A firm contracted by Compass to deliver 125,000 New Zealand school lunches each day has gone into liquidation.
The Libelle Group didn't last long. How far are we into the school year?
If around 350,000 kids are receiving Seymour's slop each day, there's a third of capacity vanished, just like that.
Is it possible that churning out cheap slop at $3 a unit doesn't make financial sense, once Compass have taken their cut?
School lunch provider goes into liquidation
A major provider of school lunches has been placed into liquidation, in the latest setback to the beleaguered programme.Otago Daily Times Online News
in reply to Bob LeFridge • • •Bob LeFridge
in reply to ClareBear • • •For those with a strong constitution, eight and a half minutes of Seymour waffling without saying a damn thing.
in reply to Bob LeFridge • • •Bob LeFridge
in reply to Bob LeFridge • • •While Libelle had previously made school lunches, that was at $9 per head for 17,000 children. The liquidator says 'scaling up' to 125,000 lunches at $3 per head sunk the company.
It sounds like Libelle was already in financial trouble before the school lunch fiasco, and that Seymour's lot failed to carry out any meaningful due diligence.
School lunch provider Libelle Group Auckland financially struggling for months, liquidator says
Checkpoint (RNZ)Kiwiana 🦣 reshared this.
Bob LeFridge
in reply to Bob LeFridge • • •An Invercargill principal reports that Seymour's school lunch fiasco is reaching absurdity. They received 600 macaroni cheese lunch packs from Western Australia yesterday and "...about a third were not eaten."
From Western Australia!
How much longer will Luxon allow Seymour to keep up this charade?
Pay peanuts... get slop.
#SchoolLunches #NZ
Principal slams use of Aussie school lunches
Otago Daily Times Online Newsreshared this
leighelse{}, Strypey and Shannon Prickett reshared this.
in reply to Bob LeFridge • • •Bob LeFridge
in reply to ClareBear • • •I thought about posting that one yesterday but held off until I calmed down.
in reply to Bob LeFridge • • •Instead of spending money in school communities so they can collectively feed their kids, the NatACTs are sending that money directly to Australia. Where none of it comes back to the government in tax, or creates jobs and downstream economic activity in those communities. Economic genius!
Bonus points for adding absurd levels of food miles and carbon emissions to those lunches by importing them from overseas 🤦♂️
reshared this
Kiwiana 🦣 and Shannon Prickett reshared this.
in reply to Strypey • • •"As a result, Dunbabin said they're seeing some children come to school on lunch days and not on other days."
#JohnGerritsen, 2025
I wonder how much Rimmer is spending on truancy officers to in his attempts to increase school attendance? Maybe that money would be better spent on providing school lunches that students actually want to eat?
#SchoolLunches #truancy
School lunch provider turns to Australia for help
John Gerritsen, Checkpoint (RNZ)Conny with a Y
in reply to Strypey • • •@strypey Every time the media reports about this programme, I want them to reiterate the entire package of damages this new programme causes: lack of nutrition, waste of food, hours spent by teaching staff to sort out lunches, loss of jobs in the communities, small businesses that had to close and environmental impact from transporting these meals hundreds to thousands of km every day. I haven't seen this last point mentioned once in any of the reports. It's a disgrace!
Syllus Green
in reply to Strypey • • •Strypey
in reply to Syllus Green • • •.
> I can't honestly see how they can win the next election unless Labour put forward a half-eaten sandwich as party leader
That's how they won the last election, and Chris Half-Eaten Sandwich is still there, saying tonedeaf stuff, so ...