Items tagged with: Bookstadon
Here's a free Sifillis Stories placemat you can print out! More stuff at
#zine #zines #book #books #placemat #placemats #zodiac #zodiyuk #YearOfTheRat #yearofthesnake #90s #BookLovers #vcr #vhs #jackalope #paramecium #tampon #tampons #farting #jackass #vd #bookstodon #BookStadon #weird #wierd
#Sifillis #TarotCard #24: El Cuatro de Copas y las Pipas de Agua. More mysticism at
#Tarot #tarotbyflatulenzfairy #tarotwithsukai #tarotoraclereading #tarotcards #tarotdeck #sifilis #tarotreading #puke #barf #vomit #book #books #mysticmessenger #farting #bookstodon #BookStadon
Libro: La Virgen en tus ojos • Florencia Etcheves.
14032025 - Abrazos.
#FragmentosdeLibros | #libros #literatura #letras #narrativa #FLorenciaEtcheves #novelas #literaverso #books #bookstadon #mastodon #fediverso #fediverse #pixelfed.
The dangers of World of Books!
Found a succulent book I wanted on sale for only £5 and part of a 3for4 deal. Spent the next 30 mins combing through my Amazon wishlist for out-of-print books and my Waterstones list for cheaper versions.
I now have said succulent book, 2 old text books on cetaceans, and a book on Japanese cat art and poems making their way (hopefully) to me, all for just £20.
Suck it Amazon!
📚 #Bookstadon #Books #Reading #BookSky #BookLovers #SecondHandBooks #WorldOfBooks
Get Zang & Crass through the Gurner Field to the Joke Shop! More fun is to be had at
#game #games #zine #zines #ZINEフェス吉祥寺 #zineフェス #ZINEフェス東京 #ZINEフェス松山 #zinefest #zinemaking #zineart #book #books #booklovers #illustration #vcr #90s #jackass #rubberchicken #novelty #gurning #bookstodon #BookStadon
New #Books In Conversation #videoessay! Jurassic Park, the Rise and Fall of Dinosaurs by Steve Brusatte and When the Earth Was Green by Riley Black. #booktube #bookstadon #bookstodon
Another interesting review of the Facebook/Meta exposé CARELESS PEOPLE.…
#book #meta #facebook #carelesspeople #books #bookstadon
Careless People by Sarah Wynn-Williams review – Zuckerberg and me
An eye-opening insider account of Facebook alleges a bizarre office culture and worrying political overreachSteven Poole (The Guardian)
Libro: La paciente silenciosa, de Alex Michaelides.
13032025 • Abrazos.
#FragmentosdeLibros | #libros #books #literatura #letras #narrativa #novelas #literaverso #bookstadon #mastodon #fediverso #fediverse #pixelfed
Thank you to @maryrobinette for giving me space on her blog today to talk about "My Favorite Bit" of LITANY FOR A BROKEN WORLD.
I won't keep you in suspense: My favorite bit is Poplar. I mean, it wasn't even close. She really is the best good dog.…
My Favorite Bit: LJ Cohen talks about LITANY FOR A BROKEN WORLD
[author] is joining us today to talk about her novel, A Litany for a Broken World Here’s the publisher’s description: A young girl’s disastrous first foray through the multiverse cleaves her …Mary Robinette Kowal
I read that Meta/Facebook was took legal action to halt the promotion of "Careless People", the recently released tell-all memoire from whistleblower Sarah Wynn-Williams.
So I did the logical thing and purchased a copy from I sure Zuck would hate it if others did the same thing.…
Holy hell! Im shocked by the quality of this limited edition #malazanbookofthefallen books by #thebrokenbinding
Attention to detail is on another level.
Do I regret overspending on the books that I already own? No.
Cant want for other 7 books!
Farcebook - an insiders tale
The review of the book (the author is married to an FT Editor) does not mention that she was personally responsible for getting the platform accepted in Myanmar - where it was responsible for the disinformation and hatred that led to many deaths on top of ethnic cleansing. It exposes the targeting of the young and vulnerable well.…
#BookReview #Bookstadon #FaceBook #Meta #Myanmar #FinancialTimes #Zuckerberg #EthnicCleansing #GuiltyAsCharged
Currently reading: We Do Not Part by Han Kang.
Has anyone on here read this already? I’m about a quarter way through and have so many thoughts!
#translatedlit #books #bookstadon #alwaysreading #currentlyreading #literature
Twisted sisters Gonorrena & Hepatitissa are 2 nefarious hoo-hoos who love committing atrocities. They aided Haight Squeezog in his takeover of Bonertania. Learn more at!
#BookStadon #book #indieauthor #bookstoread #weird #wierd #illustration #thaumaturgy #nefarious #villains #books #bookstodon #bookrecommendations
The 12th chapter of "Soda & The Enchanted Plunger" is called Dengue Wet His Pants & features a character named Dengue who wets his pants. Read for free at #RoyalRoad:…
#books #BookStadon #books2025 #bookstodon #fart #newrelease #newrelease2025
#book #booklover
Favorite writer book stack 😀
#books #bookstadon #bookstack #readersgonnaread #alwaysreading #ernesthemingway
B.M. Foulfinger challenged Titiana to a game of schmess, so they rounded up all the Sifillis Celebrities that were hanging around Videotape Palace and headed to the life-size schmess board out back by the hedge maze. They used queezimps and belchkins for pawns (not pictured). ♟️
#coloring #books #chess #coloringbook #bookstodon #chessset #coloringpage #BookStadon #book #indieauthorsofmastodon #illustration #illustrationart #fart
I almost missed it... but I'm celebrating #worldbookday by letting you know... my soon-to-be book is now live on good reads dot com!
If you're a goodreader, I'd be incredibly grateful if you'd add "You Are A Strategist" to your "Want to Read" shelf. This simple action helps more readers discover the book and builds momentum for the upcoming launch.
#AmReading #AmWriting #Bookstadon #BookLaunch #OKRs #Strategy
#Books #Reading #bookstadon
ARCs are due to be released later this month.
#WritingCommunity #Bookstadon #Technothriller #thriller
Become a member of the ARC Team or Street Team (or both) for Dancing in the Purple Rain
Please register your interest in becoming a member of the ARC Team or Street Team (or both) for the upcoming release of Dancing in the Purple Rain by Judy L Mohr.Google Docs
Mi finis legi la libron "The sea bird's cry" por #polymathreadingchallenge . Mi elektis ĝin por "marine biology" car ĝi pri temas marbirdoj. Tamen mi pensis "endagered speices"/"Mincata specio" estas pli bona kategorio. La libro estas tre interesa kaj ŝajnas inter poezo kaj scienco. Mi neniam spektos mevoj per sama maniero denove
For anyone interested in my books & who doesn't want to purchase via Amazon or any other vendor-locked retailer, you can buy all of my novels as ebooks via gumroad. I've just uploaded my newest LITANY FOR A BROKEN WORLD there.
(I never use drm in my ebooks. If you've purchased any at the 'zon or elsewhere & need them as a transferable file, lmk & I'll send it to you.)
Also, I can directly sell signed print books w/free US shipping. Just ask!
Subscribe to LJ Cohen on Gumroad
LJ Cohen is a novelist, potter, fiber artist, homestead farmer & relentless optimist. She was among the 1st wave of indies to qualify for SFWA membership. LITANY FOR A BROKEN WORLD, her 9th novel, is available now. http://www.ljcohen.netGumroad