Items tagged with: protopunk
Was #listening to #PBSNewsHour from last night and I was turned on to #Death, an African-American #PunkRock band, but considered #ProtoPunk because they were ahead of their time compared to other #punk bands according to the Newshour.
Put this album on just now and my mind is blown at how good this is! Not surprising that #PoC musicians are amazing, but this blew away my already high expectations! You have to give this a listen if you haven't!
In memory of the great late Lou Reed, American musician, singer, songwriter and member of The Velvet Underground, born on this day in 1942, New York City
Photo by Corbis
#punk #punkrock #protopunk #rocklegend #loureed #thevelvetunderground #history #punkrockhistory
Love – s/t (1966, US)
Our next spotlight is on number 1043 on The List, submitted by mark_ohe. This debut album opens with a wild Burt Bacharach cover, and then Arthur Lee's fantastic voice keeps taking you places that require the volume to continuously be turned up. If you love love (and proto-punk, and the High Fidelity soundtrack), you might just love Love's "Love"!
Want to read more? See the full spotlight:…
Want to skip straight to the music? Here's a Songlink:
Happy listening!
#LoveBand #ArthurLee #protopunk #FolkRock #GarageRock
#PsychedelicRock #1960s #1001OtherAlbums
Love – Love (1966, US)
A spotlight on the 1966 debut album from the American folk/psych/garage rock band Love.1001 Other Albums
Save travels into the universe #DavidJohansen. Figured post something other than the #NewYorkDolls #GlamRock #PunkRock #Protopunk
BRAD TOLINSKI & JAAN UHELSZKI, WITH BEN EDMONDS – MC5: An Oral Biography of Rock’s Most Revolutionary Band
In this day and age, it might be nigh on impossible to imagine or even fathom just how pivotal MC5 truly were. Inhabiting a musical landscape that laid somewhere between raw garage rock and fierce proto-punk, these Detroit-based rebels essentially spearheaded a new movement […]
#bookReview #hardRock #iggyAndTheStooges #iggyPop #mc5 #omnibusPress #protoPunk #punk #punkRock #robTyner #wayneKramer
MC5: An Oral Biography of Rock’s Most Revolutionary Band
Brad Tolinski & Jaan Uhelszki, with Ben EdmondsA riveting oral biography of the proto-punk Detroit rockers MC5, based on original interviews with the band and key members of their inner circle Few bands have dared to ignite a revolution through their…
51 years ago today
Iggy Pop and the Stooges performed their final concert at the Michigan Palace in Detroit, on this day in 1974
Pop taunted and verbally abused the audience throughout the concert and had ice, eggs, and beer bottles thrown at him.
#protopunk #iggypop #thestooges #history #otd
Musical Interlude: I was listening to the famed garage-rock proto-punk band The Standells today...I love some of their stuff, and a good reminder that the punk movement was really antiauthoritarian and working-class. This track was an experiment with Staxx-style soul...not entirely successful, but I still like it.
"Can't Help But Love You," performed by the Standells.…
#MusicalInterlude #TheStandells #GarageRock #ProtoPunk #PunkBeforePunkWasPunk
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Henry Rollins's Top 10 Underground Songs
The musician and writer Henry Rollins lists songs that will open your ears.Jeff Slate (Esquire)
52 years ago today
Raw Power is the third studio album by American rock band the Stooges, released and credited as Iggy and the Stooges on this day in 1973
#punk #punkrock #protopunk #thestooges #iggy #iggypop #history #punkrockhistory #otd
Released 51 years ago
Raw Power, the third studio album by the Stooges, credited as Iggy and the Stooges
#punk #punks #punkrock #oldschoolpunk #protopunk #iggypop #thestooges #history #punkrockhistory #otd
In memory of Arthur ‘Killer’ Kane, founding member and bass guitarist of The New York Dolls, born on this day in 1949, Bronx, New York City.
Photo by Bruce Alan Bennet
#punk #punks #punkrock #protopunk #newyorkdolls #arthurkillerkane #history #punkrockhistory #otd
A year ago today 😢
Wayne Kramer, the guitarist best known for his work in the influential Detroit hard rock band MC5, died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 75.
Photo by Leni Sinclair
#protopunk #knowyourroots #waynekramer #RipWayneKramer #MC5 #history #punkrockhistory #otd
Happy Birthday to Richard "Handsome" Dick Manitoba, lead singer of New York City-based band the Dictators, born on this day in 1954, The Bronx, NYC.
Photo by Michael Loccisano
#punk #punks #punkrock #protopunk #punklegend #history #punkrockhistory #otd
Hi there 👋,
I'm Brad, I'm new to Chinwag, but not new to fedi (been here since late 2018).
I'm keen to chat about music, it was a huge part of my life way back when I studied it at uni. I'll give almost anything a good listen but genres I've spent the most time with might be: #Jazz (#HardBop, #PostBop, #FreeJazz), #ClassicalMusic (#ChamberMusic, #Orchestral, #Baroque), #Rock (#AlternativeRock, #PowerPop, #NewWave, #ProtoPunk, #ElectronicRock).
I'm very keen to learn whatever I can from folks who're into the earth and life sciences. #Geology, #Biology, #MolecularBiology, #PrebioticChemistry.
46 years ago today
Ian Dury And The Blockheads were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick', their only UK chart topper.
#punk #punks #punkrock #protopunk #iandury #hitmewithyourrythmstick #history #punkrockhistory #otd
75th Birthday 🥂🎂🍾
Happy Birthday to David Johansen, songwriter and member of the seminal proto-punkband the New York Dolls, born on this day in 1950, Staten Island, New York.
Photo by Christopher Smith
#protopunk #davidjohansen #newyorkdolls #history #punkrockhistory #otd
In memory of Sylvain Mizrahi aka Sylvain Sylvain, American rock guitarist, member of the New York Dolls and The Criminals, died today three years ago at the age of 69 in Nashville, Tennessee.
#punk #punkrock #protopunk #sylvainsylvain #newyorkdolls #history #punkrockhistory #otd
Happy Birthday David Johansen, frontman of the New York Dolls, who celebrates his 75th birthday today.
New York Dolls - Personality Crisis
#punk #punks #punkrock #protopunk #punklegend #davidjohansen #newyorkdolls #history #punkrockhistory #otd
In memory of Ronald Franklin Ashton, co-founder, guitarist, bassist and co-songwriter of the rock/proto-punk rock band The Stooges.
Ron Ashton died of a heart attack 16 years ago today at the age of 60
#punkrock #protopunk #thestooges #ronashton #history #punkrockhistory #otd
52 years ago - When they were young
Arthur Kane and David Johansen of the New York Dolls on stage at Mercer Arts Center, NYC. December, 1972.
Photo by Bob Gruen
#punk #punks #punkrock #protopunk #newyorkdolls #history #knowyourroots #punkrockhistory
Released 49 years ago today
Horses, the debut studio album by American proto-punk / punkrock musician Patti Smith, featuring this song Gloria
Patti Smith 'Gloria' 1976, Belgium
#punk #punks #protopunk #garagerock #womenofpunk #pattismith #horses #history #punkrockhistory #otd
49 years ago today
Horses is the debut studio album by American proto-punk / punkrock musician Patti Smith, which was released on this day in 1975.
#punk #punks #protopunk #garagerock #womenofpunk #pattismith #horses #history #punkrockhistory #otd