Z. Smith Reynolds Library
The Z. Smith Reynolds Library supports the research and instruction needs of more than 5,400 undergraduates and over 3,500 graduate and professional students in the School of Business, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the School of Divinity, and the School of Professional Studies.
Beyond providing research help, the library also hosts many student events to engage students throughout the semester, including “Wake the Library,” our signature exam week event, after-hours programming, and a variety of film screenings and lectures.
The Z. Smith Reynolds Library also houses the Bridge, IS’s technology support desk; the Writing Center; and Smith’s Cafe, the library’s coffee shop. Library hours vary with the academic calendar and are updated on the library calendar.
Business Information Commons
The Business Information Commons is located on the second floor of Farrell Hall. It supports the School of Business.
Law Library
The Law Library serves the School of Law. The Library welcomes members of the legal and general communities.
Carpenter Library
The Carpenter Library serves the School of Medicine and North Carolina Baptist Hospital.