2 out of 5 stars.
In the Lost Lands is a bad fantasy epic film that is based on a story from George Martin. Which the story is brief and lacking substance.
The film is very fast moving. It's a Paul W. S. Anderson film which means it's going to be quickly paced. Plenty of action. And mindless entertainment. Well it is fast paced but it lacks every thing else in the film.
It is one of Paul W. S. Anderson worst films in his history. The Three Musketeers had a somewhat decent entertainment value. I loved the Resident Evil films for what it was. And it was not much. It was plenty of entertainment. Even his Monster Hunter. In the Lost Lands is a film that is a combo of genres of gunslingers, westerns. And post apocalyptic. Mad Max with a bit of werewolves, witches and monsters. And a cult of church fanatics that went insane. Film was all over the place. It was just boring.
The visual effect were throughout the movie from sets and back drop. Creating the hazy, brooding atmosphere, and dark lighting. Film just felt like one big hazy dream. Lots of camera lens flares that was used for the tone of the film just felt like a cheap production.
The plot was fast and lacking development with the story. It was difficult to care for any characters.
The action sequences were disappointing. Paul Andersons worst films on handling the action. It was brief in most scenes. And lacking the entertainment value. The climatic fight with Werewolf and Witch was short and quick. It was hard to care for it.
Milla Jovovich and Dave Bautista were okay with there roles. The script had cheesy dialogue filled for there characters and lacking any depth for them. The villain was very forgettable and was just there to be the person chasing the characters throughout the film.
Overall, it was one bad film that action was boring, even the story and direction. It was shocking to see Paul Anderson slipping as a filmmaker. Which he does a great job in creating blockbuster entertainment. This fantasy film is not one of them.