Items tagged with: IggyPop
48 years ago today
Iggy Pop kicked off at the North American leg of The Idiot World Tour at Le Plateau Theatre, Montreal, Canada, with David Bowie playing keyboards and backing vocals, March 13, 1977
Photo by Richard McCaffrey
At some point in 2024, the record company managed to upload the official video to Youtube at last (instead of the low quality unofficial ones)…
It's another example of a musician who was influenced by #Debussy and #Kraftwerk deciding to record a song with a singer from a different musical background.
BRAD TOLINSKI & JAAN UHELSZKI, WITH BEN EDMONDS – MC5: An Oral Biography of Rock’s Most Revolutionary Band
In this day and age, it might be nigh on impossible to imagine or even fathom just how pivotal MC5 truly were. Inhabiting a musical landscape that laid somewhere between raw garage rock and fierce proto-punk, these Detroit-based rebels essentially spearheaded a new movement […]
#bookReview #hardRock #iggyAndTheStooges #iggyPop #mc5 #omnibusPress #protoPunk #punk #punkRock #robTyner #wayneKramer
MC5: An Oral Biography of Rock’s Most Revolutionary Band
Brad Tolinski & Jaan Uhelszki, with Ben EdmondsA riveting oral biography of the proto-punk Detroit rockers MC5, based on original interviews with the band and key members of their inner circle Few bands have dared to ignite a revolution through their…
Got a bunch of records today!
#vinyl #ShannonShaw #BloodshotBill #IggyPop #Portishead #TheMakers #WildBillyChyldish #AngeloBadalamenti #TheWaitresses #IanDury
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51 years ago today
Iggy Pop and the Stooges performed their final concert at the Michigan Palace in Detroit, on this day in 1974
Pop taunted and verbally abused the audience throughout the concert and had ice, eggs, and beer bottles thrown at him.
#protopunk #iggypop #thestooges #history #otd
52 years ago today
Raw Power is the third studio album by American rock band the Stooges, released and credited as Iggy and the Stooges on this day in 1973
#punk #punkrock #protopunk #thestooges #iggy #iggypop #history #punkrockhistory #otd
Released 51 years ago
Raw Power, the third studio album by the Stooges, credited as Iggy and the Stooges
#punk #punks #punkrock #oldschoolpunk #protopunk #iggypop #thestooges #history #punkrockhistory #otd
Released 48 years ago
Sister Midnight, a pre-single release from Iggy Pop's debut album The Idiot
David Bowie & Iggy Pop Sister Midnight live
#punk #punks #punkrock #iggypop #sistermidnight #theidiot #history #punkrockhistory
48 years ago
Sister Midnight is a pre-single release from Iggy Pop's debut album The Idiot, released February 1977.
#punk #punks #punkrock #iggypop #sistermidnight #theidiot #history #punkrockhistory
Iggy Pop's "The Passenger" popped up on my playlist this morning and it fits today.
Iggy Pop - The Passenger (Official Video)…
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Iggy and Kate
Pour un article sur Iggy Pop, Kate Pierson et une certaine Candy, sur le blog d'Autun Culturesco. Merci l'ami Bruno Polaroïd !!!
#illustration #rock #indianink #dessin #drawing #poprock #iggypop #katepierson #candy
Pour en savoir plus :…
IGGY POP : le single Candy - Culturesco
CulturesCo | Un bon coup de pied dans ta Culture | Chroniques et histoire du Rock - IGGY POP : le single CandyBruno Polaroid (CULTURESCO)
En voici un dont je ne parle pas beaucoup et qui a pourtant toute mon estime : Iggy Pop !
Aucune faute, il incarne le rock pur, sans concession, des Stooges à encore maintenant, il interprète du vrai rock et son public le sait bien.
Sur cet album, pas grand chose à jeter à part l'emballage : de Home Boy ou du Pussy Power, l'iguane distille sa voix chaude sur un rock électrisé
J'aime les Stooges, j'aime Iggy Pop
🎸 «Los 80», veintidós fotografías por Luis M.ª Puente
🪡 #punk #punkrock #movidamadrilena #iandury #ramones #IggyPop #musica #fotografie #fotografia #StiffLittleFingers
Los 80 (Alaska, Ramones, Iggy Pop...) fotos por Luis M.ª Puente | Margen Cero Foto
Alaska, Iggy Pop, Polanski y El Ardor, TDK, Ramones, entre otros, son los protagonistas de estas fotografías de los 80 por Luis M.ª PuentePedro Manuel (Margen Cero Foto)
Gerade weil wir im ST. POP #Podcast oft über David Bowie und auch letztens über Iggy Pop (sic!) sprachen, darf man dies hier nicht unerwähnt lassen:…
#sexismus #rassismus #gewalt #pop #popstar #IggyPop #DavidBowie #fcsp
Sexuelle Vergehen weißer Rockstars - Wir hören keinen Aufschrei
Eine minderjährige Geliebte, Gewalt, Sexexzesse: Rockmusiker wie Iggy Pop, David Bowie oder Don Henley waren für solche Delikte bekannt.Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Iggy Pop, Mannequin Pussy, Sonic Youth, Geese, Beck and more feature in this week’s curated collection of punk rock, alt rock and indie music news and writing…
#music #punk #PunkRock #AltRock #AlternativeRock #indie #IndieMusic #IggyPop #MannequinPussy #SonicYouth #Geese #Beck
Punk Rock Royalitis then and now 👑👑
Patti Smith and Iggy Pop
Photo 1 by Roni Hoffman December 1973
Photo 2 by Danny Clinch, December 2023
#punk #punks #punkrock #iggypop #pattismith #history #punkrockhistory