Items tagged with: trumppresidency
The View Hosts Applaud Rosie O'Donnell For Fleeing To Ireland Over 'Ruthless, Vicious' Trump: 'Here Comes the Potato Tariff!'
#RosieODonnell #TrumpPresidency #IrelandMove #Mediaite #PoliticalRefugee…
The View Hosts Applaud Rosie O’Donnell For Fleeing To Ireland Over ‘Ruthless, Vicious’ T ...
The hosts of The View applauded Rosie O'Donnell fleeing the United States and moving her family to Ireland over President Donald Trump taking office again.Zachary Leeman (Mediaite)
#PresidentialDisarray #PoliticalAgendaFailure #BenMeiselas #QuicklyCollapsing #TrumpPresidency
Legal Implications of the Doha Agreement: Prospects Under a Second Trump Presidency
#DohaAgreement #TrumpPresidency #JustSecurity #AfghanistanPeaceProcess #LegalImplications…
Legal Implications of the Doha Agreement Under Trump
As a second Trump administration is now underway, the Doha Agreement and its legal validity should be reconsidered.Fawad Poya (Just Security)
United States: Understanding the Trump whirlwind
#PoliticalChanges #CynHuang #USPolitics #TrumpPresidency #InternationalPolitics…
United States: Understanding the Trump whirlwind
United States President Donald Trump has implemented a whirlwind of attacks and changes that are shifting politics internationally.Green Left
Canadian brewery selling pack of 1,461 beers to cope with Trump's presidency
#NewsCycle #TrumpPresidency #CanadianBrewery #PresidentialPack #PoliticalHumor
Trump's Presidency Reminds Me of the Segregation and Jim Crow of My Youth
#RacialSegregation #TrumpPresidency #CruelPolicies #JimCrowEra #Xenophobia…
Trump’s Presidency Reminds Me of the Segregation and Jim Crow of My Youth | The Nation
The xenophobic, bigoted, and cruel policies of the Trump administration are bringing back traumatic memories of American racism and all the nightmares that went with it.The Nation
The End of the American Century, courtesy Donald J. Trump
#YeatsTheSecondComing #TrumpPresidency #Inauguration2021 #UnexpectedEvents #AmericanCenturyEnd…
The End of the American Century, courtesy Donald J. Trump
( ) - In the weeks leading up to the recent presidential inauguration in Washington, this country and an …Informed Comment
"We are seeing the backlash to globalization": Robert Kaplan says Trump was "inevitable"
#TrumpPresidency #InternationalRelations #GlobalizationBacklash #InevitableTrump #AntiEstablishmentSentiment…
"We are seeing the backlash to globalization": Robert Kaplan says Trump was "inevitable"
Bestselling foreign affairs expert: "Trump has blemished America’s reputation" — but liberal democracy will
Trump Loving Farmers STILL in DENIAL…
#Trump #DonaldTrump #TrumpSupporters #TrumpPresidency #TrumpAdministration #USAID #ElonMusk #MAGA
I have “Trump officially becomes a war criminal” on my Trump 2025 bingo card. Anyone else?
The Masters Of The Universe Are Perplexed
#ConsumerConfidence #EconomicUncertainty #MarketVolatility #PoliticalChaos #TrumpPresidency…
The Masters Of The Universe Are Perplexed - Digby's Hullabaloo
They thought Trump was just going to cut some red tape and some taxes They're lower than they were when he was inaugurated. Don't tell me they weren't aware that he's an aged, narcissistic imbecile. They knew exactly what he was.Digby's Hullabaloo
Trump Tests the Courts
#GovernmentOverreach #PolicyAmbition #ChecksAndBalances #ConstitutionalLaw #TrumpPresidency…
Trump Tests the Courts
An ambitious plan to expand the power of the presidency is just getting started.David A. Graham (The Atlantic)
Things Are Going So Badly Under Trump That House Republicans Are Hiding
#TrumpPresidency #HouseRepublicans #FailingPresidency #AmericanPolitics #PoliticalHiding…
Things Are Going So Badly Under Trump That House Republicans Are Hiding
House Republicans are taking the blowback from Trump's failing presidency, and it has sent them into hiding.Jason Easley (PoliticusUSA)
"Maybe we will create some NICE NEW LAW!!!"
#PoliticalSpeech #AppleDEIRules #MediaLawsuit #TomHoman #TrumpPresidency…
"Maybe we will create some NICE NEW LAW!!!" - National Zero
“As a President who is being given credit for having the Best Opening Month of any President in history, quite naturally, here come the Fake books and stories with the so-called ‘anonymous,’ or ‘off the record,’ quotes.Spartan (National Zero)
What Happens When an Executive Ignores the Law? Ask Constitutional Sheriffs.
#LawIgnorance #RuleOfLaw #GovernmentAccountability #TrumpPresidency #DemocracyDocket…
What Happens When an Executive Ignores the Law? Ask Constitutional Sheriffs. - Democracy Docket
Many constitutional lawyers agree that there is a pending constitutional crisis, which will be definitively triggered if Trump refuses to obey a court order.Democracy Docket
#TrumpApprovalCrash #MeidasTouch #TrumpPresidency #TrumpLosesControl #AmericanTurnAgainstTrump
Two far-right conferences in Europe capitalise on Trump presidency
#EuropeanGovernments #InternationalAlliance #TrumpPresidency #RightWingPopulism #GlobalPolitics…
Two far-right conferences in Europe capitalise on Trump presidency
These parties have reacted with glee to Donald Trump’s election as US president, recognising that they now have an extremely powerful ally across the Atlantic with whom they can press a reactionary agenda already substantially adopted by European gov…World Socialist Web Site
MAGA's not-so-secret weapon: "Major media are a key tool for Trump's destruction of the government"
#TrumpPresidency #MAGAWeaponization #TrumpMediaStrategy #GovernmentDestruction #PoliticalManipulation…
MAGA's not-so-secret weapon: "Major media are a key tool for Trump’s destruction of the government"
"The takeover is easy when journalism and massive news orgs. stay the course and pretend everything is normal"
Trump's Presidency Death Spirals When He's Asked About Eggs
#PoliticsAndFoodPrices #TrumpPresidency #USPolitics #RecordSpeedResignation #PoliticalImplosion…
Trump's Presidency Death Spirals When He's Asked About Eggs
The Trump presidency is imploding at record speed, as evidenced by Trump being asked about egg prices and spiraling.Sarah Jones & Jason Easley (PoliticusUSA)
▶ "Gum Up the Works": David Sirota's Advice to Democrats on Reversing Trump's Power Grab
#TrumpPresidency #SupportJournalism #ReverseTrumpPolicies #DemocraticParty #DemocracyNow…
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Trump joked about a third term in 2028. So can he run again?
#Trump2028 #TrumpPresidency #USPolitics #PresidentialTermLimits #ConstitutionalLaw…
Trump joked about a third term in 2028. So can he run again?
The 22nd amendment bars presidents from a third term in office. Is it enough to stop Trump?James Liddell (The Independent)
▶ Trump's presidency filled with ENDLESS LIES and DANGEROUS INCOMPETENCE #shorts
#EndlessLies #MediaWatch #TruthMatters #TrumpLies #TrumpPresidency…
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A Terrible Milestone in the American Presidency
#PoliticalShift #SwitchSides #TerribleMilestone #FreedomWar #TrumpPresidency…
A terrible milestone in the American presidency
Trump switches sides in the war for freedom.Tom Nichols (The Atlantic)
What Laws and Guardrails Exist to Restrain President Donald Trump?
#LegalScholarship #TrumpPresidency #ConstitutionalLimitations #PoliticalScience #LawExpertAnalysis
#BenMeiselas #MeidasTouch #CollapseInMonth #TrumpPresidency #TrumpPromise
Traditional Conservatives should support Mark Carney in Canada's next election
#MarkCarney #TraditionalConservatives #Economy #TrumpPresidency #QualifiedCandidate #cdnpoli…
Traditional Conservatives should support Mark Carney in Canada’s next election
Traditional Conservatives should support Mark Carney in Canada’s next election.Matthew Renfrew (Cult MTL)
CNN Data Reporter Warns Trump Of 1 Issue Already Threatening To 'Crush' His Presidency
#TrumpPresidency #HarryEnten #SingleFactor #Politics #Threatening…
CNN Data Reporter Warns Trump Of 1 Issue Already Threatening To 'Crush' His Presidency
Harry Enten said this single factor could soon cause Trump's approval rating to plunge.Ed Mazza (HuffPost)
Dow futures drop nearly 500 points on inflation data
#EconomicOutlook #FinancialNews #TrumpPresidency #DowJones #InflationData…
Dow futures drop nearly 500 points on inflation data - National Zero
Dow futures dropped nearly 500 points before the opening bell Wednesday after monthly inflation came in at 3 percent year-over-year for January, darkening the outlook for interest rates cuts, all thanks to convicted felon President Trump’s return to …Spartan (National Zero)
Wednesday briefing: Inside the US president's chaos machine
#MiddleEastConflict #HousingPolicy #AssistedDyingDebate #EconomyPolitics #TrumpPresidency…
Wednesday briefing: Inside the US president’s chaos machine
In today’s newsletter: From the the AI arms race to support for Ukraine to UK diplomatic love bombing, a look at four of the most pressing developments from WashingtonNimo Omer (The Guardian)
'It's Worked': Steve Bannon Takes Victory Lap Over Media 'Meltdown' At Start of Trump Term
#MediaMeltdown #PunditObservations #SteveBannonVictoryLap #TrumpMediaStrategy #TrumpPresidency…
Steve Bannon Takes Victory Lap Over Trump's Media 'Meltdown'
Many pundits and observers have long pointed to Trump’s use of distractions to keep the media’s focus where he wants it.Alex Griffing (Mediaite)
How the Trump administration may have already broken the law
#TrumpPresidency #HumanitarianAidCrisis #SeparationOfPowers #GovernmentShutdown #MarkGreen
How the Trump administration may have already broken the law
By providing that access, USAID may have violated the Privacy Act of 1974, regardless if the engineers were government employees at the time.Anna Maria Barry-Jester (
The American President is a "Meshuggener"
#IdiotInChief #JohnKellyQuotes #Meshuggener #TrumpPresidency #WashingtonDC…
The American President is a "Meshuggener" -
Donald Trump has occupied the White House for only three weeks, and the term “crazy town,” which former chief of staff John Kelley applied to Trump’s Washington in the first term, is gaining greater credibility and meaning.Melvin Goodman (
The True End of Pax Americana: A Second Trump Presidency and the Dawn of a New Era of Global Instability
#PoliticalUncertainty #TrumpPresidency #InternationalRelations #WorldOrder #NewEra…
The True End of Pax Americana: A Second Trump Presidency and the Dawn of a New Era of Global Instability - The Intellectualist
The world’s surface lies in fragile calm, yet from beneath, shadows gather—a silent, unyielding invitation to the chaos we believed had been quarantined to the…TheIntellectualist (The Intellectualist)
It's Clear What's Driving Trump's Presidency Now--or Rather, Who Is
#WhiteHouse #WhoIsTheBoss #DecisionMakingProcess #PoliticalInfluence #TrumpPresidency…
It’s Clear What’s Driving Trump’s Presidency Now—or Rather, Who Is
Who’s the boss, exactly?Jim Newell (Slate)
What should Democrats do as Trump runs amok?
#FilibusterSenate #TrumpPresidency #DemocraticUnity #DemocratsStrategy #HouseDemocratsResistance…
What should Democrats do as Trump runs amok?
Democrats lost last year’s presidential election, and elections have consequences. That’s the cold hard reality. As a result, we’re witnessing a virtual coup against the American state, with ...Daily Kos
'Virtually Every Sector': Fox Forced To Admit Trump Tariff Hoax Hurts Consumers
#TrumpPresidency #InflationConcerns #RepublicanStance #MarketsIgnoringTrump #DOGEmention…
'Virtually Every Sector': Fox Forced To Admit Trump Tariff Hoax Hurts Consumers
Republicans can try to put a happy face on this insanity from Trump, but even Trump's allies over on Fox are having problems sugarcoating what's coming.Heather (Crooks and Liars)
Trump's "Shock And Awe" Tactics: Liberal Moralizing And The Need For Radical Change
#DemocratResistance #RadicalChangeNeeded #ShockAndAwePolitics #TrumpPresidency #DemocracyDefying…
Trump’s “Shock And Awe” Tactics: Liberal Moralizing And The Need For Radical Change -
In the wake of Donald Trump’s first week as President, the Democrats opposing him are reported to be stunned, paralyzed, and intimidated. According toRichard Rubenstein (
Cartoon: Trump takes a swing
#USPolitics #TrumpCartoon #TrumpPresidency #CampaignAction #PedroMolinaArt
▶ Meet The Group SUING to SHUT TRUMP Down | On Democracy
#LawsuitsAgainstTrump #TrumpPresidency #OnDemocracy #ResistanceAgainstTrump #First100Days…
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