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List of municipalities in Granada

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Map of Spain with the province of Granada highlighted
Map of Spain with the province of Granada highlighted

This is a list of the 174 municipalities in the province of Granada, Spain.


Municipality Population
Agrón 338 288
Alamedilla 693 599
Albolote 18,066 18,746
Albondón 911 729
Albuñán 431 415
Albuñol 6,610 7,128
Albuñuelas 949 830
Aldeire 666 628
Alfacar 5,521 5,378
Algarinejo 3,060 2,591
Alhama de Granada 6,225 5,980
Alhendín 7,580 9,168
Alicún de Ortega 509 475
Almegíjar 414 346
Almuñécar 26,969 26,377
Alpujarra de la Sierra 1,140 978
Alquife 729 624
Arenas del Rey + 2,012 1,178
Armilla 22,593 23,968
Atarfe 16,790 18,554
Baza 21,276 20,519
Beas de Granada 1,034 985
Beas de Guadix 382 340
Benalúa 3,348 3,285
Benalúa de las Villas 1,353 1,065
Benamaurel 2,422 2,297
Bérchules 811 719
Bubión 345 302
Busquístar 328 279
Cacín 605 578
Cádiar 1,618 1,469
Cájar 4,781 5,070
La Calahorra 764 661
Calicasas 596 609
Campotéjar 1,357 1,253
Caniles 4,691 4,060
Cáñar 424 343
Capileira 554 558
Carataunas 183 178
Cástaras 277 244
Castilléjar 1,496 1,337
Castril 2,387 2,124
Cenes de la Vega 7,844 7,928
Chauchina 5,143 5,546
Chimeneas 1,445 1,291
Churriana de la Vega 13,091 14,851
Cijuela 3,106 3,243
Cogollos de Guadix 730 656
Cogollos de la Vega 2,027 2,044
Colomera 1,484 1,350
Cortes de Baza 2,206 1,901
Cortes y Graena 1,053 993
Cuevas del Campo 1,970 1,774
Cúllar 4,556 4,171
Cúllar Vega 7,068 7,378
Darro 1,505 1,583
Dehesas de Guadix 486 420
Dehesas Viejas ++ - 723
Deifontes 2,581 2,616
Diezma 811 755
Dílar 1,818 2,032
Dólar 620 621
Domingo Pérez de Granada ++ - 890
Dúdar 327 320
Dúrcal 7,272 6,975
Escúzar 806 789
Ferreira 351 300
Fonelas 1,102 993
Fornes 535
Freila 1,044 900
Fuente Vaqueros 4,481 4,387
Las Gabias 18,282 20,703
Galera 1,191 1,090
Gobernador 324 233
Gójar 5,248 5,703
Gor 886 736
Gorafe 470 379
Granada (city) 241,003 232,208
Guadahortuna 2,039 1,924
Guadix 18,816 18,718
Los Guájares 1,152 1,028
Gualchos 4,530 5,210
Güéjar Sierra 2,978 2,849
Güevéjar 2,547 2,541
Huélago 353 388
Huéneja 1,233 1,151
Huéscar 7,974 7,367
Huétor Santillán 1,855 1,882
Huétor Tájar 10,113 10,286
Huétor Vega 11,844 11,966
Íllora 10,594 10,135
Ítrabo 1,061 1,002
Iznalloz ++ 6,970 5,085
Játar + - 599
Jayena 1,174 1,104
Jérez del Marquesado 1,052 977
Jete 876 909
Jun 3,548 3,785
Juviles 158 142
Láchar 3,188 3,354
Lanjarón 3,794 3,485
Lanteira 597 576
Lecrín 2,248 2,103
Lentegí 338 328
Lobras 152 148
Loja 21,431 20,371
Lugros 343 332
Lújar 475 462
La Malahá 1,845 1,827
Maracena 21,560 22,047
Marchal 439 409
Moclín 4,153 3,723
Molvízar 3,174 2,759
Monachil 7,407 7,826
Montefrío 6,016 5,479
Montejícar 2,383 2,163
Montillana 1,361 1,157
Moraleda de Zafayona 3,248 3,159
Morelábor 742 619
Motril 60,460 60,592
Murtas 614 464
Nevada 1,165 1,079
Nigüelas 1,182 1,182
Nívar 969 996
Ogíjares 13,415 14,025
Orce 1,285 1,198
Órgiva 5,523 5,649
Otívar 1,193 1,029
Padul 8,471 8,396
Pampaneira 358 321
Pedro Martínez 1,228 1,134
Peligros 11,137 11,286
La Peza 1,291 1,177
El Pinar 1,011 919
Pinos Genil 1,385 1,449
Pinos Puente 10,941 10,144
Píñar 1,268 1,120
Polícar 229 236
Polopos 1,789 1,703
Pórtugos 385 389
Puebla de Don Fadrique 2,375 2,292
Pulianas 5,184 5,348
Purullena 2,314 2,312
Quéntar 1,014 916
Rubite 430 382
Salar 2,780 2,639
Salobreña 12,582 12,396
Santa Cruz del Comercio 580 541
Santa Fe 15,280 14,986
Soportújar 278 266
Sorvilán 557 545
La Taha 757 653
Torre-Cardela 942 759
Torrenueva Costa +++ - -
Torvizcón 733 663
Trevélez 805 742
Turón 292 255
Ugíjar 2,644 2,521
Valderrubio 2,171 2,086
El Valle 1,134 935
Valle del Zalabí 2,313 2,145
Válor 722 672
Vegas del Genil 9,724 10,981
Vélez de Benaudalla 2,864 2,870
Ventas de Huelma 703 610
Villa de Otura 6,923 6,917
Villamena 1,043 950
Villanueva de las Torres 687 585
Villanueva Mesía 2,107 2,024
Víznar 943 980
Zafarraya 2,195 2,057
Zagra 955 855
La Zubia 18,425 18,995
Zújar 3,012 2,597

+ a new municipality of Játar was created in 2015 from part of Arenas del Rey municipality.
++ two new municipalities have been created out of parts of Iznalloz municipality - Dehesas Viejas in 2014 and Domingo Pérez in 2015; the 2018 figure for Iznalloz reflects these changes.
+++ a new municipality of Torrenueva Costa was created on 2 October 2018 from part of Motril municipality; the populations at both 2010 and 2018 are included in those of Motril.

See also



  1. ^ Census at 1 November 2011: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Madrid.
  2. ^ Estimate at 1 January 2018: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Madrid.