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Gurmukhi Gap Analysis

W3C Group Draft Note

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Commit history
Richard Ishida (W3C)
GitHub w3c/iip (pull requests, new issue, open issues)


This document describes and prioritises gaps for the support of the Gurmukhi script on the Web and in eBooks. In particular, it is concerned with text layout. It checks that needed features are supported in W3C specifications, such as HTML and CSS and those relating to digital publications. It also checks whether the features have been implemented in browsers and ereaders.

Status of This Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at https://www.w3.org/TR/.

This document describes and prioritises gaps for the support of the Gurmukhi script on the Web and in eBooks. In particular, it is concerned with text layout. It checks that needed features are supported in W3C specifications, in particular HTML and CSS and those relating to digital publications. It also checks whether the features have been implemented in browsers and ereaders. It is linked to from the language matrix that tracks Web support for many languages.

The editor's draft of this document is being developed in the GitHub repository Indian Language Enablement (ilreq), with contributors from the W3C Internationalization Interest Group. It is published by the Internationalization Working Group. The end target for this document is a Working Group Note.

This document was published by the Internationalization Working Group as a Group Draft Note using the Note track.

Group Draft Notes are not endorsed by W3C nor its Members.

This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

The W3C Patent Policy does not carry any licensing requirements or commitments on this document.

This document is governed by the 03 November 2023 W3C Process Document.

1. Introduction

1.1 Contributors

This document was created by Richard Ishida.

See also the GitHub contributors list for the Indian Language Enablement project, and the discussions related to the Gurmukhi script.

1.2 About this document

The W3C needs to make sure that the needs of scripts and languages around the world are built in to technologies such as HTML, CSS, SVG, etc. so that Web pages and eBooks can look and behave as people expect around the world.

This page documents difficulties that people encounter when trying to use languages written in the Gurmukhi script on the Web.

Having identified an issue, it investigates the current status with regards to web specifications and implementations by user agents (browsers, e-readers, etc.), and attempts to prioritise the severity of the issue for web users.

1.3 Prioritization

This document not only describes gaps, it also attempts to prioritise them in terms of the impact on the local user. The prioritisation is indicated by colour.


It is important to note that these colours do not indicate to what extent a particular feature is broken. They indicate the impact of a broken or missing feature on the content author or end user.

Basic styling is the level that would be generally accepted as sufficient for most Web pages. Advanced level support would include additional features one might expect to include in ebooks or other advanced typographic formats. There may be features of a script or language that are not supported on the Web, but that are not generally regarded as necessary (usually archaic or obscure features). In this case, the feature can be described here, but the status should be marked as OK.

The decision as to what priority level is assigned to a described gap is down to the experts doing the gap analysis. It may not always be straightforward to decide. If a given section in this document refers to more than one feature that is broken, each with different impacts on Web users, the priority for the section should be the lowest denominator.

A cell can be scored as OK if the feature in question is specified in an appropriate specification, and is supported by user agents. A specification that is in CR or later and has two implementations in 'major' browsers will count. This means that the feature may not be supported in all browsers yet. (At some point in the future we may try to distinguish, visually, whether support is available in a specification but still pending in major browsers or applications.)

2. Text direction

See also General page layout & progression for features such as column layout, page turning direction, etc. that are affected by text direction.

2.1 Vertical text

Are the script requirements for vertically oriented text met? What about if you mix vertical text with scripts that are normally only horizontal? Do you need a switch to use different characters in vertical vs. horizontal text? Does the browser support short runs of horizontal text in vertical lines (tate-chu-yoko in Japanese) as expected? Is the orientation of characters and the directional ordering of characters supported as needed?

2.2 Bidirectional text

If this script runs right-to-left, are there any issues when handling that? Is bidirectional text adequately supported? What about numbers and expressions? Do the Unicode bidi controls and HTML markup provide the support needed? Is isolation of directional runs problematic?

3. Glyph shaping & positioning

3.1 Fonts & font styles

Do the standard fallback fonts used in browsers (eg. serif, sans-serif, cursive, etc.) match expectations? Are special font or OpenType features needed for this script that are not available?

3.2 Context-based shaping and positioning

Does the script in question require additional user control features to support alterations to the position or shape of glyphs, for example adjusting the distance between the base text and diacritics, or changing the glyphs used in a systematic way? Do you need to be able to compose/decompose conjuncts, or show characters that are otherwise hidden, etc?

3.3 Letterform slopes, weights, & italics

This covers ways of modifying the glyphs, such as for italicisation, bolding, oblique, etc. Do italic fonts lean in the right direction? Is synthesised italicisation problematic? Are there other problems relating to bolding or italicisation - perhaps relating to generalised assumptions of applicability?

3.4 Cursive text

If this script is cursive (eg. Arabic, N’Ko, Syriac, etc), are there problems or needed features related to the handling of cursive text? Do cursive links break if parts of a word are marked up or styled? Do Unicode joiner and non-joiner characters behave as expected?

#139 Text stroke cuts joining glyphs apart

Languages: hi bn pa 2

This issue is likely to apply to all cursive script text, but also to other scripts that have joins between letters.

When text stroke effects are applied to cursive text, they should not interrupt the cursive flow. For example, the following is problematic.

Devanagari text where the top bar is broken by text stroke.

For more details, see this GitHub issue, which is being used to track this gap. Please add any discussion there, and not to this issue.

3.5 Case & other character transforms

Does your script need special text transforms that are not supported? Does your script convert letters to uppercase, capitalised and lowercase alternatives according to your typographic needs? Do you need to to convert between half-width and full-width presentation forms?

4. Typographic units

4.1 Characters & encoding

Are there any character repertoire issues preventing use of this script on the Web? Do variation selectors need attention? Are there any other encoding-related issues?

#95 Independent vowels are confusing

Languages: pa 2

Like other Indic scripts, Gurmukhi has independent vowels which may be visualised as made up of 2 code points, whereas Unicode provides precomposed code points for each independent vowel. The precomposed code points and the decomposed sequences that may be rendered to look the same are not canonically equivalent in Unicode, and therefore may be problematic for users who are unaware.

This is particularly pronounced for Gurmukhi because in principle independent vowels are (visually) a vowel carrier plus a vowel sign. For more information see Standalone vowels.

Searching Google for the word ਅਾਲੂ (potato), where the initial 'a' sound is composed of 2 code points, rather than the precomposed code point recommended by Unicode, produces 2,570 pages, compared to 361,000 using the precomposed character. While this is small in comparison (0.7%), it is large enough to indicate an issue.

Browsers should be able to recognise the decomposed sequences and treat them as equivalent to the precomposed code points for sorting, search, collation, etc.

Many fonts produce a dotted circle or fail to correctly align the glyphs of the decomposed sequence, which also helps reduce this issue, however some fonts do not (such as the Gurmukhi MN Mac system font).

4.2 Grapheme/word segmentation & selection

This is about how text is divided into graphemes, words, sentences, etc., and behaviour associated with that. Do Unicode grapheme clusters appropriately segment character units for your script? When you double- or triple-click on the text, is the expected range of characters highlighted? When you move through the text with the cursor, or backspace, etc. do you see the expected behaviour? (Some of the answers to these questions may be picker up in other sections, such as line-breaking, or initial-letter styling.)

#98 Space toggle switch may be useful for Gurmukhi

Languages: pa 2

Certain older Gurmukhi texts do not contain space characters. This form is known as _Larivaar_ and some website allow you to toggle it as a setting. It might make sense for this to be a transform property on the text, so that way we can preserve the words for line-breaking.

#97 Inconsistent deletion behaviour

Languages: pa 1

This behavior varies even between different applications within macOS. Apple Pages seems to delete / select / cursor by Vowel+Consonant cluster. TextEdit seems to delete by code point, but cursor / select is by Vowel + Consonant cluster. In general, the TextEdit behavior seems favorable.

Gurmukhi has only three commonly used half/subjoined consonants for ਹ ਵ and ਰ. Most Gurmukhi readers are not familiar with the concept of Halant / Virama and thus deleting behavior should delete the full half-character.

5. Punctuation & inline features

5.1 Phrase & section boundaries

Are there specific problems related to punctuation or the interaction of the text with punctuation (for example separation of punctuation from previous text, but allowing no line break between)? Are there issues related to handling of abbreviation, ellipsis, or iteration? Are there problems related to bracketing information or demarcating things such as proper nouns, etc?

5.2 Quotations & citations

Are there any issues when dealing with quotations marks, especially when nested? Should block quotes be indented or handled specially?

5.3 Emphasis & highlighting

How are emphasis and highlighting achieved? If lines or marks are drawn alongside, over or through the text, do they need to be a special distance from the text itself? Is it important to skip characters when underlining, etc? How do things change for vertically set text?

5.4 Abbreviation, ellipsis & repetition

What characters or other methods are used to indicate abbreviation, ellipsis & repetition?

5.5 Inline notes & annotations

The ruby spec currently specifies an initial subset of requirements for fine-tuning the typography of phonetic and semantic annotations of East Asian text, including furigana, pinyin and zhuyin fuhao systems. Is is adequate for what it sets out to do? What other controls will be needed in the future? What about other types of inline annotation, such as warichu? (For referent-type notes such as footnotes, see below.)

5.6 Text decoration & other inline features

This is about ways of marking text (see also specific sections dedicated to quotations and inline notes/annotations). Is it possible to express emphasis or highlight content as expected? Bold, italic and under-/over-lines are not always appropriate, and some scripts have their own unique ways of doing things, that are not in the Western tradition at all. Text delimiters mark certain items or sections off from the main text, such as book names in Chinese, quotations, head markers in Tibetan, etc, and often involve the use of punctuation. Is there any behaviour that isn't well supported, such as overlines for numeric digits in Syriac? Are there issues about the positioning or use of underlines? Some aspects related to the drawing of lines alongside or through text involve local typographic considerations. Do underlines need to be broken in special ways for this script? Do you need support for additional line shapes or widths? Does the distance or position of the lines relative to the text need to vary in ways that are not achievable? Are lines correctly drawn relative to vertical text?

#90 Underline and overline need to clear glyph ascenders and descenders

Languages: hi bn ta gu pa 1

Indian language text has some signs called as Matras which sometimes join above the shirorekha or below the normal baseline.

Applications should ensure that the underline and overline when getting rendered, should adaquetly be taken into consideration. Chrome browser seemed to be perfectly rendering the underline and overline feature by breaking the same where a matra occurs. Internet Explorer also handles it a bit differently by appropriately lowering or heightening the respective lines.

5.7 Data formats & numbers

If the script has its own set of number digits, are there any issues in how they are used? Does the script or language use special format patterns that are problematic (eg. 12,34,000 in India)? What about date/time formats and selection - and are non-Gregorian calendars needed? Do percent signs and other symbols associated with number work correctly, and do numbers need special decorations, (like in Ethiopic or Syriac)? How about the management of personal names, addresses, etc. in web pages: are there issues?

#100 Gurmukhi numeral switch needed

Languages: pa 2

Generally Latin Numerals are acceptable in Gurmukhi text. Most of the user community identifies with them. However, there could be cases where certain web-pages would prefer to have numerals in Gurmukhi to cater to mono-lingual (mono-script rather) readers. This is particularly required for input types number and date. It would be useful if the input type values are augmented with the script mnemonics e.g. number_guru or date_guru instead of changing it for entire page through some locale setting. There could be cases where a user may require both kinds of numbering in the same web-page.

6. Line and paragraph layout

6.1 Line breaking & hyphenation

Does the browser capture the rules about the way text in your script wraps when it hits the end of a line? Does line-breaking wrap whole 'words' at a time, or characters, or something else (such as syllables in Tibetan and Javanese)? What characters should not appear at the end or start of a line, and what should be done to prevent that?

6.2 Text alignment & justification

When text in a paragraph needs to have flush lines down both sides, does it follow the rules for your script? Does the script need assistance to conform to a grid pattern? Does your script allow punctuation to hang outside the text box at the start or end of a line? Where adjustments are need to make a line flush, how is that done? Do you shrink/stretch space between words and/or letters? Are word baselines stretched, as in Arabic? What about paragraph indents, or the need for logical alignment keywords, such as start/end, rather than left/right?

6.3 Text spacing

Some scripts create emphasis or other effects by spacing out the words, letters or syllables in a word. Are there requirements for this script/language that are unsupported? (For justification related spacing, see below.)

#118 Browsers apply extraneous spaces when letter-spacing

Languages: hi bn ta gu pa 2

This issue applies to all languages that use letter-spacing.

Currently browsers that apply letter-spacing do so by adding a space after every letter in the text that is tracked. This results in a superfluous space at the end of the range, which creates an inappropriate gap before the following text. Letter spacing at the end of a line makes the line look misaligned in justified or right-justified text. It also has implications for text that has other styling, such as an outline or a coloured background, at the same time as being stretched.

For more details, see this GitHub issue, which is being used to track this gap. Please add any discussion there, and not to this issue.

6.4 Baselines, line-height, etc

Does the browser support requirements for baseline alignment between mixed scripts and in general?

#96 Differences in physical size for fonts affects baseline alignment

Languages: hi bn gu pa 2

This issue is especially applicable to northern Indic scripts with a head line.

By and large, Indian scripts in browsers are rendered with default fonts provided by back-end Operating Systems. If there are major differences in physical size for a particular font size, which most of the times are, it shows the mixed-script text in an un-organized way. This obviously affects all the base-line attributes.

Generally, Indian scripts that have joining line use the joining line as the baseline. Ideally, if a document contains both Devanagari and Gurmukhi text (such as Mahan Khosh), the text should be aligned at the joining line regardless of the script or font.

6.5 Lists, counters, etc.

The CSS Counter Styles specification describes a limited set of simple and complex styles for counters to be used in list numbering, chapter heading numbering, etc.The rules plus more counter styles (totalling around 120 for over 30 scripts) are listed in the document Ready-made Counter Styles. Do these cover your needs? Are the details correct? Are there other aspects related to counters and lists that need to be addressed?

#114 Counter-styles

Languages: pa 3

A gurmukhi (numeric) counter style is supported by the 3 main browser engines, so there appear to be no issues here.

#93 Customised counter styles are unavailable — FIXED !

Languages: hi bn ta gu pa ks mr as mni 3

Customisable counters are needed for many languages.

Many orthographies use native digits or letters for counters, such as those used for list numbering or numbering chapter headings, etc. It needs to be possible to use these local conventions for counters.

Users also need to be able to adapt counter styles for a given context or create new ones where the browser doesn't have baked-in support. Often customisation needs are driven by the need to change the counter suffix for particular contexts, but in some cases the algorithms used for numbering can vary from author to author as well.


These are just a few examples out of many.

The major browser engines support a number of hard-coded counter styles. But when this gap was first reported only Gecko supported user defined counter styling. This meant that native counters were not available for a large number of languages, and the styles could not be tweaked by the author for special uses.

predefined-counter-styles contains templates for counter styles that can be applied by users if the custom counter styles spec is supported.

css-counter-styles-3 explicitly defines a number of local styles, and the other counter styles can be defined by users if the Counter Styles spec's generic mechanism for defining counter styles was implemented.

The impact of the lack of support cited here is mitigated by the tendency to use western counters, so the impact could be marked as advanced. However native styles (at least the numeric) are widely used in non-Web content, and these features are likely to be widely used when implemented across all major browsers. Therefore the priority is set to basic.

Tests & results:
I18n test suite, Predefined styles.
Contains tests for the styles that are explicitly defined in the Counter Styles spec. Gecko and Blink provide good coverage. Webkit covers most styles with some gaps, but fails for CJK and Ethiopic styles.

I18n test suite, Basic custom counter styles.
The spec is essentially done, and Gecko and Blink have implemented it. No support from Webkit.

Action taken
Blink (Fixed) • WebKit

Fixed ! Blink, WebKit, and Gecko latest browser versions now all support custom counter styles.

6.6 Styling initials

Does the browser or ereader correctly handle special styling of the initial letter of a line or paragraph, such as for drop caps or similar? How about the size relationship between the large letter and the lines alongide? where does the large letter anchor relative to the lines alongside? is it normal to include initial quote marks in the large letter? is the large letter really a syllable? etc. Are all of these things working as expected?

#84 initial-letter positioning is not widely available

Languages: hi bn ta gu pa 2

Having selected the correct text for highlighting, it is important to ensure proper alignment of the baseline and height of the initial letter highlight relative to the other lines of text. This doesn't work well without help from the dedicated CSS properties, initial-letters and the initial-letters-align. Unfortunately, only Safari supports the first property, and it requires the -webkit prefix, so this is still an immature feature.

Safari aligns the alphabetic baseline of the highlighted text with that on the specified number of lines. The relationship between the highlighted letters and the first line of the paragraph appears to be based on cap height, but is not clear. The requirements for that relationship are not yet really clear, despite the information in Indian Layout Requirements.

The impact here is advanced, since it is mainly needed for advanced layouts.

7. Page & book layout

7.1 General page layout & progression

How are the main text area and ancilliary areas positioned and defined? Are there any special requirements here, such as dimensions in characters for the Japanese kihon hanmen? The book cover for scripts that are read right-to-left scripts is on the right of the spine, rather than the left. Is that provided for? When content can flow vertically and to the left or right, how do you specify the location of objects, text, etc. relative to the flow? For example, keywords 'left' and 'right' are likely to need to be reversed for pages written in English and page written in Arabic. Do tables and grid layouts work as expected? How do columns work in vertical text? Can you mix block of vertical and horizontal text correctly? Does text scroll in the expected direction? Other topics that belong here include any local requirements for things such as printer marks, tables of contents and indexes.

7.2 Grids & tables

Does the script have special requirements for character grids or tables?

7.3 Footnotes, endnotes, etc.

Does your script have special requirements for footnotes, endnotes or other necessary annotations of this kind in the way needed for your culture? (There is a section above for purely inline annotations, such as ruby or warichu. This section is more about annotation systems that separate the reference marks and the content of the notes.)

7.4 Page headers, footers, etc.

Are there special conventions for page numbering, or the way that running headers and the like are handled?

7.5 Forms & user interaction

Are vertical form controls well supported? In right-to-left scripts, is it possible to set the base direction for a form field? Is the scroll bar on the correct side? etc.

8. Other

8.1 Culture-specific features

Sometimes a script or language does things that are not common outside of its sphere of influence. This is a loose bag of additional items that weren't previously mentioned. This section may also be relevant for observations related to locale formats (such as number, date, currency, format support).

8.2 What else?

There are many other CSS modules which may need review for script-specific requirements, not to mention the SVG, HTML, Speech, MathML and other specifications. What else is likely to cause problems for worldwide deployment of the Web, and what requirements need to be addressed to make the Web function well locally?

Show summary

A. Acknowledgements

Special thanks to the following people who contributed to this document (contributors' names listed in in alphabetic order).

Kulpreet Chilana

Please find the latest info of the contributors at the GitHub contributors list.