I have to say, with all the many flaws this anime has, I really enjoyed it!
I found it looking for 80s/90s animes, I never seen this one before, and it took me by surprise from the first episode.
The character design and writing is quite interesting, it reminded me a lot of Vampire Hunter D, it doesn't seem to be the same creative team, but there are definitely strong influences, visually.
I loved the colour palette, it gives just the right vibe, and the characters are very detailed (you can like the style or not, since it doesn't try to make everyone look pretty, I actually appreciate that a lot!), with wrinkled coats and amazingly drawn hands, if you're into drawing you'll definitely appreciate these aspects.
The story is interesting, even if a bit aged over the top 80s/90s politically controversial stuff, I didn't mind it as I took it for what it is, nothing serious. It really kept me interested and curious as the story kept developing in a mysterious way, giving a few fun little twists which surprised me, since I hadn't see any trailers or anything (I recommend you do (don't) the same).
The action is very entertaining, and there's a lot of gore and destruction, lots of good moments in that aspect.
Special mention to the main villain, who looks exactly like Madonna in the late 80s. For sure no coincidence. I wonder who is Asura based on, I was wondering if it's Peter Steele, looks a lot like him in the 90s..
What bothered me the most was the last episode. The action was way too silly, stupid, even! The last scene between the three characters doesn't make sense and it could have been written WAY better.. I was about to lower the rating because of it, but in the ned, I have to say I enjoyed this too much to not giving it an 8 (maybe too generous, but I can deny the enjoyment), I'll definitely be recommending this series to my friends, I think it has a lot of value for a seemingly low budget production.