#BirdFlu: Should You Take Down Your Feeders?
By Lori Vanover, updated April 2022
"In wild birds, waterfowl including ducks, geese, and swans, are the main group impacted. It can be fatal in these species, although often they carry and transmit the virus without showing symptoms. Other birds including raptors like hawks and eagles, as well as shorebirds and gulls have also tested positive for HPAI H5N1 during this outbreak. Research has shown songbirds are less likely to contract bird flu and are less likely to shed large amounts of the virus. A small number of corvid species (crows, jays, and magpies) have tested positive.
"Visible symptoms of bird flu include runny eyes, swelling, and lethargy.
"Poultry operations are especially feeling the effects of bird flu. When the disease is detected in domestic poultry, flocks are depopulated to prevent the disease from spreading and removed from the food system. Other area flocks are then monitored for the disease.
Is it Safe to Feed Wild Birds Right No
... show more#BirdFlu: Should You Take Down Your Feeders?
By Lori Vanover, updated April 2022
"In wild birds, waterfowl including ducks, geese, and swans, are the main group impacted. It can be fatal in these species, although often they carry and transmit the virus without showing symptoms. Other birds including raptors like hawks and eagles, as well as shorebirds and gulls have also tested positive for HPAI H5N1 during this outbreak. Research has shown songbirds are less likely to contract bird flu and are less likely to shed large amounts of the virus. A small number of corvid species (crows, jays, and magpies) have tested positive.
"Visible symptoms of bird flu include runny eyes, swelling, and lethargy.
"Poultry operations are especially feeling the effects of bird flu. When the disease is detected in domestic poultry, flocks are depopulated to prevent the disease from spreading and removed from the food system. Other area flocks are then monitored for the disease.
Is it Safe to Feed Wild Birds Right Now?
"A small number of corvids, including jays and crows, have tested positive for bird flu. [Other species as well. Outdated information!]
"There is no official recommendation to take down feeders unless you also keep domestic poultry, according to the National Wildlife Disease Program.
"Ken says, 'The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and United States Department of Agriculture have both stated that bird feeding is safe. Out of an abundance of caution, some agencies initially suggested taking feeders down, but these guidelines have been scaled back. Currently, I’m not aware of any restrictions in place on bird feeders.'
"He further explains if you raise poultry and live in an area where avian influenza is being reported, you could consider removing bird feeders in the short term. 'Past outbreaks of avian flu have generally waned by early summer,' he says.
"Joy O’Keefe, assistant professor and Illinois Extension wildlife specialist in the Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences, advises homeowners to plant #NativeShrubs and #wildflowers this spring for their backyard birds. 'In the absence of feeders, birds should be able to find natural sources of food from sprouting native plants and emerging insects, she says. [However, this year, there was NOT as much berries because of #ClimateChange, drought, and heatwaves.]
"The Illinois Department of Natural Resources says hummingbird feeders and oriole feeders do not need to be removed. Check with your state wildlife agency for updated guidelines in your area.
Clean Your Feeders to Reduce the Spread of Disease
"Clean your feeders and bird baths regularly to keep birds healthy
"Maintaining clean feeders and bird baths is always important. Scrub your feeders clean with some soapy water and a good stiff brush. Then soak them in a 10% bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) for a few minutes. Next, rinse them very thoroughly and let them dry completely before putting them back outside. Here’s how to clean a bird bath.
"Ken points out it’s also important to maintain a clean area around your feeders. 'If you aren’t feeding a no mess blend of seeds without any shells, rake up the empty hulls from under the feeders. You can also consider moving your feeding station around the yard to minimize accumulation,' he says. Try these no mess bird feeders to keep your yard clean.
"The USDA has issued #biosafety recommendations for #BackyardPoultry flocks. '#Poultry owners should keep things as clean as they can,' says Kenneth Koelkebeck, professor and Illinois Extension poultry specialist in the Animal Sciences department. 'Remove standing water if possible because it will attract migratory waterfowl.'
[A bunch of outdated information -- not included]
What to Do if You See Sick or Dead Birds
"Report sick or dead birds to your state wildlife agency or local agricultural extension agent. You can also contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Veterinary Services toll-free at 1-866-536-7593."
#HPAINews #H5N1 #HPAI #AvianInfluenza #BirdFlu #USHealth #Birding #Nature #BackyardFeeders #WeKeepUsSafe #CDCCensorship#Censorship #USFail