Greedy tells the simple story of a family who desperately crave their Uncle's (Kirk Douglas) massive fortune.From that simple premise,the script writers and the actors deliver one of the funniest comedies I've ever seen.The Mcteague family,which includes the late Phil Hartman,Ed Begley'JR and Bob Balaban,are one of the most believable families ever committed to celluloid.Let's face it a lot of us hate our families.We hate having family get together's,we sometimes get jealous of each other and try to outdo each other,well that's the kind of family we're talking about.The scenes where the relatives trade insults with each other are hysterical.Michael J.Fox plays another nephew of Joe and gives a typically naturally funny performance.He and Douglas don't share the screen until about half an hour into it,but when they do get together,their sparky banter is consistently funny.
I wish they would make more comedies like this nowadays.Most mainstream comedies now seem to be filled with stupid,over the top characters with beyond ridiculous situations.Most of the comedy in this is in the dialogue,although there are some hilarious physical moments but they're never stupid,just laugh out loud funny.The premise is slightly believable because I believe that we all have what it takes to become very greedy individuals,even if we might not like to admit it.Hell,we might not even notice it.
Greedy easily ranks as one of my favourite comedies and is a laugh riot from start to finish.And has their ever been a sexier woman on screen than Olivia D,Abo in this movie?