Items tagged with: ActivistCourt
The exchange was so awkward, it should have been followed by the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme song. While #Trump was shaking hands down the aisle, exiting the House chamber after his address last night, network cameras caught him as he turned to Chief Justice #JohnRoberts, patted him on the back, & said, “Thank you again. Thank you again. I won’t forget.” Roberts, whose back was to the camera, then headed for the exit.
#law #SCOTUS #Immunity #PartisanCourt #ActivistCourt #CorruptCourt
Why #Trump Thanked #JohnRoberts
The conservative justices are frequently accomplices to Trump’s assault on #democracy.
By Adam Serwer
#law #SCOTUS #Immunity #PartisanCourt #ActivistCourt #CorruptCourt…
Why Trump Thanked John Roberts
The conservative justices are frequently accomplices to Trump’s assault on democracy.Adam Serwer (The Atlantic)
The dispute fundamentally focused on human waste & how #SanFrancisco disposes of it. The question before the court was whether the #CleanWaterAct of 1972 allowed the #EPA to impose prohibitions on #wastewater released into the #PacificOcean & to penalize the city for violating them.
#SCOTUS #law #ActivistCourt #PartisanCourt #ClimateCrisis #Climate #pollution #water
The case was notable because it created unusual alliances. Liberal #SanFrancisco found itself on the same side as #mining & #petroleum trade groups like the National Mining Assn, American Farm Bureau Federation, & American #Fuel & #Petrochemical Manufacturers in opposing the #EPA.
#SCOTUS #law #ActivistCourt #PartisanCourt #ClimateCrisis #Climate #pollution #water
#SCOTUS sided w/ #SanFrancisco on Tues in a challenge to #water quality #regulations issued by the #EPA in a ruling that could have sweeping implications for the agency’s ability to limit offshore #pollution.
The 5-to-4 decision dealt another blow to the agency, which has recently sustained several losses before the court over its efforts to protect the #environment.
#SCOTUS Deals Blow to #EPA in Dispute Over #FederalWater Rules
The 5-to-4 decision is the latest setback for the agency & could have sweeping implications for curtailing #water #pollution offshore.
#law #ActivistCourt #PartisanCourt #ClimateCrisis #Climate…
Supreme Court Deals Blow to E.P.A. in Dispute Over Federal Water Rules
The 5-to-4 decision is the latest setback for the agency and could have sweeping implications for curtailing water pollution offshore.Abbie VanSickle (The New York Times)
#SCOTUS appeared to support the idea of making it easier for #men, #Whites & #heterosexuals people to sue for job #discrimination, based on oral arguments Wednesday in the case of an Ohio woman who claims she faced anti-straight bias in the workplace.
#law #idiocracy #LGBTQIA #CivilRights #CognitiveDissonance #FarRight #PartisanCourt #ActivistCourt #NewApostolicReformation #FederalistSociety #WhiteSupremacy #MaleSupremacy #Heterosexism #WhiteChristianNationalism #USpol…
Supreme Court weighs straight woman's reverse discrimination claim
Marlean Ames sued Ohio officials claiming that she was treated unfairly at work because she is straight.Lawrence Hurley (NBC News)
“Since court rulings are not laws & only legislatures elected by the people may pass laws, #Obergefell is an illegitimate overreach,” the resolution reads. It continues: “The Idaho Legislature calls upon the Supreme Court of the United States to reverse Obergefell & restore the *natural* definition of #marriage, a union of one man & one woman” [tell that to the Mormons]
#law #SCOTUS #ActivistCourt #CivilRights #HumanRights #evangelism #LGBTQ #NewApostolicReformation #NAR #ffrf
That has not deterred lawmakers in #Idaho, however. This week, a State House cmte overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling on #SCOTUS to undo #ObergefellVHodges, the landmark 2015 decision that gave same-sex couples the right to marry….
The resolution would still need approval by the full House & the ID Senate before any request could be sent to #SCOTUS. Both chambers in ID are controlled by #Republicans.
#law #ActivistCourt #CivilRights #HumanRights #LGBTQ #Obergefell #NAR #evangelism
#Idaho Lawmakers Want #SCOTUS to Overturn #SameSexMarriage Decision
A state legislative cmte has advanced a resolution asking that the power to regulate #marriage be returned to states.
Since 1793, when the #US #SupremeCourt declined a request by Pres George Washington to offer #legal guidance on foreign relations, the court’s justices have steered away from weighing in outside the context of a formal lawsuit.
#law #ActivistCourt #LGBTQ #Obergefell #NAR #Republicans…
Idaho Lawmakers Want Supreme Court to Overturn Same-Sex Marriage Decision
A state legislative committee has advanced a resolution asking that the power to regulate marriage be returned to the states.Amy Harmon (The New York Times)
The closely watched case tests how far #SCOTUS is willing to go in a…steady expansion in the use of tax dollars to support parochial #education & a push by the #SupremeCourt in recent terms to enlarge #religion’s role in the public sphere.
The court has already allowed #government #funding of vouchers for #religious private #schools. Backers say allowing funding for religious charter schools, which parents also opt into, is the *logical* next step.
#law #ActivistCourt #PublicSchools #NAR #ffrf
#SCOTUS to weigh whether states can allow #religious #PublicSchools
The #US #SupremeCourt agreed Friday to consider whether the state of #Oklahoma may fund a proposed #Catholic charter school, a blockbuster case that could redraw the line between #ChurchAndState by allowing #government to establish & directly #fund religious schools for the first time.
#education #law #ActivistCourt #NewApostolicReformation #NAR #ffrf…
#SCOTUS allows #Virginia effort to strike #SUSPECTED noncitizen voters
VA Gov #GlennYoungkin (R) asked the justices to intervene after lower courts blocked efforts to cancel registrations of #voters who COULD BE #noncitizens.
A divided #SupremeCourt cleared the way Wednesday for VA ofcls to remove ~1,600 voters from the state’s registration rolls LESS THAN ONE week before the presidential #election.
#law #ActivistCourt #PartisanCourt #ElectionLaw #Vote #HarrisWalz2024…