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RADIO IRRTUM! (on air from Berlin)
↓↓↓ Deutsch Version below unten ↓↓↓
Da next issue of #RadioIrrtum! is approaching: This Saturday, 2025/03/15, 8:00pm UTC+1/Berlin time. At Alex Berlin FM at 91MHz or DAB+ K7D around #Berlin and worldwide at alex-berlin.de/radio-livestrea… .
#Radio Irrtum! is a German language #radioShow exploring the sonic vastness of the #underground. Emitted transmissions may raise your attention for new unheard #music all over this planets genre spectrum. Don't worry about the German language aspect - 'cuz it's all about the #music!
This time with focus on sad pop music and strange experimental sonic somethings, specifically:
- #Pop music from war zones
- South American #electroPop - #SmoothJazz - Cut-up club-worthy remixes of #remix.es
- Trauma-technological #club punk
- Laibach-style #EBM - Truly experimental #junkElectronica - well, #experimentalMusic in general
- #EggPunk for cats
- Heavy #shoegaze - Spoken word #doomShanties - Dreamy #EbassRomance
There is #CreativeCommons licensed music, and also I thought of having at least one (amazing!) Fediverse artist in here. But turns out, the London music legend Scanner is no more part of the #Fediverse, as his instance mastodonmusic.social closed down (a reasonable decision by the admin, no hard feelings). But this is something, we, the #FediverseAdmins should keep in mind: People (especially technical non skilled ones) once lost will be disappointed and unmotivated to come back 🙁 . This is something very deep level in #ActivityPub, I am very aware - I hope there is a way to somehow address this in the future. Scanner wrote me, he is on Bluesky now, so with a bridge, you might still be able to follow hin there (look for "robinrimbaud") – and please don't hassle him about it, he has his hands full and SN's aren't his top priority 4 now.
Anyway: If at least a bit interested in kewl new unusual #music, tune in! 📻
I'll post playlist + manuscript later here (provided I’m home, else it will come up the day after). And if you have questions? I'll gladly answer! Just ask!
CU all on Saturday! 😀
↑↑↑ English version above, the Deutsche welche jetzt ↓↓↓
Radio Irrtum! kommt näher → Samstag, 15.03, 20:00 isses soweit auf Alex Berlin (FM 91MHz/DAB+ K.7D / Stream URL oben).
Also die seltsam funke(ln)de Radiosendung, in der planetenumfassende Weiten des musikalischen Untergrunds erforscht werden
Diesmal mit…
- Pop aus Kriegsgebieten
- südamerikanischen Electropop
- smoothy Jazz
- cut up club
- trauma-techno Club Punk
- Laibach-Style EBM
- Junk-Elektronika
- experimentelle Musik
- Eggpunk für Katzen
- Shoegaze
- poetic Doom Shanties
- Ebass-Romantik
Das wird alles GROßARTiG! Details in englisch oben, Playlist + Manuskript nach der Show (spätestens Sonntag) hier drunter. Fragen einfach stellen – ich antworte (spätestens Sonntag)!
Bis zur Sendung… vielleicht? 😀