Thanks to 17 volunteers this year and numerous volunteers in the past, the CC Certificate reading content is now available in 10 languages. This makes open licensing training more accessible to over one billion people in their native languages.
The CC Certificate program offers in-depth courses about copyright, CC licenses, open practices and the ethos of our global, shared commons. CC Certificate courses target (1) Academic Librarians, (2) Educators and (3) Open Culture advocates, but are open to everyone. If you are a CC Certificate graduate and would like to translate course content in 2024, please contact certificate administrators on the alumni listserv.
The Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information contacted CC in 2022, noting the need for CC Certificate content in Slovak. Thanks to Gabriela Fišová, Judita Takačová, Jakub Klech, and Barbora Bieliková for translating content earlier this year.
With Open University Bangladesh faculty and students, Mostafa Azad Kamel and Sadia Afroze Sultana translated the CC Certificate content in Bengali. Mostafa and Sadia are longtime CC community members who have played an instrumental role in the CC Certificate program.
Building on last year’s French Translation, a community of volunteers from seven countries embarked on a two-week French translation 2.0 sprint, to increase the accessibility of the French translation for different francophone audiences. Nicolas Simon, a CC community member who provided the original French translation supported the sprint, and reviewed the final draft. Adou Jean-Constant Atta, Aman Ado, Emmanuelle Guebo Kakou, Fawaz Tairou, Karen Ferreira-Meyers, Kamel Belhamel, Nyirahabihirwe Clementine, Touré Kahou, Namon Moussa Traore, and Yao Hippolyte Bondouho added local contextual considerations such as recommended links.
Download the Slovak translation files or access them on Zenodo.
Download the Bengali translation files.
Download the French version 2 translation files.
2022 Translations
Creative Commons proudly presents the latest translations of the CC Certificate course content. Thanks to the translation efforts of CC Certificate graduates and additional translators below, a total of 569 million people will have access to the educational resources in their native languages. These published works enable 493 million native Spanish speakers and 76 million native French speakers to access translations in their languages — not to mention others who have Spanish or French as a second language.
The following translators engaged in a two-week “translation sprint” using open source software, built for translations.
- Carlos E. Ferrero is an ATA certified English into Spanish translator. He was a financial analyst for La Banque Française et Italienne pour L’Amérique du Sud in Caracas and the Citizens & Southern National Bank in Atlanta, GA.
- Emma Miliani is Linguistics Full Professor at Carabobo University, Valencia Venezuela. (Now retired). Milani taught English and Spanish at Università della Tuscia in Viterbo, Italy, after leaving Venezuela.
- Hector Teran Torres (also known as Hecter) is a Professor in the Engineering Faculty at Simon Bolivar University, Colombia. He is passionate about the Sustainable Development Goals and Creative Commons. He likes to share knowledge, teach computer science, volunteer, inspire his students and ride his bike. Hector was part of the inaugural CC Certificate BETA class for Educators, and graduated in 2019.
- Talia Méndez Mahecha (also known as Tata) is a digital creative. She is a PhD student at Western University studying Media Studies. Her experience includes consulting for libraries, museums, and historical memory projects, including the National Library of Colombia and the Colombian Truth Commission. Currently, she serves as research assistant to the projects “Surviving Memory in Post War El Salvador” and “Google Arts & Culture – Assessment of Collection”. Tata graduated from the CC Certificate for Open Culture / GLAM (Galeries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) in 2022.
- Jackeline Bucio currently serves as Deputy Director in the Online high school & MOOC area at the Open University, Educational Innovation and Distance Education Department (CUAIEED), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). She also works actively in the use of Wikipedia in educational contexts (WMMX). Jackeline graduated from the CC Certificate for Educators in 2022.
Carlos Ferrero, Emma Miliani, and Hector Teran Torres revised the drafted translation following the sprint, providing the final version.Nicolas Simon offered the first iteration of our French translation.
Nicolas Simon offered the first iteration of our French translation. Nicolas Simon is an Associate Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Criminology, and Social Work at Eastern Connecticut State University. He graduated from the CC Certificate for Educators course in 2022. CC will continue work with Nicolas Simon and other native French speakers on a revision process for the French translation in 2023, to ensure the translation is useful to a range of French speaking communities beyond France.
Zip file of all CC Certificate course modules in Spanish
Zip file for all CC Certificate course modules in French (version 1)
2020 and 2021 Translations
Thanks to CC Nigeria, CC Turkey, and the following individuals, our course content on open licensing and recommended practices for open sharing are available to over 140M Yorùbá, Burmese, Turkish language speakers around the world.
- Adéṣínà Ghani Ayẹni, Open Educational Resources developer, multimedia journalist, digital and language rights activist, professional translator and founder of Yobamoodua Cultural Heritage
- Helen Chuma-Okoro, CC Nigeria Chapter Lead
- Kayode Yussuf, CC Chapter Global Network Council Representative
- Dr. Beck Pitt, researcher and member of the Open Education Research (OER) Hub, Institute of Educational Technology (IET), The Open University (UK)
- İlkay Holt, CC Turkey Chapter Lead
- Orçun Madran, CC Turkey, Global Network Council Representative
Adéṣínà Ghani Ayẹni (also known as Ọmọ Yoòbá) and CC Nigeria completed the Yoruba translation, sharing it with a Nigerian case study at the end of 2020. Through the practice of neologism (coining of new words), Ọmọ Yoòbá introduced new words to describe copyright concepts covered in the Certificate content, which were not previously part of the Yorùbá vocabulary. CC Nigeria organized a team of reviewers, including Yorùbá language teachers and tech experts, to ensure the content’s accuracy. Access the Yoruba translation and country case study here.
As part of the Transformation by Innovation in Distance Education (TIDE) project, Dr. Beck Pitt led the collaborative remix of the Creative Commons Certificate programme for Librarians. The course is available in English and Myanmar languages, with accompanying facilitated course materials, here.
Thanks to Goethe-Institut Istanbul’s financial support, CC Turkey was able to translate CC Certificate course content into Turkish by September 2021. CC Turkey volunteers proofread and localized content, under the coordination of Ilkay Holt and Orcun Madran. The Turkish translations, published here, will help reduce the gap in the relevant Turkish open licensing literature. Turkish librarians, educators, GLAM specialists, funders and other interested parties can educate themselves and train their audiences, adopt good practices in using licences, and make their works and digital collections more open.
Zip file of all CC Certificate modules in Yoruba
Link to all CC Certificate modules in Turkish
Link to remixed CC Certificate modules in Burmese
2019 Translations
Creative Commons proudly highlights the work of CC Network members in Italy and Saudi Arabia. Thanks to CC Network members Paola Corti and Lokesh Rajendran, translations of the CC Certificate content are now available in Italian and Arabic (below). With these translations, over 483 million additional people around the world have access to the course content in their first language.
Augmenting the Italian translation is a country case study, entitled ‘General Principles on “Diritto d’Autore” and Related Rights in Italy.’ This case study provides supplementary information on the rules regulating authors’ rights in Italy. All of the works created are licensed CC BY 4.0 enabling maximum future use.
How is this possible? Upon successfully completing the CC Certificate*, METID – Politecnico di Milano Project Manager and Instructional Designer Paola Corti and National Center for e-Learning Project Manager, Lokesh Rajendran applied their expertise, creating the first language translations to reach their communities’ needs in Italy and Saudi Arabia. Their work with METID- Politecnico di Milano colleagues (Deborah de Angelis and Laura Sinigaglia) and National Center for e-Learning’s Saudi Open Educational Content Program team members (Ahmed Al Mobarak, Saleh Al Khaliwey, Rabah Al Bawardi, Sara Mazen, and Maha Al Sheikh) took between 3-5 months to complete.
Their translation work is an example of what’s possible when educational resources are openly licensed. Creative Commons has licensed its CC Certificate content CC BY with the intent of making the content as useful and accessible as possible. The CC BY license enables anyone to create adaptations (also known as derivatives), such as language translations, to better reach their particular audience needs. We laude these Certificate graduates for their fantastic work, and look forward to highlighting future translations of the CC Certificate content! If you are interested in this work, please contact certificates@creativecommons.org.
Arabic Translations published on SHMS – Saudi OER Network
Unit 1: ما هي منظمة المشاع الإبداعي؟
Unit 2 : قانون حقوق التأليف والنشر
Unit 3: البنية التركيبية لرخص المشاع الإبداعي
Unit 4: استخدام رخص المشاع الإبداعي والأعمال المرخصة برخص المشاع الإبداعي
Unit 5 for Educators: المشاع الإبداعي للتربويين
Unit 5 for Librarians: المشاع الإبداعي لأمناء المكتبات
Links to CC Certificate materials in Italian: