Mon, Mar 14, 2005
In 1604, in southern France, Lana Lang's distant ancestor Countess Margaret Isabel Thoreau and two other evil witches are condemned to be burned at the stake by Magistrate Wilkins, but Isabel manages to spit her blood on a symbol on a page of their mighty book of spells. In the present day, Lana buys the book on eBay, and by touching the blood-spotted symbol, resurrects the evil countess who possesses her body. Isabel/Lana uses a spell to let the other two witches posses Chloe and Lois. The powerful trio vows to pursue its quest for the three (actually Kryptonian) magical stones which can bring them unseen power. The trio enters a 'surprise' birthday party for Chloe in the barn of the Kent Farm and Isabel throws a spell to make the spectacle really hot, so Clark is one of many boys dancing and drinking in boxer-shorts when his appointment arrives, a representative from Princeton University, who is impressed in a way which can't amuse Clark's parents. The vicious witches cast spells against Jason, who is thrown out of a window but caught just in time by Clark, and Lex, who is made to play the piano constantly so his fingers start bleeding till Clark shoves the piano away, and even to draw the super-power from Clark.
Mon, May 30, 2005
Kevin Grady commits thefts and uses his superpower to delete the incident from witnesses' minds. When he does so with Clark who stopped him after robbing The Talon, much more memory gets wiped, so Chloe must take super-boy home to the Kent farm and help him remember who he is, including discovering together the amazing extent of his superpowers and his feelings for Lana Lang. Meanwhile Lana tells Jason she's neither sure she still wants to go to college nor to stay his girlfriend, claiming it's not Clark but their complicated past, he walks off angry, warning she doesn't realize how much he has been protecting her. Clark and Chloe trace a motor-park pass Kevin dropped to his home, or rather to his father Lawrence Grady, and gradually discover Kevin is in memory manipulation therapy with him in Summerholt neurological institute, where Lex once was a patient, for a hunting accident killing his brother Dillon but escaped. Clark helps Kevin...
Mon, Jun 6, 2005
In the middle of the night on the road, a young pregnant woman is going into labor while the father of her child drives, when she suddenly glows and implodes, while the guy stops the car and runs for his life. Lana and Clark are driving a truck along the same road and find a baby in the crater created by the explosion. They take the baby to the hospital, and the Kent family temporarily guards him, who is connected to Clark. Lana and Clark give the name of Evan, and on the next day, he becomes a teenager, precociously aging. The scientists of Lex study the case and conclude that the boy needs a transfusion of the bone marrow of his unknown father, if he can be found, and even then... Clark tries to save Evan. Meanwhile, Genevieve Teague has a meeting with Lionel Luthor and threatens to hurt Lex, in case the missing stone from China is not delivered to her. But Lionel soon turns the tables on Genevieve by poisoning her (the same way he unsuccessfully tried to poison Lex in the previous season) and threatens not to give her the antidote unless she gives him the second missing stone whom she in fact stole from the murdered Bridget Crosby.
Mon, Jun 13, 2005
On the last day of Smallville High before graduation, the emotionally disturbed and frustrated photographer of the Torch, Brendan Nash, feels rejected by the Universities and decides to abduct some schoolmates to stay with him forever in a replica of the school. He uses his power of 'Medusa Touch' of turning people into stone by mere touch, and brings Lana, Chloe, and other successful schoolmates to the place. While Clark teams up with the nosy Lois to find the other students, he also talks with Jonathan and Martha over his college choices after graduation. Meanwhile, Genevieve and Jason Teague kidnap Lionel and Lex Luthor and hold them hostage in a remote mountain cabin and torture both of them to try to retrieve the second mystical stone that Lionel took from them.
Mon, Jun 20, 2005
When Lana (possessed by Isobel) kills Genevieve Teague by stabbing her with one of the Kryptonian Knowledge Crystals after she attempts to steal it, it triggers a cosmic event that not only severs Lana's link to the spirit Isobel but also sends meteorites from deep space toward Earth and Smallville. At the graduation ceremony for Smallville High, the military arrives to evacuate the town after news that another meteor shower is imminent. Fearing he has a link to the meteorites, Clark goes to talk to the spirit of Jor-El, who informs him that his only hope is to unite the knowledge crystals in the cave. With time running out, Clark sets about locating the final two crystals as meteorites reign down upon Smallville. Lana gives Clark the third stone they recovered from China, which was in her possession all this time, while the second stone is on Lionel's person, which activates. Lex offers to protect Lana and have her flown to New York City, but she gets caught in the meteor shower while riding in a helicopter. Lois manages to get out of Smallville in time, but Chloe stays behind to follow Clark who retrieves the final one from Lionel which hits them with a burst of energy driving him comatose. Chloe helps Clark retrieve the final stone from the Luthor mansion safe after he is immobilized by kryptonite, and helps him escape from Lex. Clark manages to unite all three stones, which transports him to the wild tundra of the frigid North Pole...