Scott Z. Burns has managed to create a contained, focused and relevant drama on important and true events. The movie is just as dedicated and willful as its main hero Daniel J. Jones, portrayed effectively by Adam Driver. Some will find it dry, some will rate it based on their political agendas, some will bash Adam Driver (for reasons I have never understood), but I think, while not without flaws, "The Report" is an admirable effort.
I'm thousands of miles away from the land of America, but I was at least vaguely familiar with the facts and happenings "The Report" is based on, the larger canvas was clear to me. "The Report" is not a spectacle, it's not overly dramatic, but moves at an even pace, offers constant flow of plot development instead of boredom - these are also the reasons why some may describe the movie as dry, promising a delivery that never comes - I get that, but I also disagree. Another satisfying aspect is the more than stellar cast, even most of the really small roles are filled by talented and known faces. Adam Driver has never failed me before, also not this time & I don't know wether the hate for him is a meme or just another dismissible and disrespectable creation by our ever degrading virtual society. I was slightly disappointed about Jon Hamm, whose face on the poster turned out to be more of a marketing device, as his total screen time amounted to around 10 minutes, maybe. I love me some Jon Hamm. All jokes aside, "The Report" might not be an exceptional, but definitely is a great effort on every level of filmmaking - acting, writing and directing included. If we talks visuals, the cinematography and aesthetical mood does nothing but adds to the overall tone and cinematic flow.
"The Report" is easy to disappear in, it's an engaging re-telling of a morally messed up events & through a convincing performance by Adam Driver we are able to identify with the subject in question. As far as political and true-events-based dramas go, "The Report" is a remarkable piece. My rating: 8/10.