Baseline Widely available
This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015.
Der CSS Klassenselektor wählt Elemente basierend auf dem Inhalt ihres class
-Attributs aus.
/* All elements with class="spacious" */
.spacious {
margin: 2em;
/* All <li> elements with class="spacious" */
li.spacious {
margin: 2em;
/* All <li> elements with a class list that includes both "spacious" and "elegant" */
/* For example, class="elegant retro spacious" */
li.spacious.elegant {
margin: 2em;
.class_name { style properties }
Beachten Sie, dass dies dem folgenden Attributselektor entspricht:
[class~=class_name] { style properties }
Der Wert class_name
muss ein gültiger CSS-Identifikator sein. HTML-class
-Attribute, die keine gültigen CSS-Identifikatoren sind, müssen escaped werden, bevor sie in Klassenselektoren verwendet werden können.
Gültige Klassenselektoren
<p class="red">This paragraph has red text.</p>
<p class="red yellow-bg">
This paragraph has red text and a yellow background.
<p class="red fancy">This paragraph has red text and "fancy" styling.</p>
<p>This is just a regular paragraph.</p>
<!-- The next two paragraphs have class attributes
that contain characters which must be escaped in CSS -->
<p class="item?one">This paragraph has a pink background.</p>
<p class="123item">This paragraph has a yellow background.</p>
.red {
color: #f33;
.yellow-bg {
background: #ffa;
.fancy {
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: 4px 4px 3px #77f;
/* In the next two rules, the class attributes must be escaped */
.item\?one {
background-color: pink;
.\00003123item {
background-color: yellow;
Ungültige Klassenselektoren
Die Klassenselektoren in den folgenden Regeln sind keine gültigen CSS-Identifikatoren und werden ignoriert.
.item?one {
background-color: green;
.123item {
background-color: green;
Specification |
Selectors Level 4 # class-html |
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