I was at work yesterday and, as usual, i got bored out of my mind (don't tell anyone), so i decided to watch this movie. i set my expectations pretty low because it was just to pass the time but, lo and behold, i was pleasantly surprised by how great the movie was. this is an independent film through and through, as there's basically just three people interacting with each other the whole time, but what it lacked in budget it more than made up for with an excellent little comedy that trumps most of what's out there today in the same genre. the cast turned in great performances, especially Matt Jones,Will Rogers' character was totally identifiable (at least he was to me) and Eleanore Pienta was perfect for her role.
i don't do movie reviews as a norm, as there are enough people out there doing it, but i just had to try and give this little gem a boost in order to get more people to watch it and have a wonderful surprise like i had watching it.