Items tagged with: Boatpeople
This is an #embroidery created by a #Vietnamese 'Boat Person' or by more than one person.
It depicts the story of some #BoatPeople leaving Vietnam in the 1980s for Hong Kong. They were picked up ( by the British, I think) and were put in detention camps. Their aim was to get to Freedom.
The owner of this amazing #artwork tells me nobody knows what happened to the person or people who made it.
#contemporaryArt #mentalCinema #aiAssistedArt #digitalArt #saveBioDiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #noAFD #NoRacism #NoFascism #humanrights #humanDignity #Нетвойны #europeanUnion #frontex #mediterranianSea #euBorder #pushBacks #displacement #asylum #sanctuary #shelter #boatPeople #refugeesWelcome #fckMrz #jetfighter #redCross #homeless #housing #emblematy #sunlight #dragon #wisdom
Life and death on the Bibby Stockholm: ‘No one wanted to go inside – but we had no choice’
From the moment it was announced that asylum seekers would be accommodated on this hulking, prison-like barge, the scheme was steeped in controversy. As it leaves British waters, here is the inside storyDiane Taylor (The Guardian)
Si tu regardes un film pendant le congé d’hiver, regarde "Ru", un film absolument fuckin magnifique sur une petite fille du Vietnam, une des nombreuses #boatpeople qui sont arrivées au Québec après la guerre du #Vietnam. Honnêtement, ça fait longtemps que j’ai pas vu un film aussi bon. Je te le recommande vraiment.Chaque prise est une superbe peinture, les choix musicaux sont parfaits et le jeu des acteurs est incroyable. Juste wow. Pour l’instant, le seul endroit où tu peux le trouver, c’est sur Crave, un service canadien. Mais bon, tu peux être créatif et voir si tu peux le trouver ailleurs!