley Smith as Ms. Peacenickel
- Reshma
- Actress
- Barbra Streisand
- Carol
- Convention Attendee
- Deborah
- Gertie
- Guest #2
- Gypsy Woman
- Hailey Smith
- Hayley Shape-shifting Alien
- Headmistress Mahoney
- Infomercial Lady
- Jewellery Clerk
- Judy Panowitz
- Lady Carolyn Gilbert-Lawson
- Lisa Collins
- Melanie Hanson
- Natalie
- Nervous Woman
- Pandora
- Refugee Woman
- Roberta
- Sarah MacLachlan
- Sheila
- Shirley
- Softball Player #2
- Steve in Old Lady's Disguise
- Tammy
- Tatiana
- Ugly Stepsister #1
- Waitress(Synchronisation)
- Mindy
- Eris
- Girl #2
- Boy #2
- Child
- Coop
- Gap Tooth Kid
- Girl #2 & #4
- Kid
- Kid #3
- Mary Frances
- Mom #3
- Monster Bug
- Principal #1
- Ramona
- Snake
- Unicorn #1
- Velma's Mom
- Woman #2(Synchronisation)
- Miss Tammy
- Barbara
- Olivia Fuller
- Waitress
- Woman
- Cheerleader
- Fangirl
- Girl in Commercial
- Lady
- Mother
- Nurse
- Prostitute
- Reporter
- Secretary
- Stewardess
- Student
- 1920s Woman
- 911 Operator
- Adoption Fair Mother
- Airport Checking Girl
- Alexa
- Amber
- Amelia Bedelia
- Anal Point Girls
- Animatronic Irish Woman
- Answering Machine
- April
- Audrey Hepburn
- Baby Elisabeth Hasselbeck
- Beauty Academy Secretary
- Becky
- Betsy
- Beverly
- Black Widow
- Blonde Sitcom Mom
- Bo Peep
- Booze Cruiser
- Brandy
- Brian's Fan
- British Woman
- Britney Spears
- Bunny Girls
- Carol
- Carrie
- Catherine the Great
- Charlotte Bronte
- Cheerleader #3
- Club Girl
- College Girl
- Decapitating Nun
- Demagorgon's Wife
- Dognapper
- Dorothy Gale
- Drone
- Drug Den Announcer
- Emma Stone
- Farting Women
- Female Bat
- Female Mouse
- Firehouse Girl
- Flight Attendant
- Focus Group Tester
- Fran
- French Woman
- Front Desk Clerk
- Future Quahog Mother
- Girl
- Girl #2 in Commercial
- Girl #3
- Girl Jumping From the Tree
- Girlfriend
- Grady Girls
- Green Shirt Shopper
- Heather
- Helen Hunt
- Hudson Comics Shopkeeper
- Human Resources Manager
- Ivanka Trump
- Jacqueline
- Jaimee
- Jamie Lee Curtis
- Jane Austen
- Jane Fonda
- Jayna
- Jennifer
- Jennifer Love Hewitt
- Jennifer Schnozz
- Jill
- Joan of Arc
- Jolly Farm Revue Marathon Announcer
- Kate
- Kate Moss
- Katie
- Katie Couric
- Kim Kardashian's Friend
- Kitchen House Narrator
- Liza Judy Barbra
- Lois Lane
- Luke's Wife
- Mad Men Producer
- Madonna
- Maid
- Maid Madelaine
- Mall Shopper
- Marie Osmond
- Marina Oswald
- Mary Steenburgen
- Mayor West's Secretary
- Meat Customer
- Meg Griffin
- Meg's Friend
- Minnie Mouse
- Mom
- Mom Group Leader
- Monica
- Mother of Young Boy
- Mrs. Friendston
- Mrs. Hollander
- Mummy Pig
- Newport Heiress
- Norwegian Girlfriend
- Paula's Friend #2
- Peaches
- Porsche Cayenne Driver
- Professor Knockers
- Quagmire's Mistress
- R
- Rape Victim
- Rich Lady
- Roller Derby Girl
- Room Service
- Roxane
- Sandy Olsson
- Sarah
- Sarah Koenig
- Savannah Guthrie
- School Board Woman
- Shelley Duvall
- Shelly's Neighbor
- Siri
- Sonja
- Spirit Airlines Announcer
- Stewie's Mistress
- Stripper
- Tanya
- Tatum
- Teacher
- Teenage Girl
- Time Machine
- Timmy
- Veterinarian Nurse
- Vivian
- Wanda
- Watchwinner Child
- Wife
- Willie Scott
- Woman in Lab Coat
- Woman in Movie
- Woman in Restaurant
- Woman on Plane
- Young Tracy Flannigan