Items tagged with: CarParts
An explosion at an auto parts factory on Thursday in the city of Toyota, Aichi Prefecture, has killed one person and injured two others.… #japan #aichi #toyota #carparts #chuospring
Explosion at Aichi auto parts factory kills one and injures two
A dust collector inside Chuo Spring's Fujioka plant, which produces springs for automobiles, exploded shortly after 8 a.m.Jessica Speed (The Japan Times)
Plankton Glue: Japan’s New Bio-Adhesive with Industrial Potential #adhesive #Automobiles #AutomotiveAdhesive #CarParts #CarWaste #Cars #environment #euglena #Japan #MinistryOfEconomyTradeAndIndustry #NationalInstituteOfAdvancedIndustrialScienceAndTechnology #plankton
Plankton Glue: Japan’s New Bio-Adhesive with Industrial Potential
このページを 日本語 で読む The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and the Japanese chemical company Asahi Kasei have developed an adhesive from Euglena, a type of plankton.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)