Items tagged with: universum
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
Achtung – wichtige, eisige Meldung!🧊
Seit Februar 2025 kommt es vermehrt zu Pinguin-Sichtungen in Dresden.
Spaß beiseite. Es handelt sich dabei lediglich um unsere neue Außenwerbung auf den LED Anzeigen von Ströer.
Hast du schon einen IBH-Pinguin gesichtet?
PS: Man munkelt, dass sich der Pinguin im Dresdner Norden und Süden aufhält …
#teamibh #ibh #itservice #it #rechenzentrum #rz #itinfrastruktur #itsolutions #itjobs #itjob #job #work #motivation #opensource #universum #linux #pinguin
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
Nieuwe ontdekkingen in de ruimte: de geheimen van de donkere materie
Wetenschappers hebben onlangs nieuwe inzichten verkregen in het mysterie van donkere materie. Deze ontdekkingen kunnen de manier waarop we het universum begrijTrending Tech News
🖥️ JETZT REINSCHAUEN: #PhysikImTheater zum "Rätsel im kosmologischen Standardmodell" 👉…
#ExzellenzclusterPRISMA #Physik #Standardmodell #Universum #DunkleMaterie #Kosmologie #Teilchenbeschleuniger
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
Der Weltraumreport
Bleiben Sie mit unserem Newsletter kostenfrei auf dem Laufenden über alles, was zwischen Himmel und Erde sowie im fernen Universum passiert.Dr. Felicitas Mokler (RiffReporter)
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
#Zeitgeschichte wird #bewegt geschrieben. 👯
#Angst #fear #Angstlos #fearless #Trauma #Traumata #noTrauma #noPain… #Cannabis #Hanf
#WokeineAngstmehristdawerdenurnochICHsein #DasSeinbestimmtdasBewusstsein
#KamalaHarris 🙏 🙏
🙏 #Coldplay #Universe #Universum 🙏 #wepray
#Ozzy #dream #dreamer #dreaming #Infinity #mother #earth #motherearth #Erde
😎 😎 - Mastodon
Hallo im! Dies ist die derzeit größte deutschsprachige Mastodon Instanz zum tröten, neue Leute kennenlernen, sich auszutauschen und Spaß zu haben.Mastodon, gehostet auf
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
Himmelsspektakel: Planetenparade am Nachthimmel zu beobachten
Vom 21. Januar 2025 an werden sechs Planeten in einer Reihe am Nachthimmel stehen. Eine solche Planetenparade ist eher selten. Etwa sechs Wochen wird das Spektakel dauern. Von E. Burkhart, R. Kölbel und N. Kunze.
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
Kosmischer Kalender - die Geschichte des Weltalls in einem Jahr
Vom Urknall bis zum Ampel-Ende in 365 Tagen: Wenn man die Geschichte des Universums auf ein Jahr herunterbricht, ergeben sich neue Perspektiven - und die Erkenntnis, dass wir Menschen ziemlich spät dran waren. Von Constanze Fett und Ralf Kölbel.
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
AAPOD2.COM | Daily Astrophotography: Space Images & Insights
Explore a new Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day at AAPOD2. Our platform is designed to curate and spotlight remarkable images by Amateur Astrophotographers, providing a daily dose of awe-inspiring visuals that capture the splendor of the cosmos.AAPOD2.COM
Uhh, das ist ja spannend!
"Gibt es in unserer solaren Nachbarschaft einen „interstellaren Tunnel“, der zu anderen Sternensystemen führt? Das glaubt ein internationales Forschungsteam."…