1,232 reviews
- sunt_liviu
- Jun 28, 2024
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- kumhat-79250
- Jun 28, 2024
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Although occasionally tugging at the old sentimental heartstrings, A Quiet Place: Day One offers zero answers about what happened during the initial invasion.
It's true, "hiding the monster" is essential in some cases, but we are now three movies in, know what they are, and we WANT to know more about them. But alas, nothing.
The two leads are solid but given very little in the way of action because there is little to go on. The earlier installments, especially the first, had a way of steadily ratcheting up the tension from beginning to end, keeping the characters in what felt like genuine danger at all times. Not here; the monsters are always off someplace in the distance, like watching a Lion at a zoo that barely sticks his head out of his cave to take a bite, then goes back in for a nap.
The fleeting moments when we see the monsters are technically impressive, showcasing the filmmakers' skills. However, it never feels like a danger to our two heroes or their cat. Maybe a little here and there?
This isn't a terrible movie, and It doesn't feel like a "cash grab" when watching it. However, when you make a prequel billed as 'What Happens on Day One' and it doesn't show it, with little tension, no new territory covered, or answers given, it's hard not to feel disappointed.
September 2024 - Clearly the top three reviewers (I am currently in 4th) read my review first, even using my angles and terminology. Maybe they are A. I.? Who cares, except, they couldn't write a review without spoilers could they?
It's true, "hiding the monster" is essential in some cases, but we are now three movies in, know what they are, and we WANT to know more about them. But alas, nothing.
The two leads are solid but given very little in the way of action because there is little to go on. The earlier installments, especially the first, had a way of steadily ratcheting up the tension from beginning to end, keeping the characters in what felt like genuine danger at all times. Not here; the monsters are always off someplace in the distance, like watching a Lion at a zoo that barely sticks his head out of his cave to take a bite, then goes back in for a nap.
The fleeting moments when we see the monsters are technically impressive, showcasing the filmmakers' skills. However, it never feels like a danger to our two heroes or their cat. Maybe a little here and there?
This isn't a terrible movie, and It doesn't feel like a "cash grab" when watching it. However, when you make a prequel billed as 'What Happens on Day One' and it doesn't show it, with little tension, no new territory covered, or answers given, it's hard not to feel disappointed.
September 2024 - Clearly the top three reviewers (I am currently in 4th) read my review first, even using my angles and terminology. Maybe they are A. I.? Who cares, except, they couldn't write a review without spoilers could they?
- adamreviewsfilms
- Jun 27, 2024
- Permalink
Absolute snooze fest, never been more bored watching a movie in theatres, expected better as the previous movies were somewhat thrilling. I have no idea how rotten tomatoes rated this 87%, was so so boring. This movie should not have been classed as a horror movie more a romance/drama. I regret spending money to go watch, only good thing about the movie was the cat, I cared for only the cat I couldn't care less about any of the other characters. I am very disappointed with this movie I expected great things but was ultimately let down, i wish I could get my 29 dollars I spent at the movie theatre back, but unfortunately it's gone forever, like my interest in the A Quite Place universe.
- kaelam-57004
- Jul 17, 2024
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- wolverinematt
- Jun 26, 2024
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This movie wasn't bad but it could have been called Quiet Place 3. This movie should have focused more on the aliens, the why, where and how of them coming. Even how they were able to determine the mode of hunting and such frim the aliens. To me things like that would be a better prequel.
I did really like the emotional aspect that was written into the story but it began to feel that story line became more the focus as the movie went on and the aliens became the after thought.
The special effects were great. The alien design was same as before stellar. I think the movie would have benefited from being more focused on the aliens and building up to the fight against them.
I did really like the emotional aspect that was written into the story but it began to feel that story line became more the focus as the movie went on and the aliens became the after thought.
The special effects were great. The alien design was same as before stellar. I think the movie would have benefited from being more focused on the aliens and building up to the fight against them.
I liked the movie for the most part. Lots of jump scares which is how I like my scary movies.
The actors were great . The actress that played sam was absolutely beautiful in her role. When she was frightened ,I was frightened ,when she was in pain I felt empathy. I liked the first Quiet place for it's absolute silence . Obviously there was more noise in this one but the silence was perfectly utilized.
Now for the best part. The cat Frodo. Played by two cats and NO CGI (which makes the cat acting even more incredible) Frodo kept my attention throughout the movie. I wish a cat could win best supporting actor because Frodo stole the show.
The actors were great . The actress that played sam was absolutely beautiful in her role. When she was frightened ,I was frightened ,when she was in pain I felt empathy. I liked the first Quiet place for it's absolute silence . Obviously there was more noise in this one but the silence was perfectly utilized.
Now for the best part. The cat Frodo. Played by two cats and NO CGI (which makes the cat acting even more incredible) Frodo kept my attention throughout the movie. I wish a cat could win best supporting actor because Frodo stole the show.
- tstudios-51652
- Jul 7, 2024
- Permalink
The plot is non-existent. The characters are bland and they rely too much on the monsters to create tension. You become desensitized to the monsters quickly and maybe you will start feeling sleepy like I did. Come to think of it, the monsters kinda look a little goofy with their watermelon heads.
The action is formulaic and very derivative. Make some noise. Monster appears. Hide from monster. Maybe someone dies, maybe no one dies. Rinse and repeat. Combined with a simple plot and it is a snooze-fest.
I am a big fan of the first film and this one falls short of it in nearly every aspect. I would not recommend this film to fans of the series.
The action is formulaic and very derivative. Make some noise. Monster appears. Hide from monster. Maybe someone dies, maybe no one dies. Rinse and repeat. Combined with a simple plot and it is a snooze-fest.
I am a big fan of the first film and this one falls short of it in nearly every aspect. I would not recommend this film to fans of the series.
- bolehornot
- Jun 28, 2024
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- kylesmith-85808
- Jul 4, 2024
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What a fantastic surprise: a horror that is more (much more) than jump scares or cliched characters. This is refreshingly different, character driven & beautifully acted.
For the most part it is silent & subtle (which means it will fly over the heads of the quiet, quiet bang school of modern horror fans). Telling the story of 'day one' and its immediate aftermath through the eyes of a terminally ill young poet and her cat and the people she meets on her journey: her hospice nurse, a family man and his wife & kids, a young brother & sister and intimately a young English law student.
It's the latter that has the greatest impact on her life and their relationship is played very movingly.
A moving tale of good people coping with apocalyptic developments with immense humanity. Bravo!
For the most part it is silent & subtle (which means it will fly over the heads of the quiet, quiet bang school of modern horror fans). Telling the story of 'day one' and its immediate aftermath through the eyes of a terminally ill young poet and her cat and the people she meets on her journey: her hospice nurse, a family man and his wife & kids, a young brother & sister and intimately a young English law student.
It's the latter that has the greatest impact on her life and their relationship is played very movingly.
A moving tale of good people coping with apocalyptic developments with immense humanity. Bravo!
- Mark-hardy70
- Jan 1, 2025
- Permalink
I just got out of A Quiet Place: Day One
It wasn't what I was expecting, based on the trailers, I was looking forward to seeing the carnage of Day One and everyone figuring out, silence is golden and that they need to be quiet. I didn't like that almost everyone learned to be quiet, off screen. So it was nothing we have not seen before. Characters trying to get from A to B (the point B, being stupid), whilst trying to be quiet.
Keeping it spoiler free, the movie starts off with a huge reveal (not in the ad camping) regarding a main character, that robs the movie of something.
Lupita Nyongo (brilliant, how does she not get more work?) and Stranger Things, Joseph Quinn (giving young Robert Downey Jr vibes) are both great and have good chemistry!! They share some nice, tender, human scenes (thought the script never makes it clear, why their characters connect so quickly and deeply) in what is a pretty sad and depressing movie. Not what was advertised, at all.
The CGI looks good and there are a few genuine jump scares.
This really doesn't seem like a franchise movie, it's much smaller in scale and scope (despite taking place in New York City, on the first day of an alien invasion) than the first two movies and that is a compliment, as it adds to the intimate and claustrophobic atmosphere, but from the trailers, his looked to be the biggest of them all.
I will say, that cat was way too quiet. It constantly took me out of the movie, how quiet it was being.
It sounds like I hated the movie, I didn't. It is a well made movie, with some fun action sequences that made me want to eat a margarita pizza. I just didn't love it, as much as I'd hoped and I think it's a missed opportunity.
It wasn't what I was expecting, based on the trailers, I was looking forward to seeing the carnage of Day One and everyone figuring out, silence is golden and that they need to be quiet. I didn't like that almost everyone learned to be quiet, off screen. So it was nothing we have not seen before. Characters trying to get from A to B (the point B, being stupid), whilst trying to be quiet.
Keeping it spoiler free, the movie starts off with a huge reveal (not in the ad camping) regarding a main character, that robs the movie of something.
Lupita Nyongo (brilliant, how does she not get more work?) and Stranger Things, Joseph Quinn (giving young Robert Downey Jr vibes) are both great and have good chemistry!! They share some nice, tender, human scenes (thought the script never makes it clear, why their characters connect so quickly and deeply) in what is a pretty sad and depressing movie. Not what was advertised, at all.
The CGI looks good and there are a few genuine jump scares.
This really doesn't seem like a franchise movie, it's much smaller in scale and scope (despite taking place in New York City, on the first day of an alien invasion) than the first two movies and that is a compliment, as it adds to the intimate and claustrophobic atmosphere, but from the trailers, his looked to be the biggest of them all.
I will say, that cat was way too quiet. It constantly took me out of the movie, how quiet it was being.
It sounds like I hated the movie, I didn't. It is a well made movie, with some fun action sequences that made me want to eat a margarita pizza. I just didn't love it, as much as I'd hoped and I think it's a missed opportunity.
- slightlymad22
- Jul 15, 2024
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- greekfreak-30126
- Jun 26, 2024
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Unexpectedly, quite dull.
'A Quiet Place: Day One' builds some tension well and features very good sound design, though the story and its characters are a disappointment. I have no issues with Lupita Nyong'o and Joseph Quinn, they try, but Sam and Eric are written quite boringly. I felt like we were missing some major character development for both.
The plot is rather underwhelming. There is some additional meaning in there admittedly, but it's literally one lame objective and then the standard styled exit. It felt whilst watching that the movie had barely any flesh on its bones. The cat stuff is cute, though the obvious lack of true jeopardy for Frodo even hampers that from hitting for real.
There is at least a pleasing use of Nina Simone's Feeling Good. Overall, however, this left me feeling extremely meh, unfortunately. I am, it is worth noting, someone who doesn't love the original two movies; though I did like the first flick just about enough.
'A Quiet Place: Day One' builds some tension well and features very good sound design, though the story and its characters are a disappointment. I have no issues with Lupita Nyong'o and Joseph Quinn, they try, but Sam and Eric are written quite boringly. I felt like we were missing some major character development for both.
The plot is rather underwhelming. There is some additional meaning in there admittedly, but it's literally one lame objective and then the standard styled exit. It felt whilst watching that the movie had barely any flesh on its bones. The cat stuff is cute, though the obvious lack of true jeopardy for Frodo even hampers that from hitting for real.
There is at least a pleasing use of Nina Simone's Feeling Good. Overall, however, this left me feeling extremely meh, unfortunately. I am, it is worth noting, someone who doesn't love the original two movies; though I did like the first flick just about enough.
I'm really perplexed by this one, I had genuinely expected it to precede the first film, give us some answers, some explanations, and set us up for that Emily Blunt scenario, it doesn't...
...It somehow does the same job as the first film, but with less success, there are some excellent scenes, but we have genuinely seen it all before, except for that cat.
I don't really know what the purpose of this one was, did none of them get to hear about those monsters, was this way before, or is it a total reset?
Day one, implies that month 6 or year 2 is on the way, I wonder, we certainly have some potential with that boat.
I thought it was well acted and features some wonderful visuals, the visual effects team did a great job with it, wonderful looking sets.
It reminded me of one thing, there's nothing like Whisky and cold pizza.
Cat deserves an award.
...It somehow does the same job as the first film, but with less success, there are some excellent scenes, but we have genuinely seen it all before, except for that cat.
I don't really know what the purpose of this one was, did none of them get to hear about those monsters, was this way before, or is it a total reset?
Day one, implies that month 6 or year 2 is on the way, I wonder, we certainly have some potential with that boat.
I thought it was well acted and features some wonderful visuals, the visual effects team did a great job with it, wonderful looking sets.
It reminded me of one thing, there's nothing like Whisky and cold pizza.
Cat deserves an award.
- Sleepin_Dragon
- Sep 12, 2024
- Permalink
Coming into A Quiet Place: Day One, you would assume that it would revolve around the history of how ' this thing' occurs and how it relate to the present day. Apparently not. This film pretty much an unnecessary spin-off of the first film.
Some cool scenes with decent visual and sound, has weird pacing, some of the humors are cringe, the heartfelt moments just doesn't do it for me. I like Joseph Quinn as a person, but in some scenes, his acting is kind of awkward.
Overall, it's an okay sci-fi horror with barely-exists-generic plot. Nothing groundbreaking, but still somewhat fun.
Generic, but at least the cat is cute.
Some cool scenes with decent visual and sound, has weird pacing, some of the humors are cringe, the heartfelt moments just doesn't do it for me. I like Joseph Quinn as a person, but in some scenes, his acting is kind of awkward.
Overall, it's an okay sci-fi horror with barely-exists-generic plot. Nothing groundbreaking, but still somewhat fun.
Generic, but at least the cat is cute.
- FlashCallahan
- Jun 27, 2024
- Permalink
This is a very good movie that does what the two previous movies has done, which is mainly focus on the characters and their stories in the midst of something horrific happening. I know people were mad because it didn't "explain" the aliens but that's never been the point of these movies. The acting and story are really well done. The main two characters have amazing chemistry and really tell such a story with so little words. I appreciated the creativity of the story and would love to see more movies centered around this event happening, whether they explain what's happening or not. Definitely would recommend.
- dillahuntyclaire
- Aug 17, 2024
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As I read the reviews here I see quite a bit of negativity. Most of that seems to be based on the same droll complaint: "It isn't what I wanted it to be." People were looking for an explanation of why the aliens attacked, one guy mentioned wanting a tank battle (hey, go watch Transformers), others were upset that they didn't delve into the agenda of the aliens. Basically, these reviewers wanted an origin story... and were disappointed that's not what they got. While I can understand their complaint... they didn't write the story, make the movie, and weren't in charge of the plot line. If they had been, we'd have all missed what this movie really presented.
This is not an origin story, nor was it intended to be. It wasn't created to fulfill personal whims. They don't explain why the aliens invaded or their agenda BECAUSE THE CHARACTERS HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING THAT. That's the bottom line of that issue. Maybe the next in the series will tell more about the aliens but frankly, that's not really necessary. All three of these movies have been about ordinary people dealing with the unknown as best they can. That's the premise, en total. The imagined origin of the aliens has never been the main point of these movies. The aliens appeared outta nowhere, attacked for unknown reason, are very dangerous but not invulnerable. People learn how to cope. That's it. The origin of the aliens is completely irrelevant to the plot of all three movies.
Every one of the negative reviews seem to be missing a very vital point in this movie: it is about a very ill woman dying of a disease (likely cancer) with evidently little time left... while at the same time dealing with a deadly alien invasion. This paradox is the entire crux of this movie, and is very important to the overall plot. Imagine yourself in this situation... facing death no matter what... and what would be the most important thing on your mind? Most of the reviews reveal this: pizza. Her "last wish" so to speak. Last wishes are something we all totally understand. This strong desire was established very early in the movie, and that remains the fulcrum throughout the film. The movie even explains the reason... and it's a very good one.
This isn't a deep probe into alien psyche. It's about two people who have just met, trying to deal with one very drastic day as best they can. They don't have time to plan. They aren't "die hard" samurai warriors. They're just regular people with their own problems: one has cancer and the other is evidently suffering from PTSD and doesn't know how to cope by himself. There's no telling what he'd already seen that day, what he'd had to deal with. So now... how are they going to cope with this situation?
This film catches the viewer's attention from the start and holds it to the very end. No, it's not the best movie ever... but it's very good and far above the jaded 1 & 2 star ratings we see here. The scene is set, the characters are presented, and the director proceeds to take us on two people's journey that single day... from the primary viewpoint of those two characters. They hold true to this premise throughout the film.
This is primarily action / adventure... but a step above as they reveal more about the characters themselves (which for once are very well developed and acted). Whether one "likes" how this resolves or not, the resolution is realistic and understandable. This is basically a slice-of-life sci-fi about the very first day of this alien invasion, no explanations other than "Here they are, now what do we do?". From that standpoint, it works.
This is not an origin story, nor was it intended to be. It wasn't created to fulfill personal whims. They don't explain why the aliens invaded or their agenda BECAUSE THE CHARACTERS HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING THAT. That's the bottom line of that issue. Maybe the next in the series will tell more about the aliens but frankly, that's not really necessary. All three of these movies have been about ordinary people dealing with the unknown as best they can. That's the premise, en total. The imagined origin of the aliens has never been the main point of these movies. The aliens appeared outta nowhere, attacked for unknown reason, are very dangerous but not invulnerable. People learn how to cope. That's it. The origin of the aliens is completely irrelevant to the plot of all three movies.
Every one of the negative reviews seem to be missing a very vital point in this movie: it is about a very ill woman dying of a disease (likely cancer) with evidently little time left... while at the same time dealing with a deadly alien invasion. This paradox is the entire crux of this movie, and is very important to the overall plot. Imagine yourself in this situation... facing death no matter what... and what would be the most important thing on your mind? Most of the reviews reveal this: pizza. Her "last wish" so to speak. Last wishes are something we all totally understand. This strong desire was established very early in the movie, and that remains the fulcrum throughout the film. The movie even explains the reason... and it's a very good one.
This isn't a deep probe into alien psyche. It's about two people who have just met, trying to deal with one very drastic day as best they can. They don't have time to plan. They aren't "die hard" samurai warriors. They're just regular people with their own problems: one has cancer and the other is evidently suffering from PTSD and doesn't know how to cope by himself. There's no telling what he'd already seen that day, what he'd had to deal with. So now... how are they going to cope with this situation?
This film catches the viewer's attention from the start and holds it to the very end. No, it's not the best movie ever... but it's very good and far above the jaded 1 & 2 star ratings we see here. The scene is set, the characters are presented, and the director proceeds to take us on two people's journey that single day... from the primary viewpoint of those two characters. They hold true to this premise throughout the film.
This is primarily action / adventure... but a step above as they reveal more about the characters themselves (which for once are very well developed and acted). Whether one "likes" how this resolves or not, the resolution is realistic and understandable. This is basically a slice-of-life sci-fi about the very first day of this alien invasion, no explanations other than "Here they are, now what do we do?". From that standpoint, it works.
- penguin-65
- Jun 27, 2024
- Permalink
The story isn't as focused on family as the previous ones, which I liked. I'm tired of watching oblivious children mess things up in these kind of movies. There's also a very cute cat, which lightens up the horror element.
This film is an interesting addition to the franchise, showing the initial alien invasion. I felt engaged throughout the almost 2 hr runtime , with no boring moments. However, I wish they had explored the origin of the aliens more, as there's so much potential for interesting lore beyond just following the two main protagonists.
The sound design is amazing, and while some CGI is great, some parts aren't. Lupita's performance is amazing and emotionally strong, adding depth to the film.
This film is an interesting addition to the franchise, showing the initial alien invasion. I felt engaged throughout the almost 2 hr runtime , with no boring moments. However, I wish they had explored the origin of the aliens more, as there's so much potential for interesting lore beyond just following the two main protagonists.
The sound design is amazing, and while some CGI is great, some parts aren't. Lupita's performance is amazing and emotionally strong, adding depth to the film.
- FinleyKolapo
- Jun 26, 2024
- Permalink
So the film wasn't objectively all that bad. The casting was fine, scores were fine, acting was on par, but the first two films went far beyond that. This film lost me towards the second act and I'd not for the cat (and the fact that I lost the remote) I likely would have tuned out all together.
The film did little to dive into the who's, how's and why's of just why the aliens got here which I think is what we all wanted and instead told the story of a random terminally ill lady and her cat who link up with an average joe business man as they navigate their way through New York City. We catch brief glimpses of some familiar faces from the previous instalment but aside from that, that's it.
6/10, skippable and watchable depending on how much time you have to kill on a rainy evening.
The film did little to dive into the who's, how's and why's of just why the aliens got here which I think is what we all wanted and instead told the story of a random terminally ill lady and her cat who link up with an average joe business man as they navigate their way through New York City. We catch brief glimpses of some familiar faces from the previous instalment but aside from that, that's it.
6/10, skippable and watchable depending on how much time you have to kill on a rainy evening.
- acmcc-75711
- Jun 27, 2024
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