I don't know why this is only averaging above 5, it is a great romantic comedy with 6 main characters, 2 males and 4 females in or around 30 years old. The tribulations of a man who looks each night to use his talents and conquer a new conquest, another who wants the romantic ideal, are best friends they try and support each other, teach each other in their own ways. Can't say much more about that as it might give the movie away. Then their is the 4 females made up of friends including one sister who, to me, is the most sensible of them all and she is deaf and in a well chair. It has some good laughs, i would say more comedy however there is plenty of romance and the enlisting is just as you want it to be. I think the male leads are fantastic, they have you feeling every inch of their struggle (maybe I see it more because I am a man) however I see very much the portrayal that the women see of us men folk and the hardships that go along with us. They say women are fickle, in this movie I think it is the other way around, maybe part of the generational changes of how men act/are told to act/want to act, it's all to confusing and that last sentence sums up this movie perfectly. Sometimes us men might read to much into how we are supposed to act and what we are supposed to do. Some may call it a chick flick and if all you ever watch is the rugby, the horse racing, the boxing and speed racing, then yes this is a chick flick. I consider myself a man and like sports too, but this is light, funny and even the ending is not shall I say heavy, just a great movie and the actors although not greatly familiar to me (English speaker here) I found the character so very believable. Good job all around with story, directing and filming. I really don't know why this is rating at 5's, yes it is not Star Wars, it is not supposed to be, it is filmed with finesse, it does not need FX, it is lighthearted and smooth, entertaining all the way which is needed for me as I need to read the subtitles so it has to keep me entertained and it does. Congratulations to all involved in it. It is not a Cane winner but a great movie to watch, maybe if your doing a dinner and in home DVD night with a new significant other.
Review of The Perfect Date
The Perfect Date
A good Romantic Comedy of 30's something trying to find love
19 December 2015