Items tagged with: DemocraticBacksliding
[SCOTUS] Medina v. Planned Parenthood……
"Kerr" in:…
#Trump #fascism #SCOTUS #WomensRights #ReproductiveRights #SelfDetermination #DemocraticBacksliding #PlannedParenthood
'Medina v. Planned Parenthood' Is One of the Term’s Most Consequential SCOTUS Cases
Imani Gandy and I will be covering Medina v. Planned Parenthood South Atlantic from Washington, D.C.Natasha Roy (Rewire News Group)
Breaking Democracy
#RuleOfLawAtRisk #PoliticalErosion #AuthoritarianismAlert #ShreddingDemocracy #DemocraticBacksliding
'Exploiting loopholes': Red state expert sounds alarm on 'democratic backsliding'
#DemocracyUnderThreat #PublicAdministration #KansasCongress #DemocraticBacksliding #GovernmentReform
'Exploiting loopholes': Red state expert sounds alarm on 'democratic backsliding'
LAWRENCE — University of Kansas public administration professor Chris Koliba has it on good authority that federal governments need major change now and then.Tim Carpenter, Kansas Reflector (
Hungary and the future of Europe
On 1 January, Hungary's six-month presidency of the EU Council ended, and the EU made the unprecedented decision to withhold aid to Hungary over rule-of-law violations.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Biden promised to defeat authoritarianism. Reality got in the way.
#HumanRightsContradictions #USForeignPolicyRealpolitik #DemocraticBacksliding #UkraineSupport #CompeteWithAuthoritarianPowers
Global democracy under threat because of US isolation, says former PM Major
#USForeignPolicyCriticized #DemocraticBacksliding #RussiaEmboldened #USIsolationism #PostColdWarReversal…
Trump's isolation threatens global democracy, warns former PM John Major
Sir John says US policy will embolden Russia and China, with gains since the fall of the Soviet Union being reversed.By Luke Mintz (BBC News)
▶ Trump makes FATAL MOVE and SELLS US OUT
#USPolitics #AnthonyDavis #FatalMove #WorldPolitics #DemocraticBacksliding
▶ "Are We Sleepwalking into Autocracy?" Trump Embraces Authoritarian Playbook of Hungary's Orban
#DemocracyUnderThreat #DemocraticBacksliding #AuthoritarianPlaybook #PoliticalErosion #TrumpOrban…
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The New Authoritarianism
#PoliticalScience #PoliticalEvolution #NotSinglePartyRule #DemocraticBacksliding #PoliticalShift…
The New Authoritarianism
This isn’t single-party rule, but it’s not democracy either.Steven Levitsky (The Atlantic)
Europeans on democracy’s frontlines offer advice to Americans: never give up.
With the new Trump era likely to pose unprecedented challenges the message from Europe’s fragile democracies is: stay united and safeguard your institutions.…
#Europe #Poland #Serbia #Slovakia #Hungary #Italy #Belarus #Trump #DonaldTrump #Democracy #DemocraticBacksliding
What’s the best hashtag to follow to bear witness to the dismantling of the US federal government?
The most active place for realtime info appears to be bluesky and
I’ve always self-censored online to avoid risks when traveling to semi-authoritarian states (e.g., lèse majesté laws).
Now, I hesitate before criticizing the new U.S. administration, and I hate it. These are terrifying times – and I’m a cis white man who doesn’t even live there!
#USPol #authoritarianism #democraticBacksliding #americanDecline #democracyUnderThreat
Top Advocacy Voices - Threat to Democracy: Trump vs. U.S.…
* 75 national, state, local organizations say recent SCOTUS ruling Trump vs. United States should not stand
* presumably grants U.S. presidents full immunity under law
* could theoretically do w/e they want w/o accountability per claim of carrying out official acts
Trump v. United States (2024)……
#SCOTUS #GOP #Trump #Trumpism #DemocraticBacksliding #EnablingFascism