Items tagged with: vídeo
#ecologia #cambioclimatico #ecodiuku #video #sharpiegate #agenda2025 #uspol #ciencia
Vídeo en castellano de Ecodiuku hablando de los despidos de la agencia de meteorología de Estados Unidos y sus consecuencias.…
Programming with AI – Experience Report
Alex is reporting on his experience using ChatGPT, Claude, DeepSeek-R1 and Github Copilot for various programming tasks and compares it with Elisabeth Hendrickson’s experience
I'm loving this Video about my language so much, since I found it back then, watching it repeatedly specifically the part about Schadenfreude.😁😅
Why Germans Can Say Things No One Else Can
German is a wonderfully inventive and bold language, full of gloriously long compound words for emotions and ideas that most languages struggle to allow us to express.
#German #Language #Video #YouTube #Compound #Words #Bold #Schadenfreude
Head of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has been killed
The head of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has been killed in Iraq in an operation by members of the Iraqi national intelligence service along with U.S.-led coalition forces, the Iraqi prime minister announced Friday.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Zweite Folge der zweiten Staffel „Der Weg zu den Weltmeisterschaften“ veröffentlicht
Das Abenteuer bis hin zu den Pokémon-Weltmeisterschaften 2024 geht in Videoform weiter.
Zur News:
#Video #YouTube #Videospiele #Weltmeisterschaften #PokémonKarmesin #PokémonPurpur
Moonvalley’s Marey is a state-of-the-art AI video model trained on FULLY LICENSED data
Marey enables filmmakers to create using storyboards, sketches, and even live-action references, making it more intuitive for pros.Carl Franzen (VentureBeat)
Moonvalley’s Marey is a state-of-the-art AI video model trained on FULLY LICENSED data
Marey enables filmmakers to create using storyboards, sketches, and even live-action references, making it more intuitive for pros.Carl Franzen (VentureBeat)
ronald rael 3D-prints adobe oasis in coachella valley for desert X
ronald rael’s adobe oasis for desert X rises is a cluster of earthen walls bridging indigenous construction practices & digital fabrication.ravail khan I designboom (Designboom)
Video: Estonian Eurovision star Alika performs two songs live in ERR studio | News
Estonia's 2023 Eurovision contestant Alika was in the Raadio 2 studio this week. The 'Bridges' star performed two songs live for the Mini-live show.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Radiohead has unearthed rare footage of a 1995 solo performance by its lead singer Thom Yorke in Toronto to mark three decades since the release of its beloved sophomore album The Bends — and yes, it's giving us all the feels.
#music #video #anniversary #Toronto #News #Canada…
🎞️ Ukrainian Drone Operators Hit Russian Warehouse With Thermobaric Munitions #warinukraine #drone
🎞️ Russia’s Hidden War Tactics — The Silent Invasion You Didn't See Coming!
Switzerland’s Anti-Trump Protestors Wear Giant Middle Fingers on Their Heads During March
A marching band wearing giant middle-finger hats paraded through a festival in Switzerland in a demonstration aimed at US President Donald Trump. @javier.camacho475 via TikTok A march in Switzerland was directed at U.S.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
🎞️ Ukrainian Soldier Continues His Mission Despite the Leg Injury #warinukraine
🎞️ The Ceasefire Proposal That Could Change Everything. What Ukraine Agreed For?
#h5n1 #press #news #hpai #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe #geflügelpest #video #govegan #vegan #vegetarisch #vegetarian #tiere #animals #profit #pandemie #nature #wirtschaft #moby #umwelt #evolution #doku
Für alle, die sich um die Eierpreise sorgen:
" #EARTHLINGS ist eine #Doku über die völlige wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeit der Menschheit von Tieren, die als #haustiere Nahrungsmittel, #kleidung zur #Unterhaltung & für die wissenschaftliche Forschung gezüchtet werden"
🎞️ Javelin ATGM Proves HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Against Russian Infantry Vehicle #warinukraine
#h5n1 #avianflu #birdflu #vogelgrippe ##Geflügelpest #doku #video #pandemie #viren #spillover
"The current outbreak of HPAI has spread into dairy cattle, domestic cats, many species of wildlife and also a small number of people."…
Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Fact Sheet
What is avian influenza? Avian influenza is an influenza type A virus that occurs naturally in wild aquatic birds, including ducks, geese and gulls.Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
#h5n1 #avianflu #birdflu #vogelgrippe ##Geflügelpest #doku #video #pandemie #viren #spillover
"Es gab und gibt aber auch immer wieder schwere Krankheits- und Todesfälle nach einer H5N1-Infektion. Die Furcht, das Influenza-Virus H5N1 könnte zum Auslöser einer Pandemie wie der Spanischen Grippe 1917 oder der sogenannten Asiatischen Grippe 1957 werden, liegt also nahe."
Dokumentarfilm: Spillover · Planet der Viren…
Vogelgrippe H5N1: Wie groß ist die Gefahr einer Pandemie?
Das Influenza-Virus H5N1 befällt nicht nur Vögel, sondern inzwischen auch Säugetiere wie Bären, Rinder und Katzen. Der Vogelgrippe-Erreger kommt dem Menschen immer näher. Droht eine neue Pandemie?Jan-Claudius Hanika (BR24)
Quince años, ni uno más ni uno menos, han transcurrido desde que concebí este vídeo. Un lapso considerable que me separa de aquel entonces, cuando una cámara, humilde incluso para los estándares de la época, capturaba mis inquietudes artísticas.
Muchas cosas han pasado desde entonces. Mi vida ha ido a peor, pero no me puedo quejar. Hay gente que se encuentra en peores circunstancias.
#video #salamanca #Nubes #TimeLapse…
🎞️ Orbán Holds EU Hostage Again — Will Sanctions on Russia Collapse?
News got you down? Have a peek at what any random day in Indy's life might look like. There is a reason he has a smile on his face all the time:…
#pets #dogs #doggo #dailydoggo #floof #shetlandsheepdog #sheltie #Hawaii #Maui #sunset #beach #dogsofmastodon #cute #mountains #video
🎞️ Mothership & AI Drones. Inside the Foreign Volunteers Team Making the Future of Drone Warfare in
There's still almost two weeks to enter the SMS Power! Competition. Create music, an hack, or code something that runs on the #SEGA #MasterSystem or the #GameGear (or the #SG1000 and #SC3000 if you're brave!) 😄
Here's a nice video of all the Coding competition entries we had last year:…
All details here:…
#SEGAMasterSystem #videogames #retrodevelopment #8bit #programming #competition #video