In the Kyōto calendar there are a few times each year when the public is able to rub shoulders with maiko and geiko for a small fee.
During 'Baika-sai' (梅花祭) they serve tea beside Kitano Tenman-gū's plum orchard.
plum blossoms-
singing Tenjin's sutra
a sparrow
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in reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony • • •Camellia Tea Ceremony
in reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony • • •The February 25th 'Plum Blossom Festival' (梅花祭), 'Baika-sai', commemorates Sugawara-no-Michizane's (菅原道真) tragic death in 903.
Brought down by his enemies, Michizane was 'exiled' to a demoted post in Dazaifu (大宰府).
He deeply loved plum blossoms and it is said his favorite tree flew to him in Kyūshū.
Camellia Tea Ceremony
in reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony • • •To celebrate Baika-sai at Kitano Tenman-gū (北野天満宮), geisha and maiko from the Kamishichiken district (上七軒) serve hundreds of eager guests in an outdoor tea ceremony.
laughing politely
while tea is served...
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶).
Trans. David G. Lanoue.
#Japan #梅花祭 #北野天満宮
Camellia Tea Ceremony
in reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony • • •Baika-sai coincides with one of the city's biggest market days, so you can expect Kitano Tenmangū (北野天満宮) to be bustling today!
#KitanoTenmangu #北野天満宮 #Baikasai #梅花祭 #天神さん #Tenjinsan #marketday #market
Camellia Tea Ceremony
in reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony • • •Kamishichiken (上七軒) is the oldest of Kyōto's Hanamachi (花街 'geisha districts').
The name translates as '7 Upper Houses' and is thought to be a reference to the 7 teahouses constructed with leftover material from the rebuilding of Kitano Tenman-gū in Muromachi times.
#Kyoto #hanamachi #Kamishichiken
Camellia Tea Ceremony
in reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony • • •Tea is served between 10am-3pm, and typically costs between 1500-2000 yen. Space is limited to around 3000 people.
A smaller fee will give you access to the plum orchard (filled with 2000 trees) and below remnants of the Odoi (御土居).
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Camellia Tea Ceremony
in reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony • • •'Kokubaimochi' (黒梅餅 'black plum mochi'), sold for a short time by Oimatsu (老松) at Baika-sai (梅花祭), are named after a rare species of plum found at Kitano Tenman-gū.
#wagashi #ume #plumblossoms #和菓子 #oimatsu #老松 #Kyoto #京都
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Ben Higbie
in reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony • • •